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Example 2: If you go get security called on you and they register you as a threat, they will not be renta cops. These will be men who will have the area locked down, use drones, combined arms and actively make yoru life hell. I don't care you that threw a force 20 fireball, they are going to send in suicide drone swarms on your ass if need be. They will have a pi-tac, magical back up with spells on them as they move in to kill you. Unless you openly surrender and throw away your weapons, they are going to take you down with extreme prejudice unless you have hostages. You may be a professional shadowrunner, but you are not invincible and have a limit.
Example 2: If you go get security called on you and they register you as a threat, they will not be renta cops. These will be men who will have the area locked down, use drones, combined arms and actively make your life hell. I don't care you that threw a force 20 fireball, they are going to send in suicide drone swarms on your ass if need be. They will have a pi-tac, magical back up with spells on them as they move in to kill you. Unless you openly surrender and throw away your weapons, they are going to take you down with extreme prejudice unless you have hostages. You may be a professional shadowrunner, but you are not invincible and have a limit.

===Threat Escalation===
===Threat Escalation===

Revision as of 23:02, 5 May 2024

Reddit account: [1]


Basic Info

Call me Anu, its a handle I got from E.S. Posthumus. I also use other song names they have as internet handles, but this one stuck. I've been running shadowrun for over a decade, cutting my teeth on 4e as a teenager. I've had the rules beaten into my by much better GMs over the years and have a breadth of knowledge of the system and lore. Yet even then I am still a novice in my opinion.


PINK TRENCHCOAT BABY. (I love silly characters played straight, but at the same time they need to act in character to the world)

So first and foremost. Lets start at the basics. Rule Zero, shadowrunners exist. Professional criminals exist and security of the world will reflect this. On the other hand, shadowunners are uncommon and rare as a profession, generally most don't last long or retire early. You MUST practice opsec at a certain point on my table, as you will be noticed by security or at least registered as a threat. Depending on your notoriety this can get really bad quickly. I generally start at a threshold of 20 for memory tests and lower it for each point of SC you have when being noticed by actual professional security forces that can run facial recognition technology. With that in mind I will actually try to build a believable world with actual security that makes sense for the situation. This can be a tell in my game that something might be off.

Example: Gangers in the barrens will NOT have Ares Alphas with APDS. They are gonna have AKs, SMGs and some grenades at most with used ware or standard ware. If you see gangers in anything that can't be bought or obtained enmasse to arm your guys on a limited budget. They will have open comms and generally try to practice some basic opsec with in person stuff, but not very professional. These guys are gonna have basic dicepools and basic tactics and not much morale if actually pressed.

Example 2: If you go get security called on you and they register you as a threat, they will not be renta cops. These will be men who will have the area locked down, use drones, combined arms and actively make your life hell. I don't care you that threw a force 20 fireball, they are going to send in suicide drone swarms on your ass if need be. They will have a pi-tac, magical back up with spells on them as they move in to kill you. Unless you openly surrender and throw away your weapons, they are going to take you down with extreme prejudice unless you have hostages. You may be a professional shadowrunner, but you are not invincible and have a limit.

Threat Escalation

For example on my table. Depending on the security zone and neighborhood, HTR isn't the default. Deploying them is expensive and wasting the time of professionals gets you fired. Generally police responding will start with a quick drone over watch from standard drone posts out of reach on poles. Probably two small swarms of rotodrones and some lockheed optics. They will fly over, report on what they find and provide overwatch along with starting scans of people involved. Unless there is an active firefight they generally won't intervene too much.

After that a police cruiser w/ EMS will arrive to begin medical attention to actual SINners and those with Fake Sins. Remember chummer, its cheaper to replace a drone than it is to hire and lose a professional police officer. In higher security zones, a personal visit from a drone, instead of impersonal and impartial drones will be the norm.

If explosions are happening and shotcaller passive police sensors will detect it, sending a swarm of wolfhound recon drones to burn towards it to get immediate eyes on the situation as other drone swarms come in to lock down the area.

In residential zones, police can and will lock down grid guide if suspects or criminals are in the area and have drawn the ire of police and people are calling it in. This means your rigger running with grid guide override or any other fool with it installed will immediately be noticed, tagged and promptly dealt with. Expect to deal with this chummer. Running offline as a rigger and doing this will immediately escalate to shoot on site orders for AV drones. Gridguide may be ordered to use empty cars to ram into you to stop you if you are especially egregious and openly firing on people. Remember chummer, anything that isn't a person can be replaced and filed for insurance. You are a threat that has be to be neutralized. In lower security zones police will not respond as harshly simply because they can't afford to, thus making escaping to lower security zones important. Always have an escape plan chummer.


Starting off at places to be.

The barrens are not a nice place to live chummer. Power is spotty in D zones and below, police presence is minimal, and if there are police, they generally will not be there to play nice with anything going on. This is where you better be open carrying and prepare to have a gun or an armored vehicle to not cause trouble. On the upside openly illegal gear and activities will not get you that much in the way of attention. If there aren't police, expect gangers or syndicates to be defacto security. Hell they might even keep the area relatively nice comparatively, but this also comes with the fact that if you are an outsider, you will be noticed and watched.

Security in these zones if often obvious, lethal and there to make a point.

Any runner worth their salt wants to live in a place with running water, electricity and security. In C zones and above, this is where civilization exists and police exist. The higher the rating, the better life is. The downside is that openly illegal activities will get noticed and stopped. With civilization comes the benefits of people not shooting each other. Traffic works, the streets are clean(ish) depending on the level and you can expect crime to actually be stopped and dealt with.

For example; In a higher security zone, security is done through more obscure means, hidden recesses and things coming to them for back ups. Instead of gun turrets open and ready to shoot, they might be obscured pop up turrets or pepperpunch dispensers with tagging systems marking you in the matrix with your SIN for investigation by local security forces.

Pick Policy

  1. Folks who fit the rough threat of a run and make up a good dynamic team comp
  2. Folks who are lore or RP wise a good fit for the run
  3. Folks who are overall good sports and bring a positive attitude to on and off table roleplay.

Declining the Meet

While I understand that you may have a PC that may decline at the meet, don't sign up for a run your PC simply wouldn't do. Remember chummer, these go both ways. If you put your Street Cred on the line and a Johnson tries to short you, are within your rights to walk away. Running is dangerous.

Thwarting the J and derailment

Shit happens runner. If the runner team decides to betray the J, I am completely down for that. I may have to completely change my rewards. If you took the money up front and then betray the J? You will get a bounty and some noto. Though sometimes its worth it depending on the goals/ethics of the runner team. If runners disagree on each other, I am fully okay with PvP on my table as long both players consent. If there isn't.. then well.. we can work that out.

Negative Rewards

Runners will earn negative rewards appropriate to their failure.


Runs happen chummer. Sometimes you fail the objective, fumble the roll and shit goes sideways. I'm not gonna excessively try to screw you over, but if you get caught with illegal gear, there will be actual consequences.


Tussle In The Brook5 June 2085
Barnaby's Bad Decision3 June 2085
Into the Jungle2 June 2085
Bull In The Shop29 May 2085
Saving Junichiro27 May 2085
Drug Den Bonanza26 May 2085
Big Safe Theft17 April 2085
Gone in a few Minutes1 April 2085
Fish in a BucketDeep Hunting30 March 2085
Pretty Fly For A Fly Guy26 March 2085
Plucking A BirdDeep Hunting18 March 2085
Crab Bucket17 March 2085
Walking To The Library12 March 2085
Bottom Barrel Theft10 March 2085
The Milky Way9 March 2085

Cities I've run in
