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{{CharacterInfobox |YourWikiUsername = Tyneman |title = Doctor Q |image= DoctorQ.png |header1= Social Adept, Mangaka |header2= "One day, everything I was, am, and will be shall be shown in a single image. Every moment I live is waiting until that moment." |header3= "Oh, well, ehhh... I'm not actually a doctor, sorry!" |header4= |label5 = Discord |data5 = @Tyneman |label6 = Reddit |data6 = [1] |label7= Metatype |data7 = Human |label8 = Street Cred |data8= 0 |label9 = Notoriety |data9 = 0 |label10 = Public Awareness |data10= 0 |label11 = Titles and Awards |data11 = |label12 = CDP |data12 = 6 |label13 = D.O.B. |data13 = 7/5/2049 |label14 = Age |data14 = 36

|label15 = Folder |data15 =[2] |label16 = Priority |data16 = Metatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - A
Resources - E |label17 = #Max IGs/Ascension |data17 =


Character Information


Once a mangaka for Horizon, Doctor Q is now an artistic runner using his Horizon training to suffice as a face, serving the Muses and one day hoping to create his masterpiece from the experiences of running.


Become the greatest artist in the 6th world

Create his masterpiece, the culmination of his entire life, all of his passion, and his entire soul, in one singular image.


2049, a little bit of lightning struck for the Crowley family, as their son Jonathan was born - a son with the powers of an adept. However, until 13, they didn't know that. They were a happy-ish family until 13. However, once that blood test came back and it turned out their boy was awakened, they wanted him to head straight to the military once he turned 18 - military adepts rake in cash like nothing else - but Jon didn't want to join the military. He wanted to draw, his powers following his heart rather than the desires of his parents, and so he got thrown out. Just like that, he went from a normal family life to the foster system, at least until 15. Talented awakened never have normal lives, they won the lottery since birth.

It was only 2 years after getting disowned that a Horizon talent agent spotted his preternaturally good art skills, and spotted an opportunity. So, Jonathan was taken in by the parents most people dream of - middle-level Horizon people, and he was sent straight into a tailored education system to ensure he'd turn out the best artist he could. They'd give him his altar as he was a greek neopagan, and they'd tell him to get to work. 18, he went straight into the field, becoming a mangaka for the corporation, telling the stories they wanted him to tell. Though, only a year in, the pseudonym Doctor Q would be born, writing near exclusively BL yet still garnering a notable fan-base, even winning an award at 23 for his story "Prince And The Punk", keeping his work life and Doctor Q life separate. Out of all of those fans though, one was rather odd - though, it may be better to say a group of 9 fans than just one.

Just after winning his award for Prince And The Punk, something changed, his prayers felt more potent, and eventually an answer would be heard - the nine muses, Gods of art and poetry, had become his mentor, and they wanted more. This simple life wasn't enough, he needed to create his masterpiece, the ultimate work in whatever format, something that would break open even the coldest of hearts. For 7 years after, he tried to find this while merely just in the corporation, but the allure of opportunities bathed in Shadow got to him - this must be the way to experience and grow as an artist, right? And so, he'd live a double life as a runner and Horizon mangaka, getting his bearings and looking for inspiration. However, sometimes backstabbers turn out useful.

He'd go to work one day to find out he was no longer needed, a rival adept mangaka taking over his series, and for a moment he was heartbroken - however, with this job out of his hands, even if he still had the SIN, he could finally devote himself to running. It was a blessing in disguise, a blessing that'd end up with him in the Haven after 3 more years of running.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Mentor Spirit (The Nine Muses, Kleio, Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpomene, Terpsikhore, Erato, Polyhymnia, Ourania, and Kalliope - Fire Bringer) - The fuel for his inspiration, the muses are why he even runs in the first place. They are what inspired him to go beyond simple corporate art to run in search of inspiration for his eventual masterpiece - the magnum opus he dreams of creating.

Online Fame (Doujinshi and Manga artist "Doctor Q", most famous for his BL series "Prince And The Punk" about a Tir Prince who falls in love with a rough mouthed ganger from Dublin) - Doctor Q is not simply a runner name, it's also his pseudonym as an artist. While he draws everything physically, he scans all of it into a matrix format, which is where he is most prominently known. In fact, this pseudonym is why he dresses in doctor's clothes.


SINner & Records On File (Horizon) - He might've been fired, but Doctor Q is a full SINner of Horizon - they know him damn well, so if he tries to get on their nerves, it's an upward battle to say the least.

Social Stress (Trigger - Being told to leave or go away) - Having been disowned at just 13 due to not being the stereotypical kick-ass and takes name adept, being told to go away brings back difficult memories for the Doctor.


  • He doesn't like sweet food, much preferring bitter and sour food.
  • His music tastes are 70 years out of date, with pop-punk and emo being his favourite genres. At least the bands he likes of those genres are 6th world.
  • While he wears the coat due to his name, the choice of name - and thus the reason for wearing the coat - is because he just likes the aesthetic of labcoats.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
HardballAsmodeusMedium7 February 2086
Knights of KnittingElayneHigh14 November 2085
Crashing FootfallssleeveyHigh7 November 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Adowa "Moria" Webster 4 3 Fixer DIMR Scientist Hermetic Mage, Decker, Nerd, Draco Foundation Fixer, Arcane-Archaeologist Even
Fred Nanders 5 1 Legwork Infobroker Devote Christian, Speak to the Manager, Looking for Content, Social Media Prowler, Need a New Fish-Eye Lens?, Downtown Even
Argent 1 1 Fixer Street-level Fixer Silver Tongue, Elven Blood Even



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Pseudonymous BL mangaka with a pretty big list of titles, from his most famous Prince And The Punk, to even non-BL like Lily Battalion. Apparently also a greek pagan.
3 His art style seems similar to this guy who recently was fired from Horizon called Jonathan Crowley, and, wait a minute, is Doctor Q also a shadowrunner?
6 The pseudonym for Jonathan Crowley, he was fired from Horizon, and now runs in the shadows - but he's still a SINner.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Apparently there's this social adept who mostly just draws boys kissing really well, but I guess he's a runner for a reason, probably a good enough social adept. Oh, and apparently he can draw illusions as his only spell.
3 This guy seems real obsessed with making a masterpiece, some say he even became a runner exclusively for artistic reasons.
5 Hold on, there's a SIN tied to Horizon, and it might just be tied to Doctor Q. I wouldn't run with that if I were you.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Healthy, Awakened
2 Adept
3 No Maladies
4 Magic 6, Essence 6
5 No Diseases or Toxins


Horizon SIN - Jonathan Crowley

Fake SIN - Anthony Smith

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
In Search Of Artistic Glory Doctor Q ultimately runs to one day be able to create his masterpiece, and so steps that would seem to get him closer are always welcomed.
Rose In The East Being a mangaka and generally inspired by Japanese media, runs involving such media are his forte.
Horizon's Storyteller While not working for them, he still has the SIN and files of a Horizon member, so if they think they need him, they can try to take him back pretty quickly.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments