Tom Buckham

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Tom Buckham
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.January 3rd, 2060
Metatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - A
Resources - C

Character Information


Tom Buckham is a young, up-and-coming everyman Face-wannabe trying to work his way into prominence within the shadows. He is entirely mundane and not prone to combat, nor is he particularly handy with tech or the matrix, so he seeks to exploit his people skills and snooping abilities to make his mark on the dark underbelly of the modern world, for better or for worse.


  • Make a name for himself in the Shadows
  • Help make Seattle a more equitable place for all metatypes
  • Maintain a well-kept and reliable reputation


Tom originated from the south of Redmond, Seattle, near the border with Renton, born to a husbandless sex worker. He was frequently exposed to ganger activity, but was relatively protected from it due to his proximity to one of the more 'civilized' areas of the city. Growing up destitute in comparison to many of his neighbors mere blocks to the south, but in relative luxury to those just further north, his life had some stability in the stemmable chaos of his early childhood.

Into adolescence, his mother, Barbara Buckham, used much of the nuyen she had saved up over the years to move further into Renton proper. While still middling towards poverty, it was a noticeable spike in quality of life. Tactlessly oblivious to any prejudice to metahumans, he frequently befriended anyone who would give him the time of day, as having people around his age that didn't frequent the streets with shanks was a welcome comfort the new city gave to him. While often bullied for his association with the more disenfranchised groups of the town, it rarely ended in any credible loss due to his blossoming skills of speechcraft and ork acquaintances.

Though SINless, his newfound access to public transportation allowed him to travel to different parts of the city that had previously been unimaginable to the young mind. More used to the rampant ganger activity of his birthplace, Tom began to key in on a different type of crime due to his penchant for loosening lips and greater access to more Corporate affiliated areas: the hushed stories of Shadowrunners, malicious and malignant or heroic and charming. The prospect was exciting, and the seed began to blossom in his mind to get in on the gig.

Spending the rest of his adolescence practicing his skills, gaining a few contacts, and becoming more educated on the world and in general, Tom seemed to be preparing to key in on the characteristics he'd honed for years. With precedents of talking himself out of bad situations, relying on other people to do the dirty work, and getting folk to give him extra scraps, he decided it was time for a bigger ball game. At the age of 19, Tom called in favors from his less reputable people, and set himself up as a low-tier Face for hire, keeping away from his mother's eye, who he had become far more distant from in favor of spending his free time on the street.

After two years of what sketches up to a monthly milk run for what boils down to garbage fire thugs, Tom has gathered up the grit to etch his name in the shadows. He sees now as the time to act, and is currently looking into better runs that'll spread his fame out there, not as the SINless deject race traitor from the slums, but as the cunning shadowrunner Tom Buckham, brimming with confidence and a taste of what the underground lifestyle can bring.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Analytical Mind: Gifted with the ability to work through information presented to him.
  • Blandness: Tom is an everyman human, with no distinguishable traits.
  • Photographic Memory: Can recount most things he has seen in the past.
  • Resistance to Toxins: Tom has an adapted resistance to toxins from his childhood in Redmond.
  • Low Pain Tolerance: Averse to a fight, and is not particularly resilient.
  • Common Mild Allergy: Mild allergy to Novacoke.
  • Simsense Vertigo: Aggravated by AR, VR, or Simsense devices. Causes nausea and disorientation.

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Alice "Pink" Herrington 3 4 Legwork Info Broker Stream Addict, Info Dump, Corp Password Collection, Buyer Beware Even
Bobbi Cloud 6 1 Fixer Bureaucrat Nuclear Engineer, SSC Department of Energy, I Can Pull Some Strings..., Chemistry Facility, Council Island Access, Geneware Contact, Technocrat Even
Bulldog Black 2 2 Fixer Semi-retired Security Professional Security, Street Docs, Tenacious Investigating Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

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Shadow Community Table




Matrix Persona

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ShadowGrid Profile Comments