Knavery for a Knight

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Knavery for a Knight
Date2085-MM-DD"2085-MM-DD" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
Sir Boris Aldrich Karl Von Altdorf of the Order of the Silver Torch
Entry Aware
Casualties and losses
None None


Information stolen from an S-K facility for Sir Boris. Social infil was prevented by an alarm during the matrix phase, so it was up to Neijing in the air vents again.


Sir Boris wants certain archaeological information stored offline in an S-K facility.

The Meet

The runners met at Sir Boris's castle, and were shown in by his anthrodrone 'servant'. After some confusion (and Neijing blurting out 'why do you talk like my girlfriend?), he got across that he wanted data protected by physical means rather than 'technomancy' (he does not understand the difference between that and normal matrix), the 'incantation' (alphanumeric code) of the data in question, and the requirement that the data not be viewed, plus a list of people working at the facility.

The Plan

Neijing and Raum really didn't get on, but despite the bickering they formulated a plan, Glitch tracking movements of the given workers via the matrix, noticing a common dead zone of obviously false social media shenaniganry.

With this, the plan was for Glitch to enter the host and recover an inventory and employee records, allowing Raum to infiltrate socially and hand the payload to Neijing in an air vent. Neijing then scoped out the facility via flyspy, noting an 'airlock' system with manual verification for all entries.

The Run

After refusing (for obvious reasons) Raum's offer of an Analyse Device, Glitch managed to recover the inventory files, but in doing so alerted the host. This unfortunately prevented the social infiltration angle, so Neijing herself entered via the vents solo, dropping into the storage room under her RPC cloak and carefully disconnecting the storage disk without triggering any further alarms, escaping once again through the air vents.


Sir Boris got a data disk! Presumably he knows someone who actually knows how to access it, because he sure as hell doesn't.


  • 16k Nuyen (8 RVP)
  • 4k Negotiation nuyen
  • 12 Karma (12 RVP)


Optional, taking from above rewards:

  • Sir Boris Aldrich Karl Von Altdorf of the Order of the Silver Torch (C3/L2) (4 RVP)
  • Better on the Net (Sleaze) for Glitch (9 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)