Fast Food

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Fast Food
LocationRedmond Barrens
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp


The team tracks down four out of the five missing fire chickens, avoiding all the combat options and opting for the sneaky, magical, or social routes through each challenge. And then the fire happens and Synchromystic almost dies to his own ice grenade


A farm out on the outskirts of the Redmond and SSC border raised overlarge paracritter chickens that are derived from Phoenicean Birds. When some Fenrir wolves come across the border and get into the coop, the escaped chickens leave behind a trail of fire and destruction wherever they go.

The Meet

Each character gets the acceptance note from Silas with instructions to meet at the Daze to go over the job details. Silas explains that a paracritter farm in the northern tip of Redmond raises a type of Phoenicean Bird that is raised for eating - more or less amounting to giant, Brahma Chicken, sized "fire chickens". He acknowledges that it's a 'fraggin' weird one' but Knight Errant wasn't willing to take any kind of job that far into Redmond and that close to the SSC border. The team takes the job with the promise of four grand each and moreso some food from the farm, likely in the from of fire chicken.

The Plan

  • Herding Fire Chickens.
  • Fireproof car?
  • Wet the chickens! (thankfully it's rainy tonight)

The Run

Talking to the Parafarm Owners:

  • Meets Hank, the orc farmer in charge of Parafarms, LTD.
  • Learns that five fire chickens got out the prior night, after some big tearing sound
  • They recall that this is an offshoot off a Phoenicean Bird breed.
  • Something large tore open the coops, huge claw marks
  • Syncho learns the aura while Prince is able to explain how this was probably a Fenrir wolf or two who got into the coop
  • Krabbe finds their heat sigs for tracking.

Chicken Run:

  • The team breaks open an EX EX round in order to "spice up" the feed for the fire chickens, since they eat a mixture of birdseed and gunpowder.
  • Prince explains where and how to cross into the SSC and how important it is to avoid the SSC Rangers as they will be outclassed by them if they encounter more than one of them.
  • The team makes the crossing and manages to avoid the SSC patrols, tracking down the two chickens that came this way - though they realize one is already dead.
  • The find a hallow in the woods with two Fenrir Wolves, one dead and half eaten chicken, and one wounded chicken that is clearly maimed to not be able to escape.
  • Synchro uses Opium Den to stone the two wolves, and then team recovers one of the chickens and makes their way back over to the Redmond side of the border, returning the first chicken.
  • They track one chicken north to a burning duplex with two fire spirits more or less spurning it on to burn more, absorbing the heat and energy
  • The team gets the two fire spirits to agree to visit bigger firebringers (i.e. Halloweeners) in exchange for the chicken they have.
  • Syncho calls Dinky who is excited because he found a 'phoenix' which the team realizes is another one of the fire chickens. Dinky loves the thing and feels it will give him Halloweener Cred.
  • They convince Dinky to trade the chicken in exchange for the two free spirits
  • Krabbe gets some melty scorch damage as he is carrying two chickens at the moment
  • They track down the burning building where the last chicken in, braving the blazing building and the fire inside.
  • Syncho has a straight up bad time with ice grenade and ends up putting himself into overflow as part of the team getting in and out
  • Syncho gets saved by a savior medkit from the team.


  • Four chickens get returned to Hank, the farmer.
  • The team gets leftover chicken parts from the butchers animal
  • Dinky is given the location of Parafarms, LTD, to go "acquire" a fire chicken for himself.


Medium - 10 RVP

  • 5 Karma (5 RVP)
  • 4,000 Nuyen (2 RVP)
  • 4,000 in Lifestyle costs (free food!) (1 RVP)
  • 4 CDP (2 RVP)
  • 2 CDP Run Guarantee

Qualities: Honest Face for Synchromystic taken from RVP above

Sychro repays a chip to Dinky

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


"I did not think I would be herding chickens... it was a 'weird one' indeed. I hope my lady appreciates the taste of flaming chicken, though."

Synchromystic - "Dinkster's always got my back, made this far smoother than would be without em'."