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The only joy I get from
this insane world is
snuffing it out.
Street Cred42
Public Awareness1
FolderLapplan's Drive
PriorityMetatype - B
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - E
Resources - A

Character Information

Lappland is an Aztechnology Limited SINner, working for them during the day and then running in the evening. She's had a past full of war; fighting both in the physical realm and metaphysical astral as well. She's left wounds and death in her wake, choosing to forgo much niceties of life to instead further her desires for war. Other than hanging out with her Fenrir wold, Leif, or her best friends Raum and Hot Dog, all she knows is destruction.

For Lappland, there is no past, present, or future. There is only war.


Lappland's current goals
Protect her Ghoul Squad Buddies
Meddle with Telestrian Industries as much as possible
Give her Fenrir Wolf a good life

Narrative Significant Qualities


Agile Defender
Animal Empathy
Common Sense
Cyber-Singularity Seeker
First Impressions
Hawk Eye
Low-Light Vision
Made Man
Natural Athlete
No Pain, No Gain
Prototype Materials
Sense of Direction
Sharpshooter WotS - Longarms
Shoot First, Don't Ask
Specmods 2
Strive for Perfection
Tough as nails Phys 3 Stun 1
Will to Live 2


Addiction (mild) Beta and Kami
Bad Rep
Loss of Confidence (Leadership)
Records on File (Aztrc)
Reduced Sense (Hearing)
Signature (Leaves a coin from Tir-na-nOg)
SINner (corp limited, Aztec)
Wanter (O'Malley Syndicate - 100,000)

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Into the JungleAnumatiHigh2 June 2085
Routing the Ransomers!ElayneHigh17 May 2085
El Diablo Cazador De HombresAsmodeusMeatgrinderExtreme2 March 2085
Highway to HellhoundDawnfireMedium14 February 2085
Dining and DashingArchtmagHigh11 February 2085
Special Delivery... for the Military!TidanShockArma Ex Machina
Rad Wars 2084
Extreme5 December 2084
This Is Halloween H20AsmodeusHail to the PumpkingSemi-Prime31 October 2084
Building on BiometricsLHOGQuinn Connoway's Family MattersHigh1 October 2084
Some Real Fancy RocksLHOGDeadly28 September 2084
What is a man? A miserable pile of secretslov.euphoriaMilk run9 September 2084
Cake is so Vanillalov.euphoriaMedium8 September 2084
A Tail of Tons of ExplosionsLHOGMilk Run24 August 2084
Big dog in barrensLHOGMedium14 August 2084
What lies behind our masksTidanShockDeadly6 August 2084
Saved by the bellAuroraThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84Deadly (Escalated from High)6 August 2084
The Suite Life of Five of NinesTidanShockThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84High4 August 2084
Rally For Technorights!AuroraThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84Deadly2 August 2084
Sniffing out the powderLHOGQuinn Connoway's Family MattersMedium30 July 2084
Quinn Connoway's Surprise PartyLHOGQuinn Connoway's Family MattersMedium21 July 2084
Sand under the bridgeTidanShockThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84Deadly20 July 2084
Rounding up the RacistsAuroraMedium14 July 2084
Don't Mess with Raccoons, EitherEvaHigh30 March 2083



Total Initations Availlable:


Ascension Spent:

  • 1st Ascension:

40K Gear to ware 6 Karma to qualities

  • 2nd Ascension:

30K Gear to ware +20 faction Rep +5 karma for skills

  • 3rd Ascension:

12 karma to qualities 15 Karma to Skills

  • 4th Ascension:

24 karma to qualities 20,000 Nuyen to non Ware

  • 5th Ascension:

100K Towards non ware

  • 6th Ascension:

20K to non ware 20 karma to skills

  • 7th Ascension:

20 karma to skills 20,000 Nuyen to non Ware

  • 8th Ascension:

50,000 Nuyen to Ware


Core Contacts

Fern Naerain's connection to the Fae is a complex and multifaceted entanglement, forged through a series of fateful events that followed her plea for aid from Pixy Squad. This connection is marked by a trio of powerful and enigmatic Fae entities: True Sulla, Eniafialla, and Lord Rehr.

