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It was nice working with Awesome Possum again. I'm glad that they've been doing all right after we broke up that Psionic university. I think I'm going to stay out here for a bit with Greirat before I take the round trip with the smugglers. I'm glad that I got to interact with a couple of other Red Mages in Christmas and Greirat.
It was nice working with Awesome Possum again. I'm glad that they've been doing all right after we broke up that Psionic university. I think I'm going to stay out here for a bit with Greirat before I take the round trip with the smugglers. I'm glad that I got to interact with a couple of other Red Mages in Christmas and Greirat.

[[JuJu]]:I've ever had a job like this before. The sixth world is truly wondrous. Never thought to meet awakened rabbits. My goodness they were cuddly. And much to my amazement...brave. Kabru showed true courage coming into the barrens the way he did. Those poachers were a nasty bunch but my team mates were outstanding individually and as a team. Awesome Possum lived up to the name with Moro that giant boar spirit. I also have new insight as to why Red Magic has the name. Red in tooth and claw indeed. Interviewing Handler and Christmas was invaluable for the ole dissertation. I think I can get an article in the Journal of Applied Thaumaturgy out of it...
[[JuJu]]:I've never had a job like this before. The sixth world is truly wondrous. Never thought to meet awakened rabbits. My goodness they were cuddly. And much to my amazement...brave. Kabru showed true courage coming into the barrens the way he did. Those poachers were a nasty bunch but my team mates were outstanding individually and as a team. Awesome Possum lived up to the name with Moro that giant boar spirit. I also have new insight as to why Red Magic has the name. Red in tooth and claw indeed. Interviewing Handler and Christmas was invaluable for the ole dissertation. I think I can get an article in the Journal of Applied Thaumaturgy out of it...

Latest revision as of 02:09, 16 December 2024

You to You
LocationSeattle and SSC
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Shiawase Runner Team
Awesome Possum
Casualties and losses
total annhialation


An awaken rabbit wants to find her lost brother. The awakened rabbit, Kabru, asks for help in saving their brother, Tabris.


A rabbit awakens and finds themselves and her brother taken by poachers. The rabbit Kabru is able to get away, but her brother is stolen by poachers. So, Kabru runs through the forest and finds a druid, Greirat, who helps her find her brother, Tabris, by hiring runners to help out.

The Meet

The J appears as an illusion, and speaking in prose, revealing himself to be an awakened rabit. Kabru asks for help in saving their brother, Tabris. She speaks in prose and poems in a fickle and weird way, given her awakening was more recent, she has a lot of social quirks. When the runners asked, eventually she revealed that she was nearby, in the ditch eating flowers. The team, enamored with Kabru's true form, immediately offers to help without any pay at all.

Deciding a way to get there, the team starts to plan a way to get to Tabris, given that Kabru mentioned they were still trapped in the SSC.

The Plan

Knowing the border was between them and Tabris, the team try to find ways to get over the border. Handler suggests that the team could use spirits to hop the border, but that could potentially leave them a long treck to where they need to get to, and leave them susceptible to being spotted by SSC rangers. Christmas suggests that the team might be able to use one of her contacts in order to be smuggled across, and with a few phone calls, Christmas' contact is able to connect them with a smuggler that nets them a trip across the border undetected. For a cost, of course.

The Run

Now in the forest, the team starts to trek on foot towards the area that Tabris might me. Kabru mentions that Tabris and her were caught under a big willow tree which had an astral rift nearby. She also mentioned that a Druid was the one who contacted the runner's fixers, requesting mages and someone who could talk well, in case there was need for dealing with the Druid or the others in the woods.

The Druid of the name Greirat - a cermudgeon if ever there was one. He sat by the river and would not budge, but when the team had red mages and an otherwise respectful bunch, the team is granted a seat around Greirat's fire. Greirat, who was meditating with drumming and chanting, shares a smoke with the team, and when half of them are able to smoke without coughing, he cuts loose a little, offering info on the situation.

Greirat mentions that nearby a wild boar spirit was going rampant, and would need to be avoided in order for the team to get through the forest without being hurt by his rampage. Yet, Greirat mentions not to harm the boar spirit - Moro - since the spirit was only here and angry because of the harm befalling the forest. With this in mind, the team leave Kabru with Greirat, and they decide to try and speak with Moro in order to potentially get them on their side, so that they can kill all the poachers.

Soon after walking through the forest, the team comes upon a trapped beast spirit who is crazed and afraid, forgetting the nature of their spirit nature. Trapped by a bear trap, the spirit was thrashing around and getting enraged. With Christmas feeling like they want to pacify, they approach the spirit and calm the spirit, allowing his own beast spirit to break the trap, freeing the wild beast spirit.

The team now finding their way to where Moro was by tracking the little beast spirit, they are able to get close to Moro. Now wild and enraged, the processing of beast spirits - all wild boars and angry - cause a rift between the runners and Moro. Moro growls and rages, and his roar is heard throughout the forest.

The runners sit down, and through a combined effort, they're able to talk with and negotiate with Moro. Wanting the same thing, the destruction of the poachers encampment and the the freeing of the animals, Moro calms, and sits on an even level with the team. Now that they are able to talk, Moro and Awesome Possum are able to speak eye to eye (figuratively). With an extended conversation, the team is able to pacify Moro, and even rally them and their team to charge into battle against the encampment.

Now leading with Moro and the boars, the team is able to rush through and absolutely trample the encampment, as well as save Tabris and the other animals for being trampled by Moro and his cavalcade of boars. Finding the last of the Poachers alive, the team interrogate and then feed the leader to Moro.


Moro leaves with his boars, heading back to the Willow tree until the forest feels balanced. The team of runners heads back to Greirat's camp. Reuniting the scared Tabris with Kabru, the two rabbits cuddle together on Awesome Possum's lap while they all share in dinner. Afterwards, Greirat takes the team hunting for Alchemy supplies. Tabris and Kabru go back to their home underneath the great willow tree.


Rewards for You To You (medium, 13 RVP)
  • 10 Karma - 10 RVP
  • 6 CDP - 3 RVP
  • 2 CDP - Free
  • Counts as initiation for the mages
  • Counts as mundane ascension for the mundanes
Optional rewards
  • Greirat (Legwork druid) C2 L2 for 3 RVP
  • KLBR (Service, smuggler) C3 L1 for 3 RVP
  • Up to 4000 in gear rewards for reagents (Extended reagent harvesting with Greirat) for 1 RVP
  • Up to 20000 nuyen in foci for (For selling off the corpse' foci to a contact) 5 RVP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


It was nice working with Awesome Possum again. I'm glad that they've been doing all right after we broke up that Psionic university. I think I'm going to stay out here for a bit with Greirat before I take the round trip with the smugglers. I'm glad that I got to interact with a couple of other Red Mages in Christmas and Greirat.

JuJu:I've never had a job like this before. The sixth world is truly wondrous. Never thought to meet awakened rabbits. My goodness they were cuddly. And much to my amazement...brave. Kabru showed true courage coming into the barrens the way he did. Those poachers were a nasty bunch but my team mates were outstanding individually and as a team. Awesome Possum lived up to the name with Moro that giant boar spirit. I also have new insight as to why Red Magic has the name. Red in tooth and claw indeed. Interviewing Handler and Christmas was invaluable for the ole dissertation. I think I can get an article in the Journal of Applied Thaumaturgy out of it...