Fighting for Farraday

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Fighting for Farraday
LocationGreat Basin Desert, PCC
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Dr. Nina Farraday
Compulsory Execution Unit
Experienced Tactical Officer
KE HTR Caster
Experienced Vehicle Guard
Casualties and losses
None 2 KE HTR Casters killed, 1 ETO Essence Drained and Killed, 4 EVG and 1 ETO Injured and left, 2 ETO 4 EVG and 2 KE HTR Casters flee from death aura.


The team heads into a meet with Dr. Nina Farraday, and agree to guard a shipment of corpses between Salt Lake City and Seattle. They do some prepwork before catching a flight out of Thun airfield into Salt Lake City. They pass through a checkpoint within the city before boarding the truck and making dust trails as they drive into the desert. About 4 hours into the trip, the team is attacked by the CEU raiders. They successfully scare and fight them off before continuing their trip. They run into some trouble at the SSC-PCC border when Čarivnýk's SIN is burned by the scanner. At the Seattle-SSC Border, they sneak Čarivnýk to the edge of Glow City and Meat smuggles them in.


S3I has been helping Dr. Farraday procure a shipment of corpses for the Infected of Seattle. The Matrix threats division of S3I has identified some concerning bursts of transmissions between known Compulsory Execution Unit locations and the Great Basin Desert. Making the determination that they don't have the permits to legally send a team of their operators into the PCC, they contract a team of runners to deliver the shipment to Seattle.

The Meet

Wildflower gets a call from Fiendest who tells her that there's an opportunity to help out the type 2 and 3 Infected of Seattle. She sends her the address for the S3I headquarters as well as the information for Dr. Farraday. Chaemeleon receives a call from Der Opa who presents an opportunity to provide aid to the Infected of Seattle. Chameleon doesn't find this unconscionable, so he accepts the job. Čarivnýk receives a call from Meat, who informs him that they've got an opportunity to help out the Infected of Seattle, and they think Čarivnýk might be interested. He agrees, and is sent the information. Nearl receives a call from El-Ahrairah that Dr. Farraday has some work to assist the Infected. They accept., glad to be able to do something good for the community.

At the meet, Dr Nina Farraday presents the details of the job. There will be a shipment of corpses being brought in from Salt Lake City to Seattle to help feed type 2 and 3 Infected. The cover story that they're using is that it's being brought in for medical research. Chameleon spear heads negotiations with the good doctor. He is able to negotiate for access to Fake SINs up front, while the doctor brings an offer for Bioware and Geneware to the table. The team mulls it over for a bit before accepting.

The Plan

Chameleon heads to Ella Palmer who offers a simple 1 reading about the future she reveals the tower inverted and feels a stinging on her flesh and the choking of air turned against them. The team discusses a few potential gaseous threats. FAB 3 is brought up as well as the gaseous toxins. Sorcerer has the decontamination gear. Nearl reaches out to WRN3 and steals some cookies from the staff room and pretends that they made them especially for WRN3. They ask him to run down any leads on the matrix. After awhile, He sends Nearl away while he performs the search. As time drags on he starts to realize that he can't dig up anything more than what S3I already has.

Wildflower and Nearl hang out and commiserate about their shared experience as vampires. Wildflower acquires a chem-sealable jumpsuit. Chameleon heads home for a good night's sleep. The next evening at the airfield, Chameleon starts providing disguises to the team. Once their identities are concealed, they ride the plane over to Salt Lake city and are able to make their way over to the warehouse district. They pass through an inner city checkpoint without issue, and start loading themselves into the Mack Hellhound, which will carry them and their cargo.

The Run

On the way out of Salt Lake City, Sorcerer's SIN is flagged at the border checkpoint. He tries to play off the conversation, but the guard is having none of it. They ask for a bribe of 150 nuyen before letting him depart in peace. The team settles in for the ride and begins keeping watch for the ambushers. About 4 hours into the trip, a convoy of 4 dodge stallions roll up and attack the team. The enemies begin deploying into a flank and setting up a crossfire. Nearl's corpse spirit's deathly aura scares off 2 of the stallions, while the other 2 remain and get picked apart by the team. Nearl's spirits tear apart the cars while Wildflower's fireballs take out some of the others.

At the SSC-PCC Border, Sorcerer's SIN is burned by the scanner, but Halflight and the team are able to do some fast talking to convince the border guards to let them bring Sorcerer across the border. Now traveling across the SSC, the team eventually breaks away near the border with Seattle to bring Sorcerer to Meat, who can smuggle them across into Glow City since they don't want to run into any trouble this close to home. From there, the team is able to drop off the shipment in Redmond to be distributed.


Review of the footage doesn't result in the team's disguises being broken.
The abandoned grunts are recovered before they expire from the heat of the environment.
The Infected of Redmond receive a delivery of corpses, which helps some of the less fortunate stave off becoming feral.


Rewards for Fighting for Farraday (High, 16 RVP)

  • 20k Nuyen (10 RVP)
  • 6 Karma (6 RVP)
  • 2 CDP (Base)
  • +2 Rep with the Infected of Redmond

The team's disguises remained intact, and they weren't identified by the CEU.


  • Fake Sins, Licenses, and Burners up to R6 at gear rates
  • Bioware/Geneware at gear rates up to availability 18
  • Dr. Nina Farraday (C5L2) for 6 RVP or 12 CDP
  • S3I Membership as Independent Security Contractors (5 RVP)/(10 RVP)?
  • +1 loyalty with Meat for Carivnyk after doing a service for the Infected of Redmond (1 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Chameleon: I was not at all happy to see Nearl at the meet with our Johnson. At least there was no flimsy con job this time. For once the run went fairly smoothly; it's amazing what getting teamed up with magical powerhouses can do. Our desert encounter with those scumbags got pretty spicy; fireballs popping off, some motherfragger almost hit me with a lightning bolt, corpses made up like harlequins pounding the drek out of cars.... An emotionally satisfying ending as well, I wonder how long it will take her to find the pen?

Wildflower: Always happy to help Dr. Farraday, he does so much good for people like me. Of course there's gonna be hate groups targeting his shipments and stuff... and hey, I don't feel as hungry anymore and feel less guilty about it since... well, they would've shot me dead for something I can't control.

Čarivnýk - "Disappointing this couldn't've gone smoothly, but the job was finished, which is all that matters."