Surveying the Situation

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Surveying the Situation
LocationBear Lodge, Lakota Territory
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp


The runners are contracted to escort a surveyor into Lakota Territory near the Bear Lodge, also known as the Devil's Tower, as quietly as possible.


Travel via cargo truck to get to the Souix nation

Surveyer is named Shep Proudfoot, measuring magical quality of the region. Lakota are doing a Sun Dance which elevates the magical background of the area. Possible connections to what is going on in Yellowstone. Travelling to Bear Lodge AKA Devil's Tower

Standard "if we get caught" disposable asset. Paracritters in the area. Survey will take a few days.

Yellowstone: astral volcanic eruption and metaplanar rift about six years ago. Local shamans baffled as to cause. Not uncommon, lots of places of powers, but still significant

Devil's Tower: When Hailey's comet passed, the mesa grew as did the local mana. During Sun dance ritual lots of magical ebbs and manifsations.

The Meet

The team met with Mr. Johnson at the Friendship Restaurant on Council Island. The Amerindian Johnson contracts the team and offers everyone 12,000 Nuyen. 2k is up front, and a bonus if we can discover what is going on over on the Mesa.

The Plan

Smuggled into Lakota territory with ghillie suits. Our goal is be as unseen as possible in order to avoid Lakota patrols, local tribes, paracritters, and even jabberwockies.

The Run

Uneventful trip though Denver, once outside of Denver the cargo truck gets waylaid by Thunderboys go-gangers. Seeing the armed folks in the truck, as well as the troll with a machine gun, the go-gangers decide to go seek easier prey.

Once in Cayenne, the team gets some supplies and gear before heading out. The Dyrad gets some drugs, because dryads gonna dryads and the team gears up to head into the woods.

Samael, the literal city kid in the group, does not travel well and gets saved from all manner of forest related problems by Nez's skills and acumen. As the group sets up camp at the first of three locations, they are accosted by a bear which Nez manages to diplomacy/animal handling away.



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)