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The escaped lab rat of a toxic mage hailing from the SOX; a once-proud werewolf who now feeds on roadkill, purely concerned with seeing another night. Unstable, aggressive, and visibly monstrous, only the most risk-tolerant of clients should consider this rabid scav for the job.
The escaped lab rat of a toxic mage hailing from the SOX; a once-proud werewolf who now feeds on roadkill, purely concerned with surviving the night. Unstable, aggressive, and visibly monstrous, only the most risk-tolerant of clients should consider this rabid scav for the job.


Revision as of 15:09, 28 July 2024

Loup Garou Adept
Wasteland Werewolf
Slightly Radioactive
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Folder[Drive URL Link]
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - C
Resources - C
#Max IGs/Ascension0
# Optional Infected powers allowed0
# Optional Drake powers availableMajor Powers:0 or Minor Powers:0

Character Information


The escaped lab rat of a toxic mage hailing from the SOX; a once-proud werewolf who now feeds on roadkill, purely concerned with surviving the night. Unstable, aggressive, and visibly monstrous, only the most risk-tolerant of clients should consider this rabid scav for the job.


- Heal his mutilated body and soul (restore his essence and increase his magic)

- Get revenge on his former captor, and any toxic mages he meets along the way

- Return to the spirits' favor and earn the blessing of a powerful mentor


Bang. A door swings violently open, dented by the impact of a steel-toed boot. Rathound steps into a boarded up gas station, cast in shades of monochrome by the ash storm raging outside. Mt. Rainier’s fury whips against the walls with the sound of a million chittering bugs, while the building’s former tenant- a half-mummified squatter- sleeps soundly on a putrid mattress, surrounded by empty inhalers. Once, the Loup Garou made his home in the beautiful old growth forests of France. Now, he’s grateful to have a soft bed as he kicks the desiccated body aside.

That night Rathound dreams of carefree hunts in the halcyon days of his youth- him and his pack against the world, striking terror into mortal hearts, arrogant and cruel in equal measure, high off their own supply. Then the boot comes down, swift and decisive: hunters set the forest ablaze, driving the Garou into a minefield and gunning them down as they try to escape. The sole surviving “lord of the night” scampers east with his tail between his legs, seeking the only refuge he can in the blighted lands of the SOX. There, amid the skeletal wreck of the future, he meets a man with his knees in the mud and tear tracks streaking through the grime on his face.

What’s up with you, Rathound asks. The man regards him thoughtfully. It’s because you and I are trapped in limbo, no longer able to live in the old world yet tragically unprepared for the new. I want us to finally break those shackles which bind us all to the will of the gods. Do you understand? Rathound nods, and he thinks ‘this old fool’s cracked’. He also thinks he has nothing to lose, so he follows the man back to his home while planning to kill him and loot the place. For the second time now he underestimates mortals. For the second time now he walks into a trap. The man, a powerful toxic mage, imprisons the Garou in a long-dead reactor. He says that he will make a new life form suited to the future we've brought on ourselves. Rathound's dreams devolve nightmares of peeling, irradiated flesh.

He wakes with a start, covered in sweat, the sound of power tools ringing in his ears. The storm has passed and the world is still. The last rays of sunlight poke through the boards. Rathound checks his mutilated flesh and reminds himself that he is free; he's fled to the other side of the world, and won't ever stop until he finds what he needs. He'll cleanse his body, restore his lost rage, and use it to wreak bloody revenge on the ones who dared to defile him so. But first, the necessities. Food and shelter. This gas station's probably already too hot. He throws on his jacket, hops on his dirtbike, and guns the throttle like a man possessed, cutting through the ash like a field of fresh snow, riding towards the glittering skyline of the sprawl.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Infected, Loup Garou: The details of Rathound's mortal life are as blurry as they are unimportant. As far as he's concerned, he's always been Loup Garou. Demigods have no need to remember their shifts at the Aldi's checkout line.
  • Tough as a Radroach (High pain tolerance, radiation sponge, dual natured defender): Rathound's time in the SOX taught him how to endure. If someone decides to come for this man, they'd better make sure he stays down.


  • Pressure Cooker (Superhuman psychosis, PSC combat monster): Even setting his appearance aside, regular people find Rathound unsettling. His bone-deep sense of superiority, habitual use of combat stims, and crippling body dysmorphia all make for a violent emotional cocktail. He is liable to go berserk when sufficiently provoked, and will fight like a cornered animal long past the point of reason.
  • On the Run (Albinism II, paranoia): His time in the SOX left marks both physical and mental. His mangy fur has been drained of all color, with patches falling out in clumps. He's deathly afraid of radiation spirits, toxic mages, and pollution in general. He never leaves home without two geiger counters, and never stays in the same place twice.
  • Uneducated: Even as a human, Rathound wasn't exactly a scholar. Being imprisoned in a nuclear waste dump hasn't improved matters much. On the subject of survival he knows his stuff, but the world at large? Doesn't know doesn't care.

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Clay "Claymore" Nelson 1 1 Fixer Disposable & Deniable Assets Manager Disposable Assets, Deniable Assets, Low Expectations, Hero(?) of a Thousand Faces, I Found This On a Dead Runner, Bad Apples Even
Cendra 1 3 Gear Free Spirit Treasures of the Magma, Surprisingly Animal-Friendly Even



  • Clay "Claymore" Nelson: A weak, petty man, too scrawny to eat, but useful for the connections he brings. Rathound believes that he's taking advantage of the mortal fixer, but in all likelihood it's the other way around. Some people never learn.
  • Cendra: It pays to have the spirits on your side, for they are notorious gossips. Rathound squats in the volcanic wastes that Cendra claims as her domain, and honors the spirit with periodic offerings of charcoal, trinkets, and questionably-sourced meat.


  • Huxley: Rathound's former captor, a mad toxic mage with coterie of spirits at his beck and call. He makes his home in a wizard tower built within a nuclear reactor, performing gruesome experiments with the goal of forcibly evolving humanity. As far as Rathound knows he's still working in the SOX, but that doesn't stop the garou from constantly checking over his shoulder.

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Nothing useful. He doesn't exactly have a MeFeed.
3 Scattered reports of infected activity in the north of France, including one which involves the burning of an awakened forest. Apparently several Loup Garou were killed, with one survivor still at large. The article doesn't give a physical description, so one can only speculate.
6 Even with all the precautions in the world, matrix use still leaves a trail. One can follow a series of burners from the SOX through mainland Europe, culminating in a shipping manifest with one unidentified piece of cargo. Tracking down the container ship in question reveals connections to a smuggling ring, famous in certain circles for their willingness to work with 'difficult' passengers.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 The latest Puyallup urban legend, a ghost that comes in the night to defile the bodies of the dead. Can be warded off with sage, fire, or glowsticks, depending on who you ask.
3 Most urban legends have a grain of truth, and this weirdo is probably the source. Lower profile than one might expect, he prefers opportunistic scavenging to any real feeding frenzies. Not affiliated with Fear the Dark or any infected gangs.
6 People have quietly speculated what happened to make him look so... fucked up. Theories range from cyberpsychosis to corporate blood magic and aliens, but the most likely one seems to be a run in with a toxic mage. Probably a subject to be broached with caution. He seems a little touchy about it.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments