Always Listen to Your Doctor

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Always Listen to Your Doctor
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp



"I recently sold some good-quality 'ware to this fella. Bit paranoid, but apparently stupid enough to stiff a doc on his repayments. Grab 'im, ship 'im back here alive and I'll grab the 'ware back out. Chap should live through it. Oh, he looked to be a dab handy in a straight fight, probably sneak up on 'im."

'Doc' Mortimer

The Meet

The team meets at Mortimer's shop - Peregrine was there already having some work done, Samael arrives a bit early to scope the shop out since he's in the market for some eventually serious upgrades, and Glitch arrives on time - both Glitch and Samael get a once over from the heavily cybered "receptionist" at the front.

Mortimer tells the team that he installed some higher end ware in a client, such as a pain editor, headware, and such, and wants it back. Job is to bring the client back alive and unconscious so the Doc can yank the 'ware back out. Client is a paranoia elf named Ricky Chase - Mortimer is uncertain where to find him based on the photo. Mortimer thinks he is generally around Tacoma. Mortimer also has a blood sample if that's of any help to the group. Mortimer keeps blood samples of clients who still owe him money. He also gives the team Chase's medical records, showing that he's physically hardy.

Samael and the others specifically request the "no insurance" program if they ever come back for cyberware.

Payment for the Run is: 20k Nuyen and gear rates on cyberware

Glitch negotiates for 1k upfront and for some sedatives from Doc Mortimer, getting the toxin version of Slab.

The Plan

Option 1: Overwhelm Chase with stun damage before he can activate his pain editor. Samael has an injector pen and stick-n-shock ammo, Peregrine has shock gloves, etc.

Option 2: Slab the everloving hell out of him.

Option 3: Intimidate the hell out of him.

The team choses to try and intimidate first, grab/cinch and inject the slab, and if nothing else, overwhelm him with stun damage.

The Run

The team does some drugs (yay Drugs!) and then Glitch begins her matrix search. She learns there are a lot of false names that "Ricky Chase" uses, as well as a few photos, and notes about some home deliveries to an address in Faircrest. The address has security that is not on the matrix; the area is home to the "rich and paranoid" (Security Level A). Chase is home a lot, and the team assumes he has a docwagon contract which further complicates things. They considers the average response time of Docwagon HTR teams while determining the plan; though there are some indications he might be running low on money which explains why he is stiffing Doc Mortimer.

The team comes up with the idea of coming in under the guise of medical personnel and using Danny Greenlight to have the appropriate ride for this on the off chance they cannot just talk Chase into coming in quietly. Danny charges the team 1k for the ride in a van which will pass a cursory sniff test as to being a medical van.

The team then goes and acquires surplus medical scrubs and uniforms, with Glitch working to acquire them for 100 each.

Disguises and ride in hand, the team heads to Faircrest. Danny drives them in smoothly while Samael and Glitch handle any of the talking at the security points. Glitch determines the building is suspiciously empty any matrix icons. No commlinks on, everything appears to be offline/analog. The front door is DNA coded, and Glitch hacks the door while Samael and Peregrine work on locksmithing the card panel. The team pops the lock and enters.

As the team enters, Samael realizes there is a laser grid present and calls a halt. Some mirrors and careful movement later, the grid is bypassed and Samael and Peregrine continue into the house. They check the house's office first, and then the bedroom where the find the target sleeping, albeit in armor and on guard. Peregrine sneaks up and jabs him with Samael's injector pen, dosing him with slab.

A short grapple-brawl occurs as the team tries to 'run the clock' until the slab kicks in. Chase ends up leaping out the window from the second floor, followed by the team. A few moments later, the slab kicks in and the team bags the target, sneaks it to Danny's van, and heads out.


A broken window later, the target is delivered to Doc Mortimer


Rewards for 'Always Listen to your Doctor' (High)

20k Nuyen, gear rates on 'ware avail 19 or below (10 RVP)

6 Karma (6 RVP)

1k negotation


Optional, taking from above rewards:

'Doc' Mortimer, C5/L2 (6 RVP)

+1 loyalty with 'Doc' Mortimer if existing (up to 4)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Samael - I've had cleaner runs, and I've had significantly less clean ones. All in all the plan worked, albeit there were some things we missed in legwork that surprised us. Still, I believe this falls under 'any landing you can walk away from'.