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|YourWikiUsername = makiiat0
|title = {{PAGENAME}} <!-- Do not change this!!! It is supposed to say PAGENAME, the wiki will automatically replace this. -->
|image= <center>[[File:Vip3r 2021.png|400px]]</center> <!-- You can change the filename to whatever you like, and upload a picture of your character to be displayed on the wiki. -->
|header1= <center>Technomancer & Off-Face</center>
|header2= <center>"I have the whole Matrix worth of information and ''more'' at my</center>
<center>fingertips; the ''real'' crime here would be not to use as much of it as I can."</center>
|label5 = Discord
|data5 = @makiiato#1300
|label6 = Reddit
|data6 = [https://www.reddit.com/user/makiiato makiiato]
|label7= Metatype
|data7 = Elf
|label8 = Street Cred
|data8= 28
|label9 = Notoriety
|data9 = 1
|label10 = Public Awareness
|data10= 0
|label11 = Titles and Awards
|data11 = 0
|label12 = CDP
|data12 = {{CDP|
|}} <!-- The above will automatically add +2 CDP for each AAR your character is tagged in. You can note expenses and any bonus CDP you gain above to adjust your current CDP total. -->
|label13 = D.O.B.
|data13 = February 4th, 2057
|label14 = Age
|data14 = {{Age| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of birth below in numeric format. Yes, a second time. I know. -->
|Month= 02
|Day= 04
|Year= 2057
|}} <!-- The above will automatically update your character's age on their birthday! Just enter their month, day, and year of birth in numeric format. -->
|label15 = Folder
|data15 =[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SL9phZF1wxGuQ8dEzCHxGosl4n5A4PUO?usp=sharing Vip3r]
|label16 = Priority
|data16 = Metatype - D <br /> Attributes - B <br /> Magic/Resonance - A <br /> Skills - C <br /> Resources - E
=Character Information=
A technomancer and a technological prodigy from an early age, Vip3r has been at home in the Matrix since long before she emerged. She's a skilled hacker and street survivalist, and isn't bad at talking her way out of trouble either.
Vip3r taught herself to hack for fun and survival as a juvenile delinquent on the streets of the Redmond Barrens. She was adopted as a teenager by Ken and Laura Tanaka, a pair of middle-class MCT citizens who put her through high school, where she proved to be such a skilled learner that she was handed a corporate scholarship that would ''almost'' cover a college education and give her a direct pipeline to a stable career. In a desperate attempt to cover the rest, Vip3r took a shadowrun that ended in disaster, earning her eight years in Shadow Lake Correctional Facility at the age of seventeen. Four years in, she was offered a deal that would shave two years off of her sentence. It was framed as a work opportunity, but instead, it made her a lab rat in an intense and dubiously-ethical technomancer research operation by MCT.
MCT turns Vip3r loose two years later after the Tanakas signed over their freedom on her behalf, putting her back on the street with no family, no contacts, and not-insignificant neurological damage that rendered her unable to hold a regular job or schedule.
With a criminal SIN and nowhere else to turn for income, she began taking small-time hacking jobs again. As she did, people began to notice her skill, and Vip3r eventually attracted the attention of the Eighty-Eights Triad. They offered to burn her criminal SIN and set her up with a fake if she agreed to work for them in exchange, and in no position to refuse, Vip3r accepted.
* Extract her father, Ken Tanaka, from his lifelong contract with MCT.
* Establish a network with other technomancers, and determine how to use her ability and position to make the world a better place for others like her.
==Narrative Significant Qualities==
*'''Social Infiltrator:''' (Alibi + First Impression + Honest Face)
Having had to adapt to many different living situations over the course of her life has taught Vip3r how to look like she belongs almost anywhere.
*'''Paragon (01):''' At [[Betz]]'s suggestion, Vip3r has sought communion with 01 out of a desire for a deeper understanding of the Resonance and a meaningful connection to other technomancers.
*'''Resonant Stream: Sourceror:''' Having always been heavily reliant on her own ability, Vip3r has chosen to focus on her own skill with complex forms rather than depending on the use of sprites.
*'''School of Hard Knocks:''' Vip3r spent most of her childhood learning to survive on the streets of the Redmond Barrens. Navigating urban life is in her nature.
*'''Sensei:''' [[Betz]] has become a mentor and a source of support for Vip3r. She works with her to help hone her Cracking skills, and to teach her more about what it means to be emerged.
