Ruby's Gauntlet and Call for Assistance

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Ruby's Gauntlet and Call for Assistance
Part of Plastic Jungles
Date2085-24-24"2085-24-24" contains a sequence that could not be interpreted against an available match matrix for date components.
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Plastic Jungles
Tir Tairngire Spies


The Plastic Jungles reached out through some low end shadowhaven offers and a direct call to Ryuuji to invite some people over to see if they are a fit for life down there and possible alliances. Tir wasn't thrilled.


The Tir have some agents in the plastic jungles as part of the ongoing "Screw With Redmond to convince Seattle to break off the UCAS" campaign. Meanwhile the Plastic Jungles are realizing that they have become too exposed a decade into living under GOD. They simply can't keep up with the amount of unwanted visitors and attention and are looking to shore up and fix some of these problems in the long term.

The Meet

The team meets Ruby, head of perimeter security for the Plastic Jungles in the center of the Jungles themselves. Tiger, having overheard some folks were being invited in and a happening was going down that night slipped into the Jungles to check out the scene and see if it was somewhere worth migrating.

The Plan

This was not that kind of day.

The Run

Ryuuji saw Obsidian lurking around the boards and interesting in possibly networking and picked her up on the way after taking the call. They arrived and met with Ruby, who invited Ryuuji to see how the Adepts of the Plastic Jungles initiate. He also confides in Ryuuji that the jungles are struggling to adapt to a 2085 reality regarding the matrix and company, and as much as they hate to accept outside aid, maybe Ryuuji's clan has something to offer. If he can run their gauntlet, he can get a meeting with the elders of the Plastic Jungles.

Ryuji lines up with 3 of Ruby's best giant trog lt's and takes one massive blow from each one, reflecting one with sheer force of gut and a heavily penalized counterstrike and just barely managing to stay standing after the third troll throew a two fisted haymaker trying to crush Ryuuji into the ground. But he survived. (Adept Initiation step, complete.)

In the excitement a Very Large Tiger was asked if they needed anything and were told "someone to fight" so they found one of the only appropriate sized residents. Ward Alexander Weaver, a sea Drake ward of the Draco Foundation who reluctantly came out so that the residents of the jungles could get a better look at the tiger among them. Tiger swiftly bit and injected Ward with a fear toxin sending the drake away, to some degree thankfully.

All the while Obsidian worked the crowd to make friends and influence people, scoping casually looking for the influence of her former countrymen on the jungles. It did not take long for her to hone in on some Tir accented Sperithiel and start casually listening in to the vibes of the places. Ultimately catching two Tir spies sharing a bit of clandestine information. She debated allegiances and quickly gave the information to Ryuuji who took it to Ruby and saw the infiltrators were handled.


It was a good day except for a couple of Tir refugees on a spymasters payroll.


12 RVP Run counts as an Ordeal Initiation Run for Ryuuji. He was soundly beaten to a box from unconscious in the body of stone process.

7 Karma (7 RVP)

16K in Lifestyle up to Medium. Redmond: Plastic Jungle Can include bolt holes. Very low amenities but good food and a dry clean bed. s for Obsidian and A Very Large Tiger. (4 RVP)

4 RVP Ryuuji can convert this to RVP for the discount on the Contact "Ruby" Connection:4 I'll make him soon)

+1 Street Cred Everyone (1 RVP)

2 CDP (Run Garauntee)

Ryuuji and A Very Large Tiger +1 Public Awareness +2 Reputation for everyone: Plastic Jungles -1 Reputation for Ryuuji "Tir Tairngire Intelligence Services."

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)