Elite Ninja

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Elite Ninja
Base MetatypeGrunt Metatype
Threat Level6
Typical FactionNPC faction if any
Thematics ApprovalNo
Mechanics ApprovalNo


A short blurb describing the NPC grunt, what they do, and goals.

Standard Operating Procedure/Rules of Engagement

A short description of how to use the grunt in a game.

Stat Block

Stat Block

B A R S W L I C Ess Special Att
6 6(9)"(9)" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 6. 6(11)"(11)" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 6. 6(7)"(7)" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 6. 3 3 5 4
Condition Monitor
Limits Physical 11, Mental 5, Social 6
  • AR:17+3d6
  • Cold-Sim VR:
  • Hot-Sim VR:
Skills Throwing Weapons 9, Ettiquette 5 (Gangs), Perception 6, Athletics 6, Stealth 6, Close Combat 8
Knowledge Skills Fill as necessary
Augmentations Reflex Recorder(Throwing Weapons), Muscle Toner R3, Muscle Augmentation R1, Wired Reflexes R2, Reaction Enhancers R3, Smart Link, Reaction Optimization, Wired Reflex Optimization*
Adept Powers N/A
Gear Throwing Knives * 80, Zoe: Executive Suite, Kamikaze*4, Hermes Ikon * 6, Transys Avalon, 8000 Nuyen budget
  • Throwing Knivesx80 8P AP: -1 Acc: 11 DP: 19
  • Combat Knife 9P AP: -3 Acc: 7 Reach: - DP: 17
Vehicles N/A