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|Name=Enigma The Boggart

Revision as of 01:44, 23 September 2023

Mistress of Psychics
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.June 20th, 2050
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - B
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension0

Character Information


The underworld is a bottomless pit of human malice if you keep digging deeper. One of the more well-known late night trio names from the 70s, Sabrina Silph, was lured into these deeper recesses by a promise of power from a particularly charismatic Italian mob leader. She was dissatisfied with her lot in life, craving to prove herself more and reach the apex of her abilities. Merely sticking to a comfortable lifestyle wasn't enough for her. Born with a gift in telepathic abilities, she felt compelled to continue pushing her boundaries and limitations. The dark underbelly of civilisation offered her all the opportunities and none of the restrictions. She didn't even hesitate, obsessed with living up to her talents. Part of an international trafficking and smuggling ring, there's little that she didn't participate in. Selling paracritters for corporate experimentation and testing, coercing people into cooperation with her talents and aiding in crushing competition. She was one of the more trusted lieutenants among the mob's leader -- until the bust happened.

She's still uncertain about who the mole was. Wild animals with uncharted abilities were trapped in filthy, cramped cages, feral and hissing in distress. She didn't even pay attention to their clawing at the bars, more focused on the tollbooth guard's mind and keeping him subdued as the trucks drove through. The first in the convoy stopped and short circuited. Men and women clad in black armour jumped up from camouflaged positions and she only had her precognition to thank for giving her the split second to drop on the ground. That's what saved her life while all others were gunned down but it also got her knocked out and captured. Interrogators had their work cut out for her; she was difficult to break, having experience in meddling with the minds of others. Instead, the interrogating police officer gave her an offer: co-operate and go back to her old life or refuse to talk and go in the slammer for mages.

Sabrina's choice was loyalty. She offered to quit the life and explain what the convoy was doing, but not to rat out anyone further. Given it'd at least give them a lead, the officer agreed since they could track her once she was in the system this deeply either way. The national SIN became a criminal one and for the next four years she was stuck in prison, serving the first out of 42 years. Thankfully, what the Sixth World has in brutal judicial measures, it also has in corruption. Bail was paid by a private party. She knew who it was, looking after valued soldiers. While she had no way to go back to the life under such a close eye and still out on parole - some officers weren't as corrupt as their superiors - there was still hope to keep her life going. The stakes are clear: if she's caught working in her past circles again, there won't be any mercy. Sabrina will get a one way ticket to Blackstone.

On the other hand, this might just be the perfect opportunity to get a second lease on life. She might no longer be part of the family, but she refused to rat them out either. A mutual departing, as clean of a breakaway as can be -- her lust for self-improvement has remained. She'll have to find another outlet for the burning passion in her chest to become the very best. Not as a runner, that's just a vessel for her improvement. As a psychic and master of the mind.


  • Grow her psychic talents
  • Keep the parole officer calm
  • Get rid of the criminal SIN with influential connections
  • Reach worldwide fame as the world's greatest psychic

Narrative Significant Qualities

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Psychopomp 3 2 Gear Talismonger Psion, Dogmatic, Artificer, Spell Foci, Talismonger, Lodges Even
Jinx 5 2 Fixer(G,N,K,A) Fixer Illegal Dealings, The Rarer The Better, Look Good & Strong, Latest And Greatest, Soar Ever Higher, High Fashion Even




In Character Information

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Found in early 2070s as a figure in psionic circles. Ran a mentoring group for other psionics.
3 Served four years in a LS correctional facility in New York. Some claim that she was supposed to get a life sentence.
6 Out on parole due to having her above average high bail paid by an unknown party. Appears clean as a whistle, no known instances of crime committed and Lone Star reports her as staying clean since getting out.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Little known information in shadow circles.
3 Has exceptionally strong willpower and strongly resists mental probing.
5 Some former inmates in a Lone Star correctional facility say that her file wasn't ever told to others in genpop, but some Italian mafia connections treated her well there and claimed her as their own.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Awakened.
2 Mystic adept.
3 Full Essence. Higher than average Magic score.
4 6 Essence and 7 Magic.
5 No augmentations to be found.


  • Sabrina Silph, her official SIN and birth name. Served time for trafficking, racketeering, smuggling, coercion, conspiracy, fraud, first degree murder and arson.
  • Liza Akari, a Rating 4 fake in Shiawase's database used for shadow work; contains basic licenses for magical use.

ShadowGrid Profile Comments