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{{CategoryTemplate}} <!-- This entire line is safe to delete. In fact, please do. -->
|YourWikiUsername =  
|YourWikiUsername =  
|title = {{PAGENAME}} <!-- Do not change this!!! It is supposed to say PAGENAME, the wiki will automatically replace this. -->
|title = {{PAGENAME}} <!-- Do not change this!!! It is supposed to say PAGENAME, the wiki will automatically replace this. -->
|image= [[File:Placeholder.png|200px]] <!-- You can change the filename to whatever you like, and upload a picture of your character to be displayed on the wiki. -->
|image= [[File:Girl bg.jpg|200px]] <!-- You can change the filename to whatever you like, and upload a picture of your character to be displayed on the wiki. -->
|header1= Archetype
|header1= By the brilliance of the light!
|header2= (Short Blurb)
|header2= Fire purify me once more!
|header3= Let us together take on the
|header4= of all humanity!
|label5 = Discord
|label5 = Discord
|data5 = @Discord#Tag
|data5 = Fangblade_
|label6 = Reddit
|label6 = Reddit
|data6 = [https://www.reddit.com/user/Fangblade_ Fangblade_]
|data6 = [https://www.reddit.com/user/Fangblade_ Fangblade_]
|label7= Metatype
|label7= Metatype
|data7 = (Metatype Here)
|data7 = (Troll)
|label8 = Street Cred
|label8 = Street Cred
|data8= 0
|data8= 0
|label9 = Notoriety
|label9 = Notoriety
|data9 = 0
|data9 = 1
|label10 = Public Awareness
|label10 = Public Awareness
|data10= 0
|data10= 0
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|}} <!-- The above will automatically add +2 CDP for each AAR your character is tagged in. You can note expenses and any bonus CDP you gain above to adjust your current CDP total. -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically add +2 CDP for each AAR your character is tagged in. You can note expenses and any bonus CDP you gain above to adjust your current CDP total. -->
|label13 = D.O.B.
|label13 = D.O.B.
|data13 = Character's Date of Birth
|data13 = January 6th 2062
|label14 = Age
|label14 = Age
|data14 = {{Age| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of birth below in numeric format. Yes, a second time. I know. -->
|data14 = {{Age| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of birth below in numeric format. Yes, a second time. I know. -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically update your character's age on their birthday! Just enter their month, day, and year of birth in numeric format. -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically update your character's age on their birthday! Just enter their month, day, and year of birth in numeric format. -->
|label15 = Folder
|label15 = Folder
|data15 =[Drive URL Link]  
|data15 =[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EyT78HwsoUchdddmh3qav-WUY9zZjogz Drive]  
|label16 = Priority
|label16 = Priority
|data16 = Metatype - X <br /> Attributes - X <br /> Magic/Resonance - X <br /> Skills - X <br /> Resources - X
|data16 = Metatype - A <br /> Attributes - A <br /> Magic/Resonance -C <br /> Skills - E <br /> Resources - E
|label17 = #Max IGs/Ascension
|label17 = #Max IGs/Ascension
|data17 = {{IGTracker| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of the first run below in numeric format. Set the awakened status to 0 if you are mundane, 1 for Mage/Mystic Adept and 2 for the other awakened. If you are a techno you may just delete this part from label17 to the delete pointer.-->
|data17 = {{IGTracker| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of the first run below in numeric format. Set the awakened status to 0 if you are mundane, 1 for Mage/Mystic Adept and 2 for the other awakened. If you are a techno you may just delete this part from label17 to the delete pointer.-->
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|}} <!-- delete until this line if you are a techno. -->
|label18 = # Optional Infected powers allowed
|data18 = {{InfectedPowers| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of the first run after infection below in numeric format. Leave blank if you aren't infected -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically the number of optional infected powers your character is allowed to buy! Just enter the month, day, and year of the first run after infection below in numeric format. Leave blank if you aren't infected -->
|label19 = Essence(Current/Max):
|data19 = {{Strain1EssenceTracker|
|}} <!-- The above will help to track your current essence level based on the number of runs you have gone on as a strain 1 infected. Every 4 runs you will drop one essence and use of active powers will accelerate this. Increment activepowersused each time you activate an infected power and enter your IG in Essence expansion if you have the essence expansion metamagic. Essencelost is used to track Essence loss due to cyberware, Essence drained is used to track the total amount of essence drained over your career. If you were not a strain 1 infected in your first run you may need to play with essence lost active powers used or essence drained to get the counter synced up correctly. If you are not a strain 1 infected you can remove label and data lines 19-->
|label20 = # Optional Drake powers available
|data20 = {{DrakePowers|
|}} <!-- Track available drake powers. Enter the date of the run you transformed into a drake the first time. As you buy major and minor powers increment that number here. If you are not a drake you can delete the label and data 20 lines. -->
=Character Information=
=Character Information=
==Page is WIP==
D'arce was born to troll parents, and grew up in the ork underground. There, d'Arce would go neglected, not receiving the proper attention and engagement that she needed to grow up healthy like the rest of her community.  
D'arce was born to troll parents, and grew up in the ork underground. There, d'Arce would go neglected, not receiving the proper attention and engagement that she needed to grow up healthy like the rest of her community.  
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Leaving the church, Girl purchased a bound copy of letters that Jean herself had once written, and together with a bible she had been given from that church, she took those to be her holy text. Leaning heavily into these fantastic ideas, even acquired transgenic alteration to make herself look more like the titular character.  
Leaving the church, Girl purchased a bound copy of letters that Jean herself had once written, and together with a bible she had been given from that church, she took those to be her holy text. Leaning heavily into these fantastic ideas, even acquired transgenic alteration to make herself look more like the titular character.  

