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{{CategoryTemplate}} <!-- This entire line is safe to delete. In fact, please do. -->
|YourWikiUsername =
|title = {{PAGENAME}} <!-- Do not change this!!! It is supposed to say PAGENAME, the wiki will automatically replace this. -->
|image= [[File:Jewl.png|200px]] <!-- You can change the filename to whatever you like, and upload a picture of your character to be displayed on the wiki. -->
|header1= Militia Princess
|header2= (Rigger on the Run)
|label5 = Discord
|data5 = Mursey
|label6 = Reddit
|data6 = [https://www.reddit.com/user/Mursey40k]
|label7= Metatype
|data7 = Human
|label8 = Street Cred
|data8= 0
|label9 = Notoriety
|data9 = 0
|label10 = Public Awareness
|data10= 0
|label11 = Titles and Awards
|data11 =
|label12 = CDP
|data12 = {{CDP|
|}} <!-- The above will automatically add +2 CDP for each AAR your character is tagged in. You can note expenses and any bonus CDP you gain above to adjust your current CDP total. -->
|label13 = D.O.B.
|data13 = 08/08/62
|label14 = Age
|data14 = {{Age| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of birth below in numeric format. Yes, a second time. I know. -->
|Month= 08
|Day= 08
|Year= 2062
|}} <!-- The above will automatically update your character's age on their birthday! Just enter their month, day, and year of birth in numeric format. -->
|label15 = Folder
|data15 =[https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fnpwkpj956mfb8a/AAB5kbILJCUCRC0fsIWSRhSxa?dl=0]
|label16 = Priority
|data16 = Metatype - E <br /> Attributes - B <br /> Magic/Resonance - E <br /> Skills - B <br /> Resources - A

=Character Information=
A fresh-faced young rigger-talent, new to the Seattle scene, with a firm grasp of both vehicular and drone combat. Favours using a handful of upgraded drones and vehicles rather than easily replaceable off-the-shelf models. Very much an out-of-towner with few links to the local shadow community and, consequently, none of the baggage carried by a local.
'''Long-Term Goals:''' Stay away from the Cult. Survive. Find excitement. Find something more to life than just surviving. Maybe -maybe- try to contact Julian again. One day.
'''Short-Term Goals:''' Buy more and better vehicles and drones; install a better control rig. Break into the international street racing circuit. Learn how to wield a sword. Buy an MCT Gun Turret for extra home defence.
Jewl is a runaway, one of many in the sixth world, but few Runaways have a price on their head; and fewer still had that price set by their own father. Jewl grew up in the Blue Ridge Mountains, the third daughter of Truman Ways, leader of the Sons of the Pale militia group, by Stacey, the fourth of his six wives. The militia group -mostly Tir exiles from Tir Tairngaire or Tir Nan Og, or their descendants- heavily indoctrinated the young Jewl with the belief that her role in life was grow up, look pretty, and give a "good old boy" a "whole parcel" of sons to carry on the fight against the Tir.
She bought into the line. In fact, she bought the line hook and sinker, and was just as fervent in her militant Catholicism and militant anti-awakened, anti-meta beliefs as any of her neighbours and fellow church-goers in the militia-sect's commune. Until, that is, she met Julian one day on the groups "secure" chat and bulletin board. Over weeks and months he slowly, and carefully, opened her eyes to the true and ugly nature of the group, it's hypocrisy, and the horror of its beliefs. When Julian finally shared the unexpected revelation that he was not only an elf, but a Tir Paladin, young Jewl shut down her commlink and sat in the dark for damn near a whole day. It wasn't until the bells called her to church that she came back to her senses, and even then she didn't join in any of the gossip with her friends thereafter. And on the firing ranges that day it was as though she wasn't even there.
She didn't contact Julian again for a week. And even then her sole comment was a simple word. A single question. "Seriously?"
He was serious. She never contacted him again. Months later, when her father stood up and church and crowed about the shipment of drones and funds they would soon be receiving as a gift from "supporters of the cause" she barely noticed. But when said shipment of drones, weapons, cash and explosives did arrive, and she overhead her father's plans for it, her memories of Julian and what she'd learned about the reality of the awakened and meta-humans forced her to act.
She stole the Bulldog and it's content that night, and fled east. Since then, she's never looked back. Now in Seattle, with states and even nations between her and her home, she's spent the last month undergoing Cyber-surgery, selling off her stolen ride and excess drones; and establishing her new life in the shadows. Now with her new 'ware and new identify, she's finally ready and able to pursue an interest in rigging and driving that her father always sneered at.
==Narrative Significant Qualities==
'''Gearhead''' and '''Chaser''' and '''Stunt Driver:''' Jewl has a natural talent for Rigging, one she has spent much of her life clandestinely improving with the help of sympathetic childhood friends in various dirt-bike, quad-bike and aerial drone races in the wilderness of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
'''Big Baby:''' Until very recently Jewl had never taken a hit or so much as a slap in her life, except on rare occasions when she disappointed her violent and overbearing father. Never having been hit by anyone else, she has a hard time mentally and physiologically adjusting to the concept of being in pain as the result of violence.
'''Designated Omega''' and '''Favoured (Male Humans)''': As a young woman and the daughter of the sect-leader, Jewl was indoctrinated to be loyal and obedient. Consequently, she still finds it difficult to argue with authority figures, particularly if they are human and male.
S'''ocial Appearance Anxiety:''' Jewl's father expected her to look her best at all times, even during the sects militia combat training. Consequently, even while working on her drones or running the shadows, Jewl tries to avoid dirt  and always needs to look her best and keep her surroundings clean. She'll even compulsively clear away plates when eating in someone else's home.
