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* 3/4/25: 4.5
* 3/4/25: 4.5
* 3/11/25:
* 3/11/25:
* Drama: 1,000,000

* Current Total: 8
* Current Total: 8

Revision as of 02:06, 5 March 2025

Peace: Noblesse Oblige 1
Status Threat Level: Extreme
Factions Involved
Elias Zenthra
Major Corp
Red Ribbon


  • 2/25/25: 3.5 Hrs
  • 3/4/25: 4.5
  • 3/11/25:
  • Drama: 1,000,000
  • Current Total: 8


Elias Zenthra has high aspirations that, ultimately, come from a deep seated need to gain the approval of his father, Paladin Zentha. The elder Zenthra, having had to deal with both Paz’s shenanigans about running off to Seattle as well as the struggles between himself and his son, Elias, who always wanted more as a result of being a ‘second son’.

Elias wants to be a Prince on the Council, and he’s willing to go to great lengths to do that.

But first, he will need to get enough of a reputation to rise through the ranks. He’s done the work to establish himself in Cara’sir, but having a big win to his name will be the thing he uses to begin climbing through the ranks.

The Meet

Elias places a call to Paz in order to let her know that, albeit begrudgingly, he needs her help. He drops that he has some intel on the Black Sun faction of the Tir resistance. After some sibling back and forth, he lets Paz know that she will need to gather some friends and head to Cara'Sir. He promises some payment and more details when everyone arrives.

So, of course, Paz calls most of her exes. After some difficult, i.e. Soap Opera worthy, conversations the team has agreed to the job.

Once they have arrived in Cara'sir, the team comes to realize that Elias did not notify Paz's parents of her impending arrival. Unfortunately, this means that Ashelander is still a day out and Paz, and the team, will be forced to deal with Paz's mother, Verna, and Elias without the buffering support of her father.


After some explosive conversations with Verna Zenthra, Elias explains that there has been a rash of anti-metahuman attacks in Cara'Sir and Elias believes that someone is covering for the Black Sun because things aren't hitting the news feeds like they should. He doesn't have a specific place for them to start, other than a troll biker bar in a troll community got zeroed.

The Plan

  • Track down the Troll Biker Bar

The Run

Misc Notes:

  • Obsidian - 10 Hit Disguise

Travel to Cara'sir

  • The team makes their way south of Seattle in a small convoy of rigger vehicles.
  • On the way across the border, Paz's SIN gets burned by the ghosts during their investigation.
  • Paz manages to social her way out of the grilling by the HTR site commander and some Black Banner Ghosts by name dropping her family and Elias having prepared them for her to be attempting to cross illegally.
  • The team makes their way towards the Zenthra manor, located in one of the many wooded areas of Cara'Sir, discussing the various issues of dealing with Verna Zenthra.



  • Due to their incident at the border crossing, the team is aware that Black Banner HTR is in bleeding edge full body armor, armed with AA-16 Shotguns that appear to be spec-modded.
  • The attack at the Four Horns was much more gang level skill - a Dogpile maneuver, as opposed to something more complicated. This indicates that the Black Sun aren't former military.



  • The Brat'mal are extremists of the Rinelle ke'Tesrae movement and want to purge Tir Taingire of all non elves.
  • The bar that was attacked was called the "Four Horns", a local biker bar in the Arnold Creek Community.
  • The trolls were literally beaten to death and the words "GO HOME" scrawled in Sperethial in the victim's blood.
  • Prior Black Sun attacks have occasionally been explosive - though not all of them.
  • Ribbon discovers that many Black Sun operatives posses biomonitor bomb vests.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)