The Good, the Hot, and the Ugly

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The Good, the Hot, and the Ugly
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Konstantinos Dimopolous
Casualties and losses
None :> Bodyguards (but no KIA!)


EVO sends Gina Torres to hire runners to deal with a journalist who's been really loud about their 'ware culture. He doesn't like em. Evo doesn't like him.


Konstantinos Dimopolous has been posting inflammatory articles about Evo's ware culture and incredibly anti-burnout.

Evo wants him to shut the hell up.

The Meet

Gina Torres explains much of the above to Nico and Samael, and establishes that she wants him silenced one way or another. She also provides basic details about the man, including picture, age, name, and past works as a journalist.

The dangerous duo are all too willing to accept the job for 20k.

The Plan

Nico borrowed Sam's commlink, digging up all the remaining info he could on Konstantinos. He learned that he's awakened, and often travels with a small coterie of bodyguards, and where he lived.

This eventually resulted in visiting Konstantinos' home and investigating all the security in place. It was decidedly too much.

Sam had opted to reach out to Freya for a burner sin so he could summon Mr. Dimopolous to a meeting.

The Run

The meeting started smoothly, located in kent at a park not too far from Nico's home. Samael was doing the talking, and Nico played security. Konstantinos had brought his coterie.

Eventually, after a failed opening gambit and some further discussion, combat broke out.


Konstantinos and his gang were beaten to surrender - Much to Nico's chagrin - and was made to give up and not post any more articles directed at Evo, under threat of visit from "Vladivostok."


  • 20k Nuyen (10 RVP)
  • 6 karma (6 RVP)
  • 2 CDP

Optional, taking from above rewards:

  • Shoot First, Don't Ask for Samael (2 RVP)
  • Out For Myself for Nico (4 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Nico - I would love if for once in this city they would let me fucking eat. JUST ONE GOD DAMN TIME.