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Crom's Chosen Warrior
Adept super-soldier
Player/u/mitsayantan (Dusk)
MetatypeTroll (Minotaur)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
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Out of Character Information


Basic Info

Barbarian is a bigass troll with a sword and a shield. He focuses on using a sword and shield style for melee and shotguns.


Troll super soldier

Appearance and Style

  • Meat: Barbarian is a big, mean and tough looking troll with curved horns and an intimidating beard. Barb is a simple fellow and is easy to befriend. He likes good ale, good food and a good fight. Despite being quick to anger he's also easy to befriend and tries his best to take care of his runner team. Conan walks into a fight sword in one hand and shield in the other like some kind of 6th world barbarian. He's regularly oversleeps and has a bad habit of snoring loudly.
  • Astral form/sig: The silhouette of a great bear stands behind him
  • Matrix persona: N/A
  • Styles and symbols known for: Leaves an RFID chip of an life size ARO of Conan the Barbarian, holding his atlantean sword up high.



Conan was a rare metatype. Born in the California Free States, Conan grew up in relative poverty. When he turned 18, he left to join a mercenary group named the "Warhounds", who operated out of UCAS but their main activity was in the Aamazon jungles, on the payroll of Aztechnology. Conan proved his worth in many (quite bloody) black ops missions. Eventually, due to his exceptional genetic compatibility, Conan was selected to be one of the few non-vat grown subjects for "Fire Nector Project". Specimen T-37A was deployed as a super soldier.

Eventually Aztechnology decided to call back some of their specimens for further testing. This testing, as Cona would come to know is recollection of Aztech property, recycle and re-implant the ware back into newer, vat grown "trog specimen". Betrayed, but scared, Conan went AWOL. Through a period of 1 year, he was pursued relentlessly by his previous comrades, the Warhounds. A bloody year later, he was able to kill every pursuer that wanted to hunt him. During this strenous time, Conan discovered something. His awakening and guidance by a kindred spirit. Why would the great bear come to him, he does not understand fully. Crom as he would come to call him, believed he had a greater destiny and so Conan landed on the shores of a foreign land. Seattle, UCAS. A trained combatant, who ran multiple missions in the Amazon. Now he runs the shadows, for what else can a man like him do? He took on the persona of a comic book character Neil the ork Barbarian, being a fan of the comics since he was a kid.

Significant Qualities


  • Adept
  • Biocompatibility (Bioware)
  • Goring Horns
  • Mentor Spirit (Bear): Mentor's Mask
  • Thermographic vision
  • Tough as Nails: Stun 3


  • Addiction (Mild): Kamikaze
  • Poor Self Control (Vindictive)
  • Prejudiced (Specific, Biased): Aztechnology
  • Records on File: Aztechnology
  • Signature: Leaves a tag, of an life size ARO of Conan the Barbarian, holding his atlantean sword up high
  • Superhuman Psychosis




  • Settle his score with Aztechnology

Run History



Name Connection Loyalty
King Midas 6 2

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Leaves a tag, of an life size ARO of Conan the Barbarian, holding his atlantean sword up high

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


  • Conan Gyllenhaal; Rating 4 Fake Nation SIN (UCAS)

Media Mentions

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