Rebecca Smith

From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 21:57, 13 September 2017 by Mudge (talk | contribs) (changed some words)
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Rebecca Smith
The nameless executive
Contact Ownermudge6
Starting Loyalty1
Public Contact?No
ArchetypeMrs. Johnson
LocationDowntown Seattle
Preferred Payment MethodCash (Credsticks)
Hobbies/ViceWatching romance trids
Personal LifeSingle


Rebecca is the person KE goes to when they need shadowrunners. When she isn't involved with runners, she is an executive for KE. When dealing with runners, she never gives her name, and insists that she only goes by Mrs. Johnson.


Rebecca is strictly business at all times, typically coming off as cold and apathetic, but she does care for the people she works with, runners slightly less so.

Key Dice Pools

Etiquette - 11(13)

Negotiations - 11(13)

Con - 11

Stat Block

B A R S C I L W Ess Edge
Attributes 2 2 2 2 5 3 3 2 6 4
Condition Monitor 9/9
Limits Physical 3, Mental 4, Social 9
Initiative 4 + 1D6
Skills Etiquette 6 (Corporate), Negotiations 6 (Contracts), Con 6, Perception 4 (Visual), Pistols 3
Knowledge Skills English (N), Japaneese 2, Corporation (Knights Errant) 6, Trids (Romance) 6, Economics 4, Fashion 3, Shadow Community 5
Ware Datajack, Tailored Pheromones R3, Biomonitor, Cybereyes R2 (Smartlink, R3 vision enhancers), Cyberears R2 (R6 translat-ear), Sleep regulator
Gear Fairlight Caliban (Custom form factor: Fine watch)
Armor Executive Suite (With shock weave)
Weapons Fichetti Tiffani Needler (In concealed holster)


Runners with this Contact

Name Chips Owed/Owned
Kilbo 0
Yokai 0
Firebug 0

NPCs who know this contact
