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This template helps create a standard display format for custom qualities.

  • Name The name of the quality.
  • ScreenWidthPercentage This is an optional param which tells the box to only take up X% of the area its assigned to. This will default to 30 but might need to be changed to something else if placed within its own table or something.
  • Tags Any tags associated with the spell.
  • Type Physical or Mana
  • Range The range of the spell
  • Damage The damage type of the spell
  • Duration The duration of the spell
  • Drain The adjustment to F for drain of the spell. IE -6 for a F-6 spell
  • Description The text associated with the quality.

So, if you enter this:

|Name=Test Spell
|ScreenWidthPercentage=30 (optional, defaults to 30)
|Tags=Direct, Elemental, Touch
|Description=This is some text

The template will return the characters current essence/total essence.

Test Spell(Direct, Elemental, Touch)
Type: P Range: T Damage: F Duration: I Drain: -6
This is some text