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<!-- Required: The date of the run in YYYY-MM-DD format. -->
<!-- Required: The date of the run in YYYY-MM-DD format. -->

<!-- Required: Name of the GM. -->
<!-- Required: Name of the GM. -->
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<!-- Required: List of the Runners involved. Please follow the example below, separating each runner's name with a vertical bar as seen below. NPC allies may also be included. -->
<!-- Required: List of the Runners involved. Please follow the example below, separating each runner's name with a vertical bar as seen below. NPC allies may also be included. -->
|RunnerList={{AARCharacterList|Ryuuji|Buck|Oberon|Plaguemaster|John Galt}}

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==The Plan==
==The Plan==
The plan was straightforward, get some Hazmat suits. Go in, sneak around late at night,  find as many Toxics as possible and kill them or drag them out and turn them into the draco foundation.

==The Run==
Ryuji called a SSC media contact who had run some expose on the horrors of Redmond and made an epic legwork roll to get their locations in rats nets narrowed down pretty well. (Footage of the run sold as paydata covered the chip!)
This enabled Oberon,  Buck, and John Galt approximate locations where Shaman might be living or sleeping.  Oberon scouted a full parcel of toxics and effectively slaves,  John got stymied by a grimey building and buck found a nest in a trash castle that looked like leadership.
Unfortunately there were mutltiple bound spirits on patrol that would catch Buck and John's locations and wake up their binding summoners with a claxon and a mental note.
A force 8 Sludge took onto Johns tail while a Force 7 Smog plumed out of the garbage tower to turn its attentions to John.
Plague Master's necro spirit held down the sludge while the team sprinted across the compound to aid one another. Oberon using Fear on the Radiation spirit approaching with another group of Shaman to get it far, far away before it becomes a problem.
Buck went full pistol adept MVP, laying waste to the smog and nearly the sludge and the first Toxic up that launched a massive stunball at Buck and Eberon.

==The Run==
As the surprise round unfolded things got hairy but ultimately the team ended up on top by the end of the round.  At the top of the next round John Galt went full Mind Mage and Mob Minded both of the remaining conscious shamans at this point, and all 4 Toxic's were captured and remanded to the Draco foundation for study.

Oberon called the job into his fixer to receive a little extra cash, and each of the characters was offered a few months of food as an alternative to cash payment.

While the team may not have identified and dealt with every Toxic caster in the rats nest they absolutely handled the bulk of the known radiaoctive threats and did it fast, leading to a standard payout.

The rats nest is still in rough shape but it is on the mend and the clients are happy enough.  The team had a spooky but ultimately succesfull romp in the trash.

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2 CDP Run Garauntee
2 CDP Run Garauntee
Ryuji= +1 Rep with his Yakuza clan

==Game Quotes==
==Game Quotes==

{{Gamequote|Amusing quote from game.}}
{{Gamequote|Amusing quote from game.}}
"Home sweet dumpster fire" - John Galt
"Now that I'm not gonna get cancer dust in my fur, we're good to go." - Oberon

==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
John Galt - A good-for-everyone run into the middle of a toxic trash heap. Gotta be honest, expected this to go more pear shaped than it did - and that's probably more on the rest o' the team than me. Mental note, get a damn hazmat suit for runs like this. There's "Barren's Glow" and then there's toxic-sludge-spirits-in-a-trash-heap. Don't recommend, by the by.

Revision as of 16:14, 25 June 2024

/clean up that Rat's nest!
LocationMeet-Redmond Barrens near Plastic Jungles, Job- Redmond Barrens Rats Nest
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
John Galt


The team gets calls from their fixers that there's a community meeting going on in North Redmond that they may be interested in checking out. They meet up with a small band of Urban Primitive Orks who ask for some help with a Toxic problem festering in the Rat's Nest in the wake of the Radiation Storms last month. The Team made their way over to the Nest with minimal prep and got picked out during the legwork phase. Thankfully they surprised the opfor as much as the opfor surprised them, and they managed to take down most of the opposition and collect what bounty the Plastic Jungles had to offer.


