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==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
[[Chameleon]]:Ohmigodthathurts. The bleeding's stopped and the stitches look tight. <voicemail: Dr. Noison Gayle. "Hi Doc this is Chameleon. I will arrive Seattle later today, I need medical attention. I think I have some cracked ribs and there is blood in my urine"> <voicemail: Naomi Fisk. I have to miss class Monday and Tuesday, I'm in the clinic again.>. Ok now a tranq patch....

Revision as of 11:48, 3 July 2024

The Wolf and the Bear
LocationMinsk, Belarus
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Minsk Vory, Shadow Demon
No Significant Harassment
Wraith (Spirit)
Casualties and losses
None Wraith destroyed


A Red Vory avtoritet demanded discreet investigations on some inconsistencies in logistical reports on what has been shipped by the Belorusan branch of the Vory, and suspected his former protege to be attemtping a coup


The Meet

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Chameleon:Ohmigodthathurts. The bleeding's stopped and the stitches look tight. <voicemail: Dr. Noison Gayle. "Hi Doc this is Chameleon. I will arrive Seattle later today, I need medical attention. I think I have some cracked ribs and there is blood in my urine"> <voicemail: Naomi Fisk. I have to miss class Monday and Tuesday, I'm in the clinic again.>. Ok now a tranq patch....