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Ex-Firewatch Support Staff Technician
Known Ex-Ares Bug Research Staff
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.January 1st 1970
CharGen File[Drive URL Link]
PDF[Drive URL Link]
Metatype - X
Attributes - X
Magic/Resonance - X
Skills - X
Resources - X

Character Information




Shy, soft-spoken person but still have the discipline and drive of someone with a military background. She gets excited by new technology, even if she doesn't fully understand it.


Waspkeeper was born to a working class family as an ork in Detroit. Her parents worked in Ares factories, using their Ares SIN status to boost their daughter's education quality. In turn, her parents were very expecting of her to excel in her studies, micromanaging aspects of her life such as friends and entertainment so she would no fall behind. However, once out of high school and out on her own, she was turned down from attending an Ares owned university, which her parents lorded over her while she struggled on her own as a mechanist, saving up for a logic augmentation so she could finally attend school.

Once she graduated, she immediately began to work for Ares as a technician and a prototype machinist for almost a year. She felt that she needed to help further Ares' mission to help metahumanity thrive by doing something more progressive for the company; this came in the form of the Research team "Firewatch." She was one of the top picks for the team as a research engineer, fine tuning Ares weapons, bioware and cyberware, as well as modifying the specs and quality on their vehicles and bunkers.

As their work continued, Ares would feed them updates on the war with the bugs, often relaying that they were losing the war. This prompted a "last ditch effort" from corporate for a new project, code named: Hive. The project involved merging metahuman DNA with bug technology to create a superior hybrid to tackle the threat. Being without test subjects, Firewatch were expected to experiment on themselves for results. Waspkeeper was hesitant, but agreed for the greater good of metahumanity... Luckily enough, she did not draw the initial short staws to be a test subject, but this did not ease her nerves for what they had to do to the friends she had made and the people she looked up to.

After several horrific scenerios of experimentation, with morale low and mortality rates high, researchers began to complain to the higher ups, most would devolve into arguments, some drawn to acts of violence. Self defense manslaughter claims only kept getting more frequent. After several weeks, most of the researchers had had enough, trying to escape, few did, while others were captured and forced to undergo experimentation. The Ares officials wanted to make an example out of these would be deserters, subjecting them to the most unethical treatments they could perform, creating the most grotesque monsters yet, a show of what a lack of loyalty would get you.

(mission AAR pending)

Once she was in Seattle, she set her sights on Ares, taking up a shadow runner lifestyle, taking any bit of work that could harm Ares in any way. Rumors began to spread of her involvement with the Firewatch project, landing her a rather harsh nickname that she reluctantly embraced.

Narrative Significant Qualities

Bad Rep - I helped convert some of the Firewatch into bugs. I can't wash my hands of that.

Favored (Specific Target, Biased): Ex-Firewatch - The ex-Firewatch are the true heroes of Ares, they have given up so much and are truly good people.

Flashbacks II: Bugs - How did Ares think that merging bug spirit biology into the metahuman form would give us any advantage. I remember the larvae...the squirming...the screaming...the suffering...it is too much.

Run History






In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table




Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments

Template:Set::Has Metatype=Ork