The Princess of Friendship

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The Princess of Friendship
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp



The Meet

Chloe Green -> Nez Bear favor Saint -> Lee Owens Trades -> Wusan rocked the boat. Misguided spirit bending someones arm 6'o'<3 -> Father Uriel, Man caught up in magical business asked for help.

While Saint was out doing some shopping in preparation for a movie night with Neznayka, she receives a call from Lee Owens saying that they've been being bothered by someone with a description of her because they need her help. Saint agrees to look into the matter in exchange for them being even for a pizza owed. Meanwhile, Neznayka receives a call from Chloe Green saying that she'd received a vague call about an ecological crisis, but was asking for her in particular. While Trades is studying up on the arcane Wusan pays them a visit and says that a meddlesome spirits require assistance, and that they are calling in Trades' end of the spirit marker. 6'o'<3 receives a call from father Uriel who informs them that

The team arrives at the abandoned toy store where the team all does some brief reconnaissance using their assorted tools. Meanwhile, 6 of <3 heads sneaks in to the venue to take a look catching sight of the other runner's observers. Once they head inside the factory they discover a very put upon man named Mike who's been forced to use 2 drawings to find the runners after being told by a child that he needs to, "Help save Pinkie Hawk." He's suffered a lot in order to get into contact with the runners, and now he needs them to decipher a second drawing in order to determine what to do.

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)