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<!-- Required: List of the Runners involved. Please follow the example below, separating each runner's name with a vertical bar as seen below. NPC allies may also be included. -->
<!-- Required: List of the Runners involved. Please follow the example below, separating each runner's name with a vertical bar as seen below. NPC allies may also be included. -->
|RunnerList={{AARCharacterList|Kara|Eidolon|White Star}}
|RunnerList={{AARCharacterList|Kara|Eidolon|Star of the Sea}}

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This job was quite successful though still unfortunate.  The mark left a decent impression on me as an employer previously, but the sixth world is a cruel place.
This job was quite successful though still unfortunate.  The mark left a decent impression on me as an employer previously, but the sixth world is a cruel place.
===[[White Star]]===
===[[Star of the Sea]]===
Wards are a pain in the ass. But hey, things still went well enough, and we kicked some ganger ass. Always nice when they see sense and flee, saves some effort. Bloody waste at the end, though. If you're gonna kill someone anyway then they can save a death elsewhere.
Wards are a pain in the ass. But hey, things still went well enough, and we kicked some ganger ass. Always nice when they see sense and flee, saves some effort. Bloody waste at the end, though. If you're gonna kill someone anyway then they can save a death elsewhere.

Latest revision as of 21:13, 23 August 2024

Of Gangster and Cleaners
LocationTacoma, Seattle
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Finnigan Family
Star of the Sea
Johnny Jones
Tom "Tommy Gun" Gun
6 Finnigan soldiers
Casualties and losses
1 Finnigan soldier killed, 3 Finnigan soldiers incapacitated/injured. Johnny Jones killed.


Mr. Tanaka wants the runners to kill Mr. Jones due to actions Mr. Jones has taken.


Mr. Jones previously hired runners to steal a bunraku doll so he could study security vulnerabilities/improve mafia simsense recording augs, Mr. Tanaka heard about the theft (though not the reason why) through the grapevine and has put out a call to make a example of Mr. Jones.

The Meet

Mr. Tanaka explained to the runners through euphemisms that he wanted Mr. Jones dead and he also wanted information on why Mr. Jones had sought after the bunraku doll. Eidolon having been on that previous run filled in the other runners after they had agreed to the pay of 14 k + 6 k for the information.

The Plan

The runners through a variety of White Star remembering that there was a Finnigan associated cargo company on the docks, Eidolon matrix searching for Mr. Jones and finding a updated image of him, White star summoning a spirit and having them search once the area was narrowed down as well as Kara calling up David Squire to inquire about associates of Mr. Jones showed Mr. Jones to be located currently at Toolihans Shipping Incorporated Warehouse #3. David Squire also informed the runners that Tom "Tommy Gun" Gun was known to be hired muscle of Mr. Jones.

The Run

The runners started to check the place out, with Eidolon sending in a fly spy, and Kara sneaking up close. Mr. Jones had a detect enemy spell on him which detected Kara as she approached and he alerted his security detail which went out to engage the runners. After a short battle later, which resulted with 1 gangster dead and the rest incapacitated or having fled from the fight, the runners interrogated a resistant Mr. Jones who held up for quite a while but eventually cracked under the runner's questioning methods. He told them that he had hired runners to steal the doll to see if his boys could learn anything from the simsense tech and to see if there were any particular matrix security vulnerabilities. The runners completed the job by killing Mr. Jones. Kara took the time to inscribe her signature on the hood of a nearby car.


Mr. Jones is dead. Mr. Tanaka is pleased. The runners have been well paid for their work. There is likely to be Finnigan retaliation as they guess out who was behind the hit based off of Mr. Jones' enemies. First among them currently being the Shotozumi-Gumi.


13 RVP,

20 k Nuyen,

3 karma,

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


This job was quite successful though still unfortunate. The mark left a decent impression on me as an employer previously, but the sixth world is a cruel place.

Star of the Sea

Wards are a pain in the ass. But hey, things still went well enough, and we kicked some ganger ass. Always nice when they see sense and flee, saves some effort. Bloody waste at the end, though. If you're gonna kill someone anyway then they can save a death elsewhere.