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#REDIRECT [[Lappland]]
|YourWikiUsername = Fangblade
|title = {{PAGENAME}} <!-- Do not change this!!! It is supposed to say PAGENAME, the wiki will automatically replace this. -->
|image= [[File:Nines 09.jpeg|200px]] <!-- You can change the filename to whatever you like, and upload a picture of your character to be displayed on the wiki. -->
|header1= O'Malley Syndicate Hound
|header2= Luckiest little shit
|header3= Don't call her Sprigatito!
|label5 = Discord
|data5 = Fangblade_
|label6 = Reddit
|data6 = [https://www.reddit.com/user/Fangblade_]
|label7= B
|data7 = Elf
|label8 = Street Cred
|data8= 18
|label9 = Notoriety
|data9 = 1
|label10 = Public Awareness
|data10= 1
|label11 = Titles and Awards
|data11 =
|label12 = CDP
|data12 = {{CDP|
|}} <!-- The above will automatically add +2 CDP for each AAR your character is tagged in. You can note expenses and any bonus CDP you gain above to adjust your current CDP total. -->
|label13 = D.O.B.
|data13 = 12-02-2051
|label14 = Age
|data14 = {{Age| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of birth below in numeric format. Yes, a second time. I know. -->
|Month= 02
|Day= 12
|}} <!-- The above will automatically update your character's age on their birthday! Just enter their month, day, and year of birth in numeric format. -->
|label15 = Folder
|data15 =[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1akKLB9LqxNYQ_Hq6xl-g28IsNL9Wiu9i?usp=sharing]
|label16 = Priority
|data16 = Metatype - B <br /> Attributes - B <br /> Magic/Resonance - E <br /> Skills - E <br /> Resources - A
=Character Information=
<s>Five of Nines - AKA Noel Hughes -</s> Brigit 'Spriggan' O'Malley is an Ex employee Telestrial Industries and Veteran the Aztec-Amazon war. During her employment with Telestrial Industries, she was on payroll as a regular corpo thug, but that changed when she was offered an assignment to be deployed under cover in the Aztec Amazon War. During her deployment she was found out and left for dead by her company. After the war she was able to make her way back to Seattle where she settled down with a nascent hatred for the corporations that she once believed in.
Brigit currently works for the O'Malley Syndicate as directly for Rowena O'Malley. While she is an enforcer for the Syndicate at large and a cleaner for the Finnigans, the families she's not directly inducted to might be suspicious of her, and the more conservative families might be hostile to her and the other members of HOUND.
She is known as "Sprigatito" by Rowena O'Malley
===Aztec Amazonia===
In her early career, Five of Nines worked with Telestrial industries as a guard, but worked her way up to being part of their numerous task forces. In the early 2070s, Nines was sent out to infiltrate Aztechnology, who then deployed Nines to fight in the Aztec Amazonian war. During this war, Nines was captured by the Amazonian forces and tortured, losing her arm in the process.
When Sirrurg assaulted the Aztec forces, the compound that Nines was controlled by became temporarily unlocked, and she managed to escape and make her way up to the UCAS region. The trip was made by herself, and it took most of herself to get back. Her mind coped in unhealthy ways and left her stuck reliving the days that had gone by, constantly being retraumatized by the PTSD she had acquired while in Amazonia. Developing unhealthy personalities, Nines was diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder, though a strict regimen of medications helps her manage.
Now, Nines is a mostly healthy and recovering body! They found health and home from shadowrunning, earning good amounts of money utilizing her learned military skills.
===Current affairs===
;'''March 2083'''
:Makes her way to the Haven, earning her first job a completed status.
:Also goes on hiatus to recover her mental health.
;'''January 2084'''
:Makes her way back to working with the Haven, doing small jobs to earn her keep.
;'''June 2084'''
:NCompletes larger jobs, but loses her cyberarm after getting shot.
:Meets and befriends Bleach
;'''July 2084'''
:Recovers her cyberarms and starts to upgrade with her hearned capital.
:Joins the Irish Mafia to watch over Bleach
:Helps out the NCP party multiple times
:Rents her first 5 star hotel
;'''August 2084'''
:Advances through the ranks of the Irish Mafia from cleaner to made man
:Meets and starts Dating Heron, which causes a rift between her and Bleach
:Undergoes her first Ascension, acquiring a full set of quality cyberarms, horns, and tails.