True Sulla - The Name Thief
Sulla played a pivotal role in Fern's connection to the Fae by stealing her original name. This act stripped Fern of her identity, leaving her at the mercy of the capricious Fae. The stolen name serves as a constant reminder of the price paid for Pixy Squad's assistance, and True Sulla's influence remains a looming presence in Fern's life. Sulla calls Fern "Little Twitch Ears" When fae speaks to Fern.
Jessica Brinly - The doppleganger Unfurled
Fern's connection with Jessica Brinly took a sinister turn as the revelation unfolded that Jessica worked directly for True Sulla, acting as a conduit for coercion into the Fae realm. Once comrades in Pixy Squad, their relationship now bore the weight of manipulation and betrayal. The entanglement with the Fae introduced an element of doubt and tension, as Fern grappled with the unexpected twist in her history, questioning not only her connection to the Fae but also the loyalty of someone she once considered a trusted ally.
Eniafialla - The Spirit Breaker
Eniafialla, dangerous and distant, inflicted a profound impact on Fern by breaking her spirit. The weight of Eniafialla's influence, otherworldly and crushing, challenges Fern's resilience and inner strength. The scars left by Eniafialla's actions shape Fern's journey, as she strives to overcome the spiritual toll exacted by this distant and formidable Fae entity.
Lord Lirael Rehr - The Vindictive Master
Lord Rehr, vindictive and sadistic, forced Fern into a binding pact, compelling her into servitude to the Fae. This pact is a constant reminder of Fern's indebtedness to the supernatural forces that now dictate aspects of her life. The vindictive nature of Lord Rehr adds an element of malevolence to Fern's connection, with the Fae entity holding sway over her actions and decisions. Rehr also calls Fern "Little Twitch Ears", but they put emphasis on little.
The Green-Eyed Witch - uncaring observer
In addition to her intricate ties with True Sulla, Eniafialla, and Lord Rehr, Fern finds herself observed by "the green-eyed witch." This mysterious figure stands as an uncaring watcher, indifferent to Fern's struggles and intervening only when it aligns with her whims. The green-eyed witch, a symbol of freedom as they are unattached to the politics of the other fae, becomes an eerie presence in Fern's life, offering assistance selectively and imposing her will as she sees fit.
Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Rehr 5 4 Fixer Unseelie Agent Unseelie Agent, Fae Wild, Agent no more, Fae Magic, Magical Threats, Syndicates, It's never enough, Give me your life Even
True Sulla 2 3 Service Truenamer Exile, Truenamer, Astral Topography, Prankster, Undreamer, Eyes Open, True Pixy Squad, Foul by Fire Even
The Green-Eyed Witch 6 1 Legwork Art Re-appropriator Immortal Self Interest, Curious Clairvoyant, Circumspect Sorcerer, Emerald Mage, Forgotten Poet, Dreamwalker, Meddler, The Eternal Muse, Former Fae, Art Nerd, Metaplanar Relieve, Chain Breaker, Ritualist Even

Common Contacts

Contacts that Lappland would commonly reach out to, or would reach out to Lappland.

Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Mother of Mayhem 4 -4 Custom(G,N,K,A) Halloweener Rager Old Grudges, Rager Responsibilities, Horror Aficionado, Burn It Down!, Street Elder, Rager Connections, Wanna Fix?, Hot Merch, Hot Wheels -5
Ranni 'The Witch' Nearl 3 3 Legwork Info Broker Matrix Wizard, Decker, Overwatch Interfearence, Info Broker Even
Akane Sawatari 3 3 Service Silent Executioner Infiltrations, Sneaking Adept, Assassinations, Awakened Hangouts Even
Karen 'Sketch' O'Malley 3 3 Generalist Operations Consultant BTL Hangouts, Explosives Expert, Forbidden Gear, Found Family Even
Casey Kinnerk 3 3 Networking Channeling Specialist Summoning - Search, Spirit of Air, Detection Magic, Firearms Even
James 'Boxman' Box 3 3 Service Close Combat Face Warehouses, Shipping, Face, Close Combat Specialist Even
Fiendest 2 3 Fixer HMHVV Fanatic Wanted, Infected Organizer, Lavawalker, Terrordome, Darkdweller Even
KLBR 3 1 Service Professional Smuggler Smuggling Routes, Safehouses, Syndicates, Red Vory Even

Extremely Distant Contacts

The following contacts for some reason or another, do not contact, and are not contacted by Fern.

Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Levine Asdrubael Velen 5 1 Custom(N,A,K,G) Ex-Ancients Colonel Oh God I Love Drugs, Night Owl, Not So One-Sided, That One Job, Tir na Connected, Fight The Law Even
Dullahan 4 3 Fixer(G,N,A,K) Espionage Agent Government Funded, Awakened Operatives, Listening Post, The Local Talent, Self Sustaining Operations: Even



+7 New Century Party Rep
+3 Shiawase Reputation
+3 Starscreamers Reputation
+3 Wild Index
+1 Aztechnology


Lappland has made a few contacts in Aztechnology, some that are just acquaintances. Here is a list of people she's met and is fond of.

  • Christian Izquierdo - Squadmate - Ghoul
  • Carles Cardona - Squadmate - Ghoul
  • Evaristo Cespedes - Squadmate - Ghoul
  • Marcelo Heredia - Squadmate - Ghoul
  • Vicent Alba - Human Mage - Magic 8
  • Albertor Mosquera - Human Pointman
  • Markel Portillo - Human Communications officer / Decker (pi Tac)


- 5 rep for Kenran-kai
- 20 O'Malley Syndicate
- 20 Finnigan Family

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


Diarmuid Ua Tir na nOg - Fake Rating 4 SIN - Telestrian Industries
Fake Rating 4 - Concealed Carry Permit
Fake Rating 4 - Firearms License
Fake Rating 4 - Driver's License
Fake Rating 4 - Restricted Cyberware License



Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments

Nine's Hotel Reviews

  • SSC Grandview Casino Hotel - 10/10

Expensive, but amazingly cozy. Great sound dampening, there was an explosion and the staff sec can be bought off.

  • Silvermax - 7/10

A nice place with great sound dampened rooms! perfect for PnP and getting your groove back. Hit it, boys!

  • Motel 6 - 5/10

Great for a hotel in Seattle, but not great for the SSC. Bugs and such, but a solid stay for 50 nooj. A great retreat.
