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8,000Y (4RVP)
2,000Y negotiation bonus
7Karma (7RVP)
optional contact
Klaus Wolfgang von Hatzfield loyalty 6/1 (6RVP)
Optional Quality at gen rates.
Common sense(3RVP) or Shoot first(2RVP)

==Game Quotes==
==Game Quotes==
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[[Silverlight]]: "In all honesty, the paycheck is nice, helps me keep my sister fed and all, but I don't think I want to see another wolf so soon, that howl still echos in my head from time to time... I need to get smarter and stronger to be able to actually turn down the food chain and hunt wolves by myself. Also... That BlackLace girl scares me, never saw someone so angry at a wolf before..."
[[Silverlight]]: "In all honesty, the paycheck is nice, helps me keep my sister fed and all, but I don't think I want to see another wolf so soon, that howl still echos in my head from time to time... I need to get smarter and stronger to be able to actually turn down the food chain and hunt wolves by myself. Also... That BlackLace girl scares me, never saw someone so angry at a wolf before..."
[[Chófer]]: "well that sure was a lot of wolfs, also CC has.. strange friends"
[[BlackLace]]: "I don't remember much from this, truthfully. At least once we got in the cave it was all a red blur. My voice was hoarse for days after. The weird cottage was nice at least. So was the pay!"

Latest revision as of 04:42, 16 July 2023

Let the Hunt Begin!
Part of Trophäenjagd
LocationSeattle and surrounding forests.
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Klaus Wolfgang von Hatzfield
Cleaner Cleaner


Klaus Wolfgang von Hatzfield Is seeking hunters to help him track some of the most dangerous game the planet has to offer. He has come to the shadowhaven with a few trial opportunities to see if its runners can perform to his expectations.

The Meet

The team gathered at an empty field in Puyallup. Shortly after they arrived the J showed up in his enormous blimp. The team was bring up to into the Zeppelin via large crane and Anthro drone butlers brought the team to a room with trophies and the J. The job is simple. The J has heard rumor of an especially special Fenrir wolf and would like the body. The J instructed the team to not do excessive damage to the creature and recommended knocking it out first and then killing it with a clear cut to the throat. He offered the team 8000Y and the possibility of future jobs for success. The team accepted.

The Plan

The team decided to acquire some Guts for the run in hops of ignoring the wolves fear effects and then headed to Hibiscus's house near Mount Rainier. Once there they will investigate further and try to locate the wolf.

The Run

After a brief shopping trip, the team got into Chofer's apc and moved on to the UCAS/SSC border. They faced little opposition with some pleasant conversation and decent fake sins. Once through they reached their destination, a snow covered mountain chateau. Cleaner Cleaner cooked the team a fanciful meal while Chofer performed a matrix search to gather local stories and sightings of large wolves. The rest of the team relaxed in a hottub for the evening.

The next morning the hunt was on. Starting with the furthest sighting from the mountain the team attempted to locate evidence of the creature. A hunter spotted the beast stealing his deer in the woods west of the mountain. The scene was still rich with dried blood and fur. The light snow still disturbed, large foot prints all over the place. Silverlight was able to pull the scent of wolf off of a claw fragment lodged in a tree. With no discernable trails to be found the team moved on to the closest sighting to the mountain. As they approached the area Cleaner spotted something wolf like in the forest near the road. The team investigated and IDed the creature as a normal wolf, traveling in a small pack. Silverlight recognized the scent from the previous scene and the team decided to follow.

Tracking group was easy for Cleaner until BlackLace nearly fell into a concealed pit. Had the wolves purposefully led the team through this trap? Tensions grew but the team pressed on. Shortly after they entered a small clearing at the side of the mountain. A cave visible against it and the air rich with the scent of wolf. High on Guts, Blacklace and Cleaner threw caution to the wind and rush into the cave. Silverlight and Chofer's drone followed in not far behind. Soon after entering the wolves set their trap and engaged the team. 4 Fenrir wolves leapt out of the shadows some engaging with Cleaner Blacklace and Chofer while one attempted to scare off Blacklace with its magic. Seeing tight grouping, Silverlight fired a potent mana ball to disrupt them. The wolves natural resistance to magic lowered the spells impact but were weakened enough for Chofer to take out 3 of them. Blacklace stunned the remaining one.

The team momentarily breathed a sign of relief until realizing that none of these creatures were unusually large. They moved further into the cave and were immediately attacked by 6 more Fenrir's lead by an exceptionally large one. Combat proceeded and the Alpha wolf let loos a paralyzing howl which debilitated Cleaner and Silverlight. Just then 3 normal wolves and another Fenrir entered the cave. Combined fire from Chofer and Cleaner brought down the Alpha while Blacklace kept the normal Fenrir at bay. As soon as their leader fell the remaining wolves began to flee out the cave and the battle was won.


The team contacted von Hatzfield and provided him their location. He arrived shortly after by airship and retrieved the unconscious alpha personally. Pleased with the results he paid the team, and after a short stop to clean their mountain abode, returned to Seattle. Hatzfield even provided the team a small bonus to account for the additional pelts taken cleanly in the cave.


8,000Y (4RVP)

2,000Y negotiation bonus

7Karma (7RVP)


optional contact

Klaus Wolfgang von Hatzfield loyalty 6/1 (6RVP)

Optional Quality at gen rates.

Common sense(3RVP) or Shoot first(2RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Cleaner Cleaner: "Hahaha! It's been so long since I got to track something so dangerous down! It is so delightful to feel the blood pump when one approaches such prey! I'm going to mount the head of that lesser one over my bed. That Silverlight girl sounded like she likes to hunt, too. I hope she'll let me join her soon!"

Silverlight: "In all honesty, the paycheck is nice, helps me keep my sister fed and all, but I don't think I want to see another wolf so soon, that howl still echos in my head from time to time... I need to get smarter and stronger to be able to actually turn down the food chain and hunt wolves by myself. Also... That BlackLace girl scares me, never saw someone so angry at a wolf before..."

Chófer: "well that sure was a lot of wolfs, also CC has.. strange friends"

BlackLace: "I don't remember much from this, truthfully. At least once we got in the cave it was all a red blur. My voice was hoarse for days after. The weird cottage was nice at least. So was the pay!"