:Decides to go Camping with Bleach. They have a very hard talk about being just friends. Nines and Bleach repair their relationship.
:Nines gets a Fenrir Wolf during a smuggling run with the Finnigans. She is named Dainsleif.
;'''September 2084'''
:Nines is ambushed and almost murdered by Yakuza members while working on the Docks with the Finnigans. Bleach and Heron save Nines.
:Nines is inducted to the O'Malley Syndicate and Crime family as an Enforcer, and has been renamed Brigit "Spriggan" O'Malley
; Five of Nines's current goals:
: The utter and complete annihilations of Aztechnology and Telestrian Industries
: Rise in ranks of the Finnigan Mafia
: Settle down and live the good life
: Be a good friend to [[Bleach]]
== Narrative Significant Qualities ==
;'''Agile Defender'''
;'''Natural Athlete'''
:Spriggan being quick on her feet has always been a thing, but her reflexes are superhuman. She's broken the boundary of what an average human can do multiple times, and she rarely gets hit because of it.
;'''Animal Empathy'''
:After getting Leif, she's found a way to talk to animals in ways others just never understood.
;'''Common Sense'''
:Nines always had a good head on her shoulders, for the most part. She can sometimes, ''sometimes'', avoid simple faux pas.
;'''Cyber Singularity Seaker'''
:A mundane life won't do, and she needs that adrenaline to keep the boring life at bay.
;'''Low light vision'''
;'''First Impressions'''
:Nines is an elf, and has their elvishly good looks. Literally.
:Nines has always been lucky. When playing a game of poker, she once got five nines, an impossible hand with a normal deck.
;'''Made Man'''
:Spriggan is now part of the O'Malley crime syndicate, and specifically works for the Finngans and the O'Malleys, on call directly by Rowena O'Malley. Hic Svnt Leones.
:Nine's equipment always runs hot, but somehow that's working out for her really well. Maybe its a bug, she calls it a feature.
;'''Sense of Direction'''
:Having worked in the military, she can get herself around no problem.
;'''Shoot First, Don't Ask'''
:Kill em all and let god sort em out.
;'''Special Modifications - 2'''
;'''Prototype Materials'''
:Nines has spent a lot of effort tweaking her Mossberg shotgun. An upgraded internals kit from Ruhrmetall adds extra high density springs and an internal oiling that allows the gun to fire with peak efficiency. She also hand loads her own explosive rounds. She calls it the 'party starter'.
;'''Way of the Samurai: Sharpshooter'''
:Nines has reached the the zen moment of her career, finding it easier than ever to put bullets down range and end her enemies life. No longer is she a soldier for the corporations whims, now she is truly her own.
:Noel always had a screw loose or two. People chalked that up to the war, but upon returning he was diagnoed with being Bi-polar and was given the care and medication he needed to have some sense of normality.
;Addiction (Mild) Betameth
;Addiction (Mild) Kamikaze
:Soldiers frequently pushed combat drugs durring the Aztech-Amazonia war, and Noel unfortunately became addicted to them over her lifetime.
;Records on file - Aztechnology
:Being caught by Aztechnology as a spy during the war, Noel hit Aztech's shitlist hard.
:Noel always leaves a 9 of hearts playing card with a smiley face on it at the scene of her crimes
==Run History==
<!-- You do not need to edit this section. The above stuff will auto-generate a list of runs based on AARs. -->
'''Total Initations Availlable:'''
Ascension Spent:
* 1st Ascension:
40K Gear to ware
6 Karma to qualities
* 2nd Ascension:
30K Gear to ware
+20 faction Rep
+5 karma for skills
* 3rd Ascension:
12 karma to qualities
15 Karma to Skills
* 3rd Ascension:
24 karma to qualities
20,000 Nuyen to non Ware
===[[Finnigan Family]]===
Five of Nines started to work with the Finnigan Family in order to both further her own goals and keep an eye on her friend, Bleach. Since she's been on runs both on and off the Haven. After proving herself, Nines had been tasked with leading a small group of five others from the O'Malley Syndicate, known as Hound Team. She has since been made as an O'Malley, and part of the O'Malley Syndicate.
;Pramanix (Finnigan)
:Pramanix works with the Finnigans, and Nines has taken a keen liking to them. As a fixer, their connection is new, but as part of the Finnigans they've been working with each other since June 2084.
