Muck Hunt

From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 01:29, 14 September 2024 by Tesslerj (talk | contribs) (→‎The Plan)
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Muck Hunt
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Red Rover



"Looking to front some bounties. Have a bit of an infestation that a client wants taken out underneath their fancy pants hotel without attracting the wrong kind of attention from their clientele. It's sewer work, so leave your Mortimers of London at home, kids.


The Meet

The team meets with Silas Johnson outside a fancy "real wood" home decor place in Renton, at "Frankie's Flaming Soydogs", operated by the eponymous Frankie, a dwwarf with an additional cyberarm, a sour face, and a bright smile. They discuss the job - going into the sewers under a "nameless" hotel which specializes in 'special services' for their clients; namely, body removal. However they are disposing of the bodies has attacted some ghouls which the team needs to clear our without attracting too much attention from KE or from the hotel's clientele.

Datastream tries to hack Sila's commlink, producing a brief, but terse, verbal disagreement with the ork Johnson over courtesy and professionalism.

The Plan

The team heads to the underground parking garage and do some scouting:

Red Rover does some magical scouting to confirm there is no immediate ambush. Datastream is able to determine there are some damaged devices down in the sewers - something worn out and attempting to connect to the matrix but failing.

"Fuck it, we ball", says Team Impatient

The Run

Guided by Datasteam's navigational skills and locked on to the flickering device icons deeper in the sewers and after six hours of razor-tense boredom, and abominable smells, the team reaches the section of sewers which is close to the device icons.



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)