The Rats Nest has bordered on Toxic for decades and while the followers of Rat have built a life out of it, the occasional Shaman does fall to the lure of corruption. In the wake of the Rad Strorms last month, a lot of toxic garbage has festered in the Rat's Nest, corrupting some of the residents past the point of safe and actually turning several shamans toxic turning the whole rats nest a bit worse than it usually is. The Plastic Jungles spies found out about it and one of their security leaders called in some favors with Fixers around town to get some on the DL help purging the Nest.

The Meet

Ryu was asked by his clan to go check on the situation with the gomi-nezumi and reports of magic getting worse in the Rats nest. Everyone else receives a GPS coordinate and time for the meet. Far north Redmond, almost to SSC land. North of the Plastic Jungles and a few kilometers south of Rat's Nest, they arrive and stand around with a few other strangers until the gang from the Jungles arrive. A security Lt. for the Jungles names Ruby steps forward and explains the situation. Says he doesn't have much cash but can provide food for months in addition to what little cash they had. Oberon reached out to his fixer and pointed out it was a bad deal for him compared to the team and got them to sweeten the pot a bit. The crew went off to deal with the problem.

The Plan

The plan was straightforward, get some Hazmat suits. Go in, sneak around late at night, find as many Toxics as possible and kill them or drag them out and turn them into the draco foundation.

The Run

Ryuji called a SSC media contact who had run some expose on the horrors of Redmond and made an epic legwork roll to get their locations in rats nets narrowed down pretty well. (Footage of the run sold as paydata covered the chip!)

This enabled Oberon, Buck, and John Galt approximate locations where Shaman might be living or sleeping. Oberon scouted a full parcel of toxics and effectively slaves, John got stymied by a grimey building and buck found a nest in a trash castle that looked like leadership.

Unfortunately there were mutltiple bound spirits on patrol that would catch Buck and John's locations and wake up their binding summoners with a claxon and a mental note.

A force 8 Sludge took onto Johns tail while a Force 7 Smog plumed out of the garbage tower to turn its attentions to John.

Plague Master's necro spirit held down the sludge while the team sprinted across the compound to aid one another. Oberon using Fear on the Radiation spirit approaching with another group of Shaman to get it far, far away before it becomes a problem.

Buck went full pistol adept MVP, laying waste to the smog and nearly the sludge and the first Toxic up that launched a massive stunball at Buck and Eberon.

As the surprise round unfolded things got hairy but ultimately the team ended up on top by the end of the round. At the top of the next round John Galt went full Mind Mage and Mob Minded both of the remaining conscious shamans at this point, and all 4 Toxic's were captured and remanded to the Draco foundation for study.

Oberon called the job into his fixer to receive a little extra cash, and each of the characters was offered a few months of food as an alternative to cash payment.


While the team may not have identified and dealt with every Toxic caster in the rats nest they absolutely handled the bulk of the known radiaoctive threats and did it fast, leading to a standard payout.

The rats nest is still in rough shape but it is on the mend and the clients are happy enough. The team had a spooky but ultimately succesfull romp in the trash.


6000 Cash from Ruby/your fixers. 8000 Cash from Draco 7 RVP

Oberon can choose another 4000 Cash (2 RVP) and a a chip from the associated fixer as opposed to 2 RVP of Karma.

Everyone else can choose 8000 in Lifestyle payment money as opposed to 2 RVP of Karma

7 Karma for the Hoodin'

4 CDP Rewards

2 CDP Run Garauntee

Ryuji= +1 Rep with his Yakuza clan

Game Quotes

"Home sweet dumpster fire" - John Galt

"Now that I'm not gonna get cancer dust in my fur, we're good to go." - Oberon

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

John Galt - A good-for-everyone run into the middle of a toxic trash heap. Gotta be honest, expected this to go more pear shaped than it did - and that's probably more on the rest o' the team than me. Mental note, get a damn hazmat suit for runs like this. There's "Barren's Glow" and then there's toxic-sludge-spirits-in-a-trash-heap. Don't recommend, by the by.