;Quinn Connoway (Finnigan)
:Quinn is a J from within the Finnigans. He gives out jobs to Finnigans within the family, or looks for outsiders to get the job done. Nines has worked hand over fist with Quinn, piling up the the bodies along the way. There is a great deal of respect on both sides.
;Jazz (Finnigan)
:Jazz is one of the highest connected folks within the Finnigans. As such, if you need gear, Jazz is the one to go to. Nines has worked with Jazz for a short amount of time, but the comradery is nascent.
;Sarah O'Connor (Finnigan)
:Sarah is another fixer for the Finnigans, but focusses more on 'ware. She helps Nines' with upkeep and maintenance on her limbs. They have a closer relationship than any of the other Finnigans. When Nines needs a hand with managing her squad she needs a hand figuring her ruffians out.
===Regular Contacts===
;Brett Moran
:Brett is Nines' connection to Telestrian Industries, a company she used to work for.
;Levine Asdrubael Velen
:Levine works with the Ancients, and Nines keeps tabs on them when she can. Their relationship is rocky, but they work together when its mutually beneficial.
:Dullahan and Nines are not on good terms, but they were the first runner to work with Nines in Seattle. There is a mutual respect, but as of recent it's become begrudging respect.
<!-- Do not remove the below text. It's super important for the contact table. -->
<!-- Do not remove the above code. It's super important. You can add new contacts below using the HasContact template you see below. To add additional contacts, simply copy/paste one of the blocks below and update it with the name, loyalty, and chips. Everything else is automatically pulled from your contacts page. This template should also add your character to the contacts page automatically after your character has had a run. -->
|Name= Pramanix
|Loyalty= 2
|Name= Quinn Connoway
|Loyalty= 1
|Name= Jazz
|Loyalty= 3
|Name= Sarah O'Connor
|Loyalty= 3
|Name= Ranni 'The Witch' Nearl
|Loyalty= 1
|Name= Akane Sawatari
|Loyalty= 1
|Name= Karen 'Sketch' O'Malley
|Loyalty= 1
|Name= Casey Kinnerk
|Loyalty= 1
|Name= James 'Boxman' Box
|Loyalty= 1
|Name= Brett Moran
|Loyalty= 1
|Name= Levine Asdrubael Velen
|Loyalty= 1
|Name= Dullahan
|Loyalty= 3
<!-- Do not remove the below characters. It's super important The HasContact template should be used above this point. You may duplicate it as many times as necessary, or leave it blank.-->
<!-- Do not remove the above code. It's super important. This is what ends the ContactTable template. -->
|Group=Finnigan Family
|Group=O'Malley Family
|Position=O'Malley Syndicate Enforcer
+7 New Century Party Rep
=In Character Information=
==Symbols and Signatures==
==Matrix Search Table==
==Shadow Community Table==
; Diarmuid Ua Tir na nOg - Fake Rating 4 SIN - Telestrian Industries
: Fake Rating 4 - Concealed Carry Permit
: Fake Rating 4 - Firearms License
: Fake Rating 4 - Driver's License
: Fake Rating 4 - Restricted Cyberware License
=== Clothing ===
===Matrix Persona===
==Media Mentions==
==ShadowGrid Profile Comments==
==Nine's Hotel Reviews==
* SSC Grandview Casino Hotel - '''10/10'''
Expensive, but amazingly cozy. Great sound dampening, there was an explosion and the staff sec can be bought off.
* Silvermax - '''7/10'''
A nice place with great sound dampened rooms!  perfect for PnP and getting your groove back. Hit it, boys!
* Motel 6 - '''5/10'''
Great for a hotel in Seattle, but not great for the SSC. Bugs and such, but a solid stay for 50 nooj. A great retreat.
file:Nines 01.png | Nines with a bouquet of firearms with her newest horns and tail
file:Nines 02.png | Nines' new tail and horns
file:Nines 03.png | Nines' fighting for her life during a Finnigan Job
file:Nines 05.png | Nines' combat gear
file:Nines 04.png | Nines showing off her new tongue
File:Nines 06.png | Nines with her mossberg
file:Nines 07.png | Nine's Experiment upgraded shotgun
file:Nines 08.png | Thinking of the past...
file:Nines 09.jpeg | Nine's and her armor, doing her best to grow
file:Nines 10.png | Nine's and her full armor
[[Category:Player Characters]]

Latest revision as of 09:56, 13 February 2024

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