To Steal Ifrit's Eyes

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To Steal Ifrit's Eyes
Status Threat Level: Fangblade_
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Goons-R-Us
All Gods Must Fall
John Kill
Casualties and losses
5 Goons


Synchromystic and All Gods Must Fall are hired by a spirit to exact some Christmas revenge for stealing his buddy. A run part 3 of 3.


Some spirits from a metaplane known as "Even Tides" are seeking revenge after a mage came and lied about taking astral signatures; now their buddy has been kidnapped and bound, and the spirits want their spirit friend saved. But! Not before some vile payback.

The Meet

The duo meet the J in an abandoned warehouse, and are given the details; no money, no gods, only karmic justice. Moritz Richter has given up the ghost on trying to free his ally spirit, so the time has come and the spirits of Even Tides have come to claim his life.

The Runners, Feeling ready to exact this revenge, have no qualm with doing the gig for no pay.

The Plan

With a bit of info on where Moritz is, they start to search for him. All Gods Must Fall is able to scout out a large portion of the area in seattle they think he might be, and finding a hideout with multiple watchers, they think that's probably it. Heading on down, the duo start to plan how to get inside. Why not just fly up and cut a hole in the wall?

The Run

Using Synchromystic's levitate spell, All Gods Must Fall is able to fly up with Synchro to chop open a hole in the wall from the outside to the inside. Moritz, paranoid, had set up what he felt was a very good defense with explosives on the front door and watchers on the patio, never in a million years expected the runners to just fly and cut the door open.

So, with a new point of egress began a short whirlwind battle. Both the runners and Moritz' tream faced heavy losses of boxes in both stun and physical. Moritz, trapped in his room, defenestrates one of his guards in order to fly through the window with his own levitate spell. The other guards are upset by this, and to catch him from fleeing, All Gods Must Fall jumps through the window herself, nearly dying on the way down due to fall damage. Edge burnt.

All Gods Must Fall lands, and Synchromystic deputizes one of the guards to go muck up Moritz for killing his buddies. The now christened John Kill does almost that, and is able to grievously wound Moritz. All Gods Must Fall goes in for a coup de grace, but while they are able to kill Moritz, with his dying breath he commands his ally spirit, Malkuth, to try and kill All Gods Must Fall. The attempt fails as All Gods Must Fall dodges, and as Moritz dies, All Gods Must Fall is set free, finally.


The duo liberate Moritz of his eyes, as per the Johnsons' request. The duo return after resting at the Jackal's Lantern with Dinky and John Kill. Shamshel returns to her home Metaplane, and later returns to stay as a go between for the human world and the Even Tide.


  • 0 Nuyen
  • 10 Karma - 10 RVP
  • 6 + 2CDP - 3 RVP
  • 1 chip owed on Dinky for Synchromystics
Optional Rewards
  • Shamshel C3 L1 Generalist Spirit Contact for 3 RVP or 6 CDP
  • Focussed Concentration for Synchromystic for 4 RVP
  • Shoot First Don't Ask for All Gods Must Fall for 2 RVP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Synchromystic - "Hope that ganger ends up somewhere good or at least not dead. Very least he had a head on his shoulders, which is more than you'd expect from random guys out here."