* '''Drug-Dependent:''' (Wired User + Mild Addictions to Psyche & Novacoke)
Using performance-enhancing drugs a little ''too'' frequently has made Vip3r reliant on them.
*'''Snake Queen of the Resonance:''' (Distinctive Style + Unique Avatar)
''Vip3r'' is more than just a name; it's an ''identity.'' Snake tattoos, snakebite piercings, fangs and a split tongue, and a custom-crafted anthropomorphic snake Matrix persona make that identity ''unmistakable.''
*'''Driven:''' When they found out about her captivity in a Mitsuhama black site, Vip3r's adoptive parents gave up their freedom to trade it for hers. She is determined to repay their favor. So far, she's managed to extract her mother, but getting her father out of his contract and on-site employee housing in a newly-constructed Zero Zone she's discovered in Auburn is going to prove far more difficult.
==Run History==
<!-- You do not need to edit this section. The above stuff will auto-generate a list of runs based on AARs. -->
<!-- Do not remove the below text. It's super important for the contact table. -->
<!-- Do not remove the above code. It's super important. You can add new contacts below using the HasContact template you see below. To add additional contacts, simply copy/paste one of the blocks below and update it with the name, loyalty, and chips. Everything else is automatically pulled from your contacts page. This template should also add your character to the contacts page automatically after your character has had a run. -->
|Name=Alexander-James Brodrick Johnson III
|Name=Cecelia Cross
|Name=David Yang
|Name=Doctor O+
|Name=Dr. Isabel Wirth
|Name=Dr. Tony Hanks
|Name=Huan-Shi Bai
|Name=Jesse Pop
|Name=Kakei Steve
|Name=Kenneth "Flamesaw" Murphy
|Name=Miles Imaus
|Name=M4rqu15 M4cr0
|Name=Phil Haskill
|Name=Saint Nick
|Name=Sarah Snow
<!-- Do not remove the below characters. It's super important The HasContact template should be used above this point. You may duplicate it as many times as necessary, or leave it blank.-->
<!-- Do not remove the above code. It's super important. This is what ends the ContactTable template. -->
* '''[[Eighty-Eights Triad]]:''' Despite turning down official membership in the Triad, Vip3r will not work against the Eighty-Eights as a result of the assistance they offered her when she was in need.
* +10 '''[[Mothers of Metahumans]]''' rep and +10 '''[[Skraacha]]''' rep for breaking [[Kenneth "Flamesaw" Murphy]] out of prison.
* -70 Tamanous rep, +10 Black Lodge rep, and +5 Starscreamers rep for destroying Tamanous's largest organ farm in Seattle.
* +13 Cross Applied Technologies rep, -5 Federated Boeing rep for working for Cecelia Cross and burning Brodie J's house down.
* -40 [[Mitsuhama Computer Technologies]] rep for killing four Petrovski Security personnel and kidnapping one of their HR executives
* +2 [[Saeder-Krupp]] rep for assisting [[Cricket]]'s foundation dive in [[Full Fathom Five]]
<!-- See: Template:GroupContactTable for the group contact template. -->
* '''[[Absolute Zero]]:''' Vip3r's girlfriend, whom she met while living in San Francisco and who followed her back to Seattle a few months later.
* '''[[Black Samurai]]:''' Vip3r's cousin, whom she only met recently as a result of having been cut off from her blood family for years.
* '''[[Harebuck]]:''' Vip3r's best friend and roommate, who introduced her to the Haven.
* '''[[Shine]] & [[Zenith]]:''' Fellow runners who know Vip3r's history and secrets. She considers them a part of her chosen family, along with the above.
* '''[[Kakei Steve|Steven Shimada]]:''' Despite initial [[Family, Duty, Honor|hostility]] and [[Cultivation Crisis|suspicion]] that led to Vip3r [[A Nest of Vipers|resolving to kill him]], Steve extended an olive branch in [[Let Snygones be Snygones]]. She took advantage of the opportunity to make him an ally--mostly because his knowledge of her life before shadowrunning and her involvement with with Laura Tanaka's extraction from MCT would make him a ''terrible'' enemy.
* '''[[Mitsuhama Computer Technologies]]:''' You read the above information, right? Vip3r has plenty of reason to hate and fear MCT, and is bent on revenge after a year spent avoiding them at all costs.