'''Wanted:''' Militia-Cult leader's daughter or not, Jewl has been branded a "whore of Satan" and "species traitor" (these are the supposed "crimes" listed on her bounty notice). She has a 45,000 nuyen bounty on her head, alive only, under the name "Julia Truman Ways". Collectable by anyone who delivers her, in person and unharmed, to the Sons of the Pale cult compound in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
==Run History==
<!-- You do not need to edit this section. The above stuff will auto-generate a list of runs based on AARs. -->
<!-- Do not remove the below text. It's super important for the contact table. -->
<!-- Do not remove the above code. It's super important. You can add new contacts below using the HasContact template you see below. To add additional contacts, simply copy/paste one of the blocks below and update it with the name, loyalty, and chips. Everything else is automatically pulled from your contacts page. This template should also add your character to the contacts page automatically after your character has had a run. -->
|Name=Alessa P
|Loyalty= 1
<!-- Do not remove the below characters. It's super important The HasContact template should be used above this point. You may duplicate it as many times as necessary, or leave it blank.-->
<!-- Do not remove the above code. It's super important. This is what ends the ContactTable template. -->
<!-- See: Template:GroupContactTable for the group contact template. -->
=In Character Information=
==Symbols and Signatures==
==Matrix Search Table==
|LowResult= Jewl maintains a number social media accounts under the name of Claire Miles.
|MidResult=  Jewl operates out of a garage facility in a dangerous part of the Barrens. It has no legally filed address, and it's location isn't shown on Gridguide (this result does not provide the actual location of the facility). She's a frequent customer of a mechanic named Greasemonkey and regularly parties at a club called the Daze.
|HighResult= The Claire Miles identity is a fake. Facial and biometric match to one Julia Truman Ways, SINless daughter of anti-Tir "Sons of the Pale" cult/militia leader Truman Ways. There's an outstanding 45000 nuyen reward for her capture and safe return, alive and unharmed, to the main cult compound in the Blue Mountains, West Virginia.
==Assensing Table==
|LowResult= 1 hit Fit and well. Emotional State. Mundane. 2 hits will reveal the presence of some Cyberware in her right eye and internal to her cranium, including a datajack port behind and below her left ear. Jewl's aura also reveals extensive spine, circulatory and nervous system augmentation.
|MidResult=  3 hits will reveal if her essence is lower or higher than viewer's own. 4 hits will reveal Essence of 2.0. Will reveal astral signatures in the very unlikely event that any are present. General diagnosis of any maladies present.
|HighResult= Accurate diagnosis of any diseases or toxins present in Jewl's system.
==Shadow Community Table==
|LowResult= Sorry omae, I don't dabble in Jewel heists.
|MidResult= There's a fresh-faced Rigger from out of town running by that handle. A real looker too. Frequents that punk bar, the Daze; and visits Greasemonkey about once a week or so to pick up parts.
|HighResult= She's new to Seattle. Pilots a tricked-out Toyota Gopher and a sweet looking sapphire blue Suzuki Mirage. She's looking to break into the street racing circuit.
'''Fake SIN Rating 4:''' Claire Miles (UCAS citizen).
'''Fake Licenses:''' . Concealed Carry Permit, Driver's License, Drone Permit, Firearms, Pilot License. Restricted Augmentations. All Rating 4
A long-legged, slender human teenager with shoulder-length, pink-purple hair, Jewl speaks with a soft West Virginia accent. She has the lithe build and morphology to make a good income in modelling, were she both interested in that sort of work and able to find a sponsor. Though it would be unjust to describe her as socially awkward, Jewl's self-consciousness, oppressive back-woods upbringing and lack of pop-cultural knowledge make her somewhat quiet and reserved in company. She's not likely to express her thoughts or opinions in person, especially in the presence of human men, unless otherwise asked. Even so, Jewl is far from niave by any means - she's rightly wary of the "Emerald City" and it's inhabitants.
Jewl displays meticulous attention to her appearance. Even when working on her drones or wearing deliberately "distressed" clothing styles she is almost always spotlessly clean and wearing flawlessly applied cosmetics. She favours comfortable clothing at home, crisply clean overalls when performing routine maintenance on her drones, vehicles and weapons, and strives to wear "occasion appropriate" clothing at other times. Yet there's always something of a "backwoods" or "hillbilly" air about her manners and clothing choices that belie her attempts to become a social chameleon. She may be near royalty by the standards of her cult upbringing, but she's still "just" good looking street-trash by the standards of most corpo's she might come across. It doesn't help that even the best scented bathing oils and perfumes she can afford can't hide the faint hint of oils, lubricants and gasoline that follows in her wake.
Jewl's datajack is a discrete and tasteful interface slot just below and behind her left ear. Her wired reflexes are visible only as pinhole sized carbon-grey interface slot positioned between each of her thoracic vertebrae and all but invisible when she is fully clothed. Her right eye is artificial cyberware all but indistinguishable from her natural eye except under close examination.
===Matrix Persona===
A stylised version of herself in street race clothing, but entirely magenta purple/pink and faceted like a cut jewel. Her persona often appears mounted on a similarly faceted facsimile of a Suzuki Mirage or her Toyota Gopher whenever she's rigged in, but her drones always retain their original appearance even when she is piloting them in rigger mode.
==Media Mentions==
==ShadowGrid Profile Comments==
[[Category:Player Characters]]

Revision as of 15:38, 20 February 2021