Call Me, Seattle!

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Call Me, Seattle!
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Joel Hathaway


An assassination run put together by Anderson Silvers, Seattle's number one personal injury attorney, in order to zero his competitor Joel Hathaway. The team consisted of the one-eyed Oni Bleue, the chainsaw-wielding Gav, the giant sniper Skadi, the drone wielding ganger Scrappenny, and the anemic rigger Grasshopper. Hathaway had earned Silvers' ire by stealing his TV ad space. For this offense, death was warranted. In order to get at Hathaway without his security detail, the team would have to strike while he was participating in an upcoming yacht race. They had Silvers' boat and a set of faked credentials to enter; all they'd have to do is sail the thing.

Through the skills of the Cap'n, an alcoholic troll that Grasshopper recruited through a contact, the party managed to keep pace with Hathaway's yacht. After a shootout with Hathaway's on-board bodyguard and his drones, Scrappenny used a homemade suicide drone to blow up the boat. As the boat sank, a now armless Hathaway vowed revenge on the party before Skadi's rifle launched him off this mortal coil. The team celebrated their victory while Scrappenny lay dumpshocked below deck.


There are very few things that piss Anderson Silvers off more than someone stealing his ad space. When said thief also steals his slogan, it's time to bring in the assassins. Said assassins, our team of intrepid shadowrunners, were called by their fixers and told to meet in an Auburn parking lot. The group gathered and...

The Meet

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)