* '''[[Trevor Avila]]:''' In [[Scab Work]], Trevor hired Vip3r and [[Babylon]] to do some of Tamanous's dirty work after they [[Aching & Festering|destroyed a profitable organ farm]]. He taunted them with the possibility of having their Kill On Sight status cleared with the syndicate, but given that he hired other people whom he holds grudges against, Vip3r was convinced that was never ''really'' an option. They deliberately botched the job, and, terrified at the possibility of Trevor ''literally'' ruining her life with ease, Vip3r knows the only way to fix the situation is to have him killed.
* '''Unnamed Renraku Spider:''' In [[A Steller Discovery]], Vip3r engaged in a heated Matrix battle with a Renraku decker with a cyber-ninja persona who was part of a team sent to retrieve a chunk of Halley's comet. She dodged a series of link-lock-biofeedback-dataspikes and insulted him by forcing him to jack out. He's, uh, ''not happy'' about that encounter, and if Vip3r runs against him again, he'll probably be less than thrilled to see her massive iridescent snersona (snake persona) on the Matrix.
=In Character Information=
==Symbols and Signatures==
As her name would suggest, Vip3r is committed to a snake motif and specifically incorporates African bush vipers into her design. There's no particular symbolism to them; Vip3r just thinks they look cool. Multiple snake tattoos are visible on her forearms and neck, her Matrix persona is an anthropomorphic snake, and her marks look like snakebites. 
==Matrix Search Table==
|LowResult=Do you know how many users on the Matrix have some variation of "Vip3r" as part of their names? You're gonna have to look a little harder if you want anything specific.
|MidResult=A user named "Vip3r" seems to frequent various message boards about current events, technology, and a Matrix game called Plaguehunter. She seems to have a lot of helpful tips about boss attack patterns.
|HighResult="Vip3r" also appears to spend a lot of time on some secure hacker boards. Whenever controversy around technomancers comes up, she seems pretty quick to defend them.
==Shadow Community Table==
|LowResult=A hacker who works in the Seattle area.
|MidResult=Vip3r is a Shadowhaven runner and an Eighty-Eights Triad affiliate.
|HighResult=Vip3r is a technomancer. She was partially responsible for the destruction of a Tamanous organ farm in Seattle and a massive prison break in Los Angeles, and was formerly incarcerated in Seattle herself.
==Assensing Results==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!Information Gained
|Healthy. Not awakened.
|The datajack behind her right ear is visible when viewed at the right angle, but doesn't show up in her aura.
|No betaware-grade cyberware, or bioware that can be seen at this level. Essence: 5.02.
|Vip3r's datajack is deltaware, and she has delta-grade implants and cybernetic systems installed in her brain and spinal cord (Visualizer, EARRS). Delta-grade bioware boosts her cognitive function and toxin filtration (cerebral booster, mnemonic enhancer, nephritic screen), and she is genetically enhanced for a greater resistance to negative drug effects & better highs as well as faster and more efficient neurotransmission. The spark of Resonance in her aura marks her as a technomancer.
*'''Aya Takahashi:''' R6 UCAS fake SIN. Cyberdeck license, Driver's license, Matrix Security license.
* '''Alison Chiba:''' R6 Saeder-Krupp fake SIN. Cyberdeck license, Driver's license, Matrix Security license.
Standing at 5'7" (170cm), Vip3r is a Japanese elf woman with a short undercut, snakebite piercings, and visible snake tattoos (which, specifically, are African bush vipers) on her forearms and neck.
Vip3r dresses for utility and comfort, typically in a street-punk style, favoring blacks and greys with accents in purples or teals. She frequently does her shadowrunning in an armored synthleather jacket, grey with a high collar and plenty of pockets on the inside and out. For jobs with higher-end clients, she has an Executive Suite suit in dark grey, accented in light blue.
===Matrix Persona===
She switches between two Matrix personas, depending on what image she wants to convey. The first, and more "professional" of the two, is a stylized version of her actual appearance, standing slightly taller than her natural height and wearing a long snakeskin coat. The other, which she prefers and which sees more frequent use, is an anthropomorphic snake modelled after an African bush viper, with iridescent dark-purple scales.
[[File:Vip3r's Persona.jpg]]
==Media Mentions==
==ShadowGrid Profile Comments==
[[Category:Player Characters]]

Latest revision as of 18:37, 6 February 2022