A Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts With A Single Map

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A Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts With A Single Map
Part of The Name of Heaven
LocationRenton, Seattle
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Singularity Inc.
Minutemen Security staff
Casualties and losses


The runners steal experimental software on behalf of a mysterious archivist by running one of the oldest cons in the book.


Archive Angel is a Heavenseeker relatively new to the scene. Through sheer chance she caught wind of a program that seemed able to bypass barriers between parts of the matrix, and theorized that if The Garden is in an inaccessible part of the matrix that this program might help her locate it. However, the program was stored on a wired dataterminal, leaving it safe from her hacking attempts all the way from Denver. So she hired a local team to do the job.

The Meet

The meet was virtual, in a secure VR conference room.

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Vailrunner - "This hacking stuff just comes off so bizarre to me. I'm sure we're fine, but why do I feel like a horrific can of worms is going come of this?"