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|Name= Ghaz
|Loyalty= 2

|Name= Kenneth "Flamesaw" Murphy
|Loyalty= 2

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Latest revision as of 14:03, 2 August 2024

Street Samurai
Barrens rat turned Shadowrunner.
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Character's Date of Birth03/15/2060
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


Very punchy, very shooty street sam with some skill behind a physical wheel, or doing B&E.


  • Build up a New Eyrie Gang to start fighting back against the more violent gangs of the Barrens.
  • Forge connections with the more reasonable gangers of the Barrens and beyond.
  • Bring hope back to Redmond, or at least to his street.
  • Kill. Every. Halloweener.


Hunter Ross knew the Barrens were shitty, even when he was a kid, running around with his younger sister Laura. He and his small gang of toughs, though? They took care of things on their street, made sure the folks around them were taken care of, did their best to keep the more dangerous gangs out. That only works so well, though, when the gang attacking your chummers is the Halloweeners. Sick bastards, who attacked while the prodigious brawler of a heater for the Eyrie Gang, as their boss 'Eagle One' called them, was out and about. When Hunter returned, they were all dead, mutilated and bloody. And Laura was gone. Calling in every favor he had, Hunter was rushing to his sister's rescue, following the trail of the depraved holiday-themed gang, until, with the aid of some novice 'runners, they managed to reach Laura. Too late, though. They'd killed her to make a snuff BTL, and not a clean one, either. From that day on, the surviving Ross sibling had only one thing on his mind. Get stronger. Get faster. Kill the Halloweeners. None of them could be allowed to keep on going, and none of them would be allowed to breathe, if he had his way. Expensive chrome, dangerous jobs, a means to an end to get himself to a place he could better strike at his hated foes from.

The running started pretty soon after that, Hunter taking trips to Touristville to find work from everyone's favorite Pixie, after getting some recommendations to head out there. Most of the work's cash, though, ended up going back into Hunter himself, be it getting fresh 'ware, new equipment, or even just paying rent and ammo costs. Even got him a connect to a good doc to install the 'ware, and his visits have gotten him some familiarity with one of the local recovering BTL addicts, Ella. Now, Hunter finally feels he's established himself enough to start hitting more dangerous gigs, building up his resources, finding new chummers to fight next to, and reform the gang that he saw as the one group of folks who actually gave a shit about protecting the people of Redmond.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Biocompatibility [Cyberware] - Hunter's always been tougher than most humans, so it wasn't a huge surprise when the Eyrie started using funds to get him 'wared up some. When they realized he could handle it better'n most, they began setting aside more of the protection cred they were making to scrape together some upgrades.
  • Redliner - Sure it's slowly killing him, but having docs tune his limbs to their extremes is nothing less than crucial, in Hunter's eyes. The more of his 'ware he can get running at it's peak or past it, the better.
  • Battle Hardened - Hunter's been running for a bit, and even before then got into a lot of fights. Battle fazes him a bit less, as a result.


  • Vendetta [Halloweeners] - They took Hunter's sister from him. He's gonna take everything from them.
  • Driven [Destroy Halloweener Leadership] - The best way to kill something's to take it's head.
  • No Man Left Behind - Hunter's never letting his crew go down like that again, if he can do anything to stop it.
  • Lack of Focus - Undiagnosed ADHD is a bitch and a half, but who can afford a doc to diagnose and prescribe meds for it properly in the Barrens?

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Always Listen to Your DoctorEvaHigh9 August 2085
SkiptracingSarcarianMedium1 August 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Alessa P 4 2 Fixer Owner of The Daze The Daze, Shadow Connections, Ear to the Ground, Punk Rocker, Bootleggers Even
'Doc' Mortimer 6 1 Custom(G,A,K,N) Street Doc Biotechnologist, Advanced 'Ware, Black Market Pipeline, Forbidden Gear, Cybertechnologist, Cyberlimbs, Blood and Bone Even
Ella "Unraveled" Wyatt 1 1 Legwork Recovering BTL Addict Unreliable, Recovering Chiphead, Redmond, Gang Relations, BTLs, Vice Knowledge Even
Ghaz 2 1 Legwork Skraacha Sheriff Cavalry's Here, Skraacha Sheriff, Coffin House -1
Kenneth "Flamesaw" Murphy 2 2 Custom(A,G,N,K) Ganger / Tough Guy Not the Brightest Bulb, Firesaw, Fraggin' Handsome, People Pleaser, WAIT I'm a runner too! Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


Orion Blake [R4 Fake Sin]


6'8", 248lb, brown shoulder-length hair, dull green eyes. Broad shoulders, and more rough, angular features that he doesn't bother to soften with a kind gaze.


When not on a job that requires dressing up, Hunter opts for a simple armored jacket, and some comfortable streetwear, usually jeans and a t-shirt. While on something requiring a bit more of a look, or stealth, though, he'll switch to his Sleeping Tiger suit.

Matrix Persona

Pre-packaged persona, chummer.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
KOS Weeners Hunter has, generally, a KOS rule for Halloweeners (Though this doesn't apply to ShadowHaven members, as much as he's not fond of the Halloweeners), and if he ever gets wind of a local leader for the Halloweeners, he'll go after them near single-mindedly.
Save Victims Apply No Man Left Behind to kidnapping victims of gangs, especially lower income victims, and ESPECIALLY especially ones kidnapped by Halloweeners, or other gangs known for making snuff BTLs.
Find New Eyrie Gang Recruits Hunter's on the lookout for skilled hands who care about their communities in the Barrens, and who want to try and protect the normal folks, since Lone Star sure as drek won't. Getting good people who wanna protect good people together under one banner's a good way to give hope to the streets.
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments