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Revision as of 02:32, 22 October 2023

Enemy of my Enemy of my Enemy
Part of When the hunters came to town
LocationShelton, SSC
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp


A group of runners finds and stops an infected hunting lumberjack and offers them a second chance.


An infected ran warehouse in the F zone of Puyallup has been needing a shipment of lumber to begin building an established settlement for infected. However the shipment has yet to arrive so Miles Thompson calls upon a group of runners to figure out what has transpired.

The Meet

Miles Thompson summoned our runners to the outpost in Puyallup. After given a specific passage through the surrounding minefield, informed the runners of a shipment of lumber meant to arrive 2 days ago which is odd given how the city it was set to arrive from, Shelton, was not too far away from where they currently resided. With little negotiations the runners agreed and headed towards the city.

The Plan

Veles sped ahead of the other runners aboard her Aeroquip vehicle towards the SSC, the border patrol shifting more towards the eastern portion due to recent events. With this in mind and routes in mind Veles managed to slip past the border where upon she sat next to a tree in a stasis like mode where she waited for her fellow runners to arrive. After a couple setbacks Nearl and Ryuuji managed to drive over towards the given coordinates. Along the way they found Veles currently being pecked at by a woodpecker. Rising to attention once her fellow runners arrived the three went forwards into the woods towards their given coordinates. A haunting premise lingering in the air as they headed forward.

The Run

With Nearl's spirits on edge due to the potential presence of shadow spirits the runners headed forward with caution. Upon arriving and experiencing a spike in the background camp they were met with the corpses of several infected amidst a cabin where the ominous aura seemed to emanate. Veles scouting ahead however was able to show that an individual was currently occupying the cabin. Not too long after the figure showed themselves to be a tall modified Troll to resemble an elven like human with scars across their body. They approached the runners and inquired as to why they were there. Said inquiries turned hostile as the man raised an axe asking what they were doing with an infected and describing them as nothing but monsters. The runners seeing no other way out took the first shot as Veles sniped the man from the treeline. Despite a clear shot and grievous injury the man seemed to still be capable of fighting and ordered the shadow spirits to attack. Ryuuji engaged the Lumberjack with melee combat while Veles engaged with range. Nearl and her spirits stood ready before the hostile spirits whispered into her ear urging Nearl to betray her ally. Being unable to resist the calling Nearl pulled out her pistol and opened fire on Ryuuji who managed to dodge the blow. All the while one of the hostile spirits looked for Veles with no avail as she had no presence on the astral. However another hostile spirit whispered into Ryuuji's ear to turn on Nearl, despite efforts his will power failed and he turned on his ally. Thankfully at the very least the Lumberjack was taken care of by a clean shot via Veles that incapacitated the burly man. As Ryuuji and Nearl fought, Nearl's spirits noticed the hostile shadow spirits and began to engage and dispose of the harmful spirits.


On the ground wounded the lumberjack readied to end his life rather than forfit information to an infected but Veles stopped his attempt. Left with no other option and careful persuasion he ended up revealing that the lumber was taken in a raid he was not alone in the attack. Ryuuji piecing together some of the pieces left he remembered an obscure figure known for being a bogeyman to the Yakuza in Japan known as Katana Aka had made their way to Seattle. This information leaving Ryuuji slightly terrified and concerned as to why such a figure would have made their way towards Seattle. Veles though offered the Lumberjack a choice to join the West Coast Monolith to start a new path. And upon some reluctant reflection and nowhere else to go he reluctantly agreed and using Veles' ride flew towards their base at rapid speed. With a successful run under their belts and the information at hand the group of runners headed back towards Seattle where they earned their well earned pay with an ominous aura about the future lingering just overhead.


For Veles and Ryuuji

  • 20k nuyen (10 RVP)
  • 5 Karma (5 RVP)
  • 6 Bonus CDP (3 RVP)
  • 2 Base CDP

For Nearl

  • 13 Karma (13 RVP)
  • 10 Bonus CDP (5 RVP)
  • 2 Base CDP

Optional Rewards: Mentor Spirit at chargen rates for Nearl

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)