Finnigan Family

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Finnigan Family
Is minic a bhris béal duine a shrón
TypeOrganized Crime Syndicate
Player May JoinYes
Area of OperationSeattle

Faction Information


The Finnigan Family controls Mafia operations in Downtown, particularly along the docks, and in Bellevue.


Expand wealth and power in the Seattle Metroplex.

Control all the crime in the Seattle Metroplex.

Chase the Yakuza into the sea.

Major Locations

NameArchetypeOwnerMetroplexNeighborhoodBackground CountNoise
Lucky Day CasinoCasinoFinnigan FamilySeattleTouristville22
Maison du Soleil LevantBrothelFinnigan FamilySeattleTouristville22

Central Seattle Metroplex

Downtown Seattle Metroplex



Rowena O’Malley




Current Status

Health Summary



Biggie Cheesecake4ServiceProstitute
David Harsmen5FixerFixer
Francesco di Gangi5Custom(K,G,N,A)Finnigan Caporegime
Frank "Popper" Cherry5NetworkingFinnigan Family Capo
Jazz6GearFinnigan Quartermaster
Katherine Curran6FixerFixer
Llewin Val3ServiceFinnigan Boss
Lucille Pinson3GearFinnigan Family Picciotti Chemist
Maria di Gangi3GeneralistOpera Singer
NorCal Henry1ServiceFinnigan Money Launderer
Quinn Connoway3FixerFinnigan Lieutenant
Robert "Roadkill" Fitzpatrick4GeneralistFinnigan Family Soldati hacker
Rocco Caruso3LegworkFinnigan Soldato
Salvatore Marino3Custom(G,K,N,A)Finnigan Soldato
Sarah O'Connor6GearAugmentation Technician
Venus (Contact)6GearWizganger
Whislash3FixerBest Girl


NamePositionFaction Rep



Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Sinner's ParadiseTyneman11 January 2086
Jury FuryEllehogQuinn Connoway's Family Matters3 January 2086
EXtreme Expedition!Elayne25 May 2085
Tracking the Tainted TonicElayne23 May 2085
The Finnigans Jump The SharkFangblade_21 May 2085
RATS- Spectacular Spectacular!VilliersAll The World's a Stage13 March 2085
Finnigan's WakeLHOG25 January 2085
The Moving CompanyFangblade_1 January 2085
Alea Ecta EstFangblade_30 December 2084
Goodnight, BrigitFangblade_17 December 2084
Come And SeeFangblade_10 December 2084
Humiliation and SubterfugeFangblade_8 December 2084
A Beautiful SongFangblade_25 November 2084
Effin' and Blindin'Fangblade_22 November 2084
This Is Halloween H20AsmodeusHail to the Pumpking31 October 2084
Killing WaveFangblade_22 October 2084
Building on BiometricsLHOGQuinn Connoway's Family Matters1 October 2084
Blitzkrieg BopFangblade_27 September 2084
What is a man? A miserable pile of secretslov.euphoria9 September 2084
Meeting the False GodFangblade_6 September 2084
Prelude to Pumpkin-HeadFangblade_21 August 2084
Quinn Connoway's Surprise PartyLHOGQuinn Connoway's Family Matters21 July 2084
Of Gangsters and Tea PartiesAxiomshift25 March 2084
Of Gangster and Cleanersaxiomshift20 March 2084
Of Gangsters and DollhousesAxiomshift9 March 2084
Find Your FlameAurora14 November 2083
It's Hard to Walk Away from a Winning StreakBrock21 March 2083
Mobster ManipulationAurora7 September 2082
A Shadowrun Based on Does the Lion City Still RoarDrBurst28 August 2080
A Shadowrun Based on Into The Night by FirkinDrBurstDance Around The Fire That We Once Believed - The Ex-Firewatch Story7 August 2080
ShadowHaven Post 41203164FFdavyj0nes6 February 2080