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Wallhaven-518964 (1).jpg
(Samurai Adept)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.May 1st 2057
Metatype - C
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - E
Resources - B

Character Information


I'm honestly jealous of regular people, with simple lives. I never grew up with parents, or anyone to connect to. I grew up at the Renraku headquarters in Japan. Born in a test tube, not a child, but an experiment. I was built to become a combatant trained in the ways of the sword... Sometimes I would go on the internet, and see images of what the outside world looked like. It was bright and beautiful. I wondered, why couldn't I be out there like everyone else? I was being controlled by the people in this corporation. I grew sick of it and left. I escaped. Grabbed all of my belongings, and "borrowed" some stuff from the hq. Took the first plane out of the country. Arrived in germany. I made a special friend here. She can't walk, and honestly I feel bad for her. I hope to somehow help her, get her legs back. She was headed to some place called Seattle. This was the first person, that was nice to me, so I followed her. Maybe I can put the training I was given to use. I am quite proffecient with the sword...


Just please, I want to get my friend her legs back...

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Wanted (Yakuza) - Lets just say i've made a fair amount of people a little angry at me.
  • Prototype Transhuman - Simply put, i'm a testube baby from Renraku.
  • Unusual Hair - White is my natural hair color. It does stick out alot though...
  • Emotional Attachment (Yamato Nodachi) - An elegant weapon for a much more civilized age.
  • Distinctive Style - You know, fun fact. Renraku actually modelled me from Miyamoto Musashi. My fighting style reflects his alot, and I even have a tattoo on the back of my neck, with Kanji written "Invincible under the sun" Pretty cool huh?

Run History



  • Hyena - Connection 6, Loyalty 1 - Fixer


I'm not in any group at the moment...


  • Y3 My very good friend! I-Its not like, I love her or anything?...


In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


  • Kusanagi Kirigiri


White hair. Black trench coat. Nodachi at my side. Pretty typical.


  • Sleeping Tiger
  • Business Long-coat
  • Helmet
  • Forearm Guards

Matrix Persona

Notable Possessions

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A Nodachi with the Kanji "Yamato" engraved on the blade. Ah. An elegant weapon for a much more civilized age.

ShadowGrid Profile Comments