That visage she met in the dark however, taken to being called [[Boy]], stayed by Girl's side. Though, Girl could not realize it, but [[Boy]] was no visage of peace and justice, just a trickster seeing how long he could push this facade. Girl has yet to clue into this fact.
That visage she met in the dark however, taken to being called [[Boy]], stayed by Girl's side. Though, Girl could not realize it, but [[Boy]] was no visage of peace and justice, just a trickster seeing how long he could push this facade. Girl has yet to clue into this fact."
Since becoming a runner, she has started to work with [[Thalia "Flinch" Sinclair]] helping around her 'clinic' and doing odd jobs for her, in order to help the both of them heal those who require it.

*Save those she can from Sin and Punishment
*Heal those she cannot save otherwise
*Be the force that brings equity and change to those around her
*Spread the word of the holy spirit and royal authority of Saint Joan of Arc

===Holy Text===
Girl's holy text is a hand bound book of hand transcribed letters from Joan of Arc, including miscellaneous holy passages following Anglicanism. As well, it contains the The Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, which celebrate social justice, believe in the god and holy spirit, as well as the persecution and sainthood of Joan of Arc.

== Narrative Significant Qualities ==
== Narrative Significant Qualities ==

*History Is Not As Certain As We Are Taught
*Mentor Spirit - Holy Text
*Adept PP bonus 3
*Tough as nails phys 1 / stun 2
*Thermographic Vision

*Dependant - Nuiance
*Insomniac - Basic
*Spirit Bane (Spirit of Man)
*Trog Traitor

==Run History==
==Run History==
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|Name=Thalia "Flinch" Sinclair


Latest revision as of 21:36, 11 November 2024

Girl bg.jpg
By the brilliance of the light!
Fire purify me once more!
Let us together take on the
of all humanity!
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.January 6th 2062
PriorityMetatype - A
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance -C
Skills - E
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension0

Character Information


D'arce was born to troll parents, and grew up in the ork underground. There, d'Arce would go neglected, not receiving the proper attention and engagement that she needed to grow up healthy like the rest of her community.

Unfortunately, this led D'arce to engage in activities and learning by herself. She left her home in search of purpose and belonging, only to stumble further and further into the dark tunnels that she became lost in. Nearly on the brink, her mind broke, though she was not alone in the dark. Hearing a warming voice and a piercing light, she believed that in the dark she had met a visage sent from god; Jean d'Arc.

Her believed persecution she thought to be a test that god had pinned on her, and the whispers of this visage were that of an angel, guarding and guiding her to the surface. Her mind lost and wandering, decided then to vow herself to this angel, and she stripped herself of her identity and become Girl. Girl believed she should continue the tribulations of Saint Joan of Arc, and believed she would rid the world of sin by taking on the sins of humans.

After returning to the surface, she headed to a church that offered her umbrage, and helped her back to health. This church, a welcoming one of Anglican nature, nurtured her back to health, though they could not diagnose or expect her desires.

Leaving the church, Girl purchased a bound copy of letters that Jean herself had once written, and together with a bible she had been given from that church, she took those to be her holy text. Leaning heavily into these fantastic ideas, even acquired transgenic alteration to make herself look more like the titular character.

That visage she met in the dark however, taken to being called Boy, stayed by Girl's side. Though, Girl could not realize it, but Boy was no visage of peace and justice, just a trickster seeing how long he could push this facade. Girl has yet to clue into this fact."

Since becoming a runner, she has started to work with Thalia "Flinch" Sinclair helping around her 'clinic' and doing odd jobs for her, in order to help the both of them heal those who require it.


  • Save those she can from Sin and Punishment
  • Heal those she cannot save otherwise
  • Be the force that brings equity and change to those around her
  • Spread the word of the holy spirit and royal authority of Saint Joan of Arc


Holy Text

Girl's holy text is a hand bound book of hand transcribed letters from Joan of Arc, including miscellaneous holy passages following Anglicanism. As well, it contains the The Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, which celebrate social justice, believe in the god and holy spirit, as well as the persecution and sainthood of Joan of Arc.


Narrative Significant Qualities


  • History Is Not As Certain As We Are Taught
  • Mentor Spirit - Holy Text
  • Adept PP bonus 3
  • Tough as nails phys 1 / stun 2

  • Adept
  • Horns
  • Thermographic Vision


  • Dependant - Nuiance
  • Insomniac - Basic
  • Spirit Bane (Spirit of Man)
  • Trog Traitor

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Ashes of HopeBungusMedium11 November 2085
Running Red 1RobintonParadise LostHigh31 August 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Boy 1 2 Legwork Nuisance and Trickster Patient Observer, Foul Darkness, Somewhat Religious, Joan of Arc Even
Thalia "Flinch" Sinclair 2 1 Fixer(A,K,N,G) Ganger Doc Medical Expertise, 162s, Empathy and Negotiation Even
Dial-Up 4 1 Fixer
Ex-Renraku Artificial Intelligence
Matrix-Bound, Like a fish to water, Data Miner, Computer Jackson, Hard Drive Dealer, Briefing, Former Renraku property, Logistics, Involuntary Program Updates Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments