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Date2085-MM-DD"2085-MM-DD" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
LocationSeattle (Various)
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
St. George
Lady Argentum


"My milk hasn't been delivered, and I have two days to bake this cake beforehand, or the managers will fire me! Help!"

A desperate baker has a must-meet-or-else deadline to bake a cake, but the suppliers of his magic milk are refusing to give the goods. Can a team of shadowrunners pilfer an Awakened heifer from his suppliers in time to meet his deadline, when a mage and his spirits guard the farm, plus some corporate security?


The Meet


The Plan


The Run



The J gains an awakened cow—temporarily. Afterward, the cow is taken to live with Himiko Ryudai because the J can't keep her in that store.

The cook could bake his cake in time for the banquet he was catering to.

Rewards for "Cook's Assistant" (Medium, 12 RVP)


6000 Nuyen (3 RVP) 6 Karma (6 RVP) 8 CDP (3 RVP + Base)

Optional rewards

  • Up to 8,000 Nuyen in Reagents (2 RVP)

For Dango

  • A looted MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone with mods up to 8000 nuyen value (2 RVP)

For Lady Argentum

  • Contact "Himiko Ryudai", Connection 3 / Loyalty 1 (3 RVP) - to keep in touch with her cow friend's new owner!
  • Animal Empathy at Chargen Rates (3 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


<<It's good. We helped a harried baker stick it to the Corps. That's a good day in my book. Wasn't as much of a milk run as you might think though. Mostly 'cause of me. I'm a drekking mage! You'd think I'd remember the phrase 'Geek the Mage', but no..I got to go killing an air spirit. Sure enough, mage pops another one out as soon as he can.

Still, almost went bad before that. We're all set, at end of planning, as we realize..we don't have a vehicle between us that can transport the car. I called Biggie and sweet talked him into loaning us his Gopher, in return for some sweet chees for Biggie Bun and taking him on the next run I call him about. Then we went to do the deed.

Glad we had the muscle we did. The Lady provided a crazy distraction, shearing the fence with her sword and making the Corpses need new pants, plus breaking the mages arm in the bargain. Basically, the Lady and the knight made short work of the opposition, and our decker kept their roto drone off our backs.

Though he said it only had a AK74 in it..still a bullet it a bullet when you don't have much armor. Once our knight got the door lock off I popped the ward and we went loud. He got the cow out of the barn (still disbelieving I'm saying that), and I levitated it over the back fence. Then we got the heck out of dodge and got the baker his cow.>>