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A European drifter blowing into Seattle for security through obscurity among the less savory elements of society, putting his begrudgingly gotten skills to use running the shadows. Marionette, кукольный, commonly ''Marion'', prefers to keep things wired and quiet, revealing to fill rooms with grenades and gunfire. Бережёного Бог бережёт.
A European drifter blowing into Seattle for security through obscurity among the less savory elements of society, putting his begrudgingly gotten skills to use running the shadows. Marionette, кукольный, commonly ''Marion'', prefers to keep things wired and quiet, revealing to fill rooms with grenades and gunfire.  
Бережёного Бог бережёт.


Revision as of 10:58, 16 December 2017

Marionette / кукольный
Scout / Blitz
Matrix-silent Longarm Specialist
MetatypeHuman (Nartaki)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.November 5th 2058
Folder[Drive URL Link]
Metatype - E
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - C
Resources - A

Character Information


A European drifter blowing into Seattle for security through obscurity among the less savory elements of society, putting his begrudgingly gotten skills to use running the shadows. Marionette, кукольный, commonly Marion, prefers to keep things wired and quiet, revealing to fill rooms with grenades and gunfire. Бережёного Бог бережёт.



  • Keep the Russians off his back
  • Forge contacts and resource bases to stay ahead of the Man
  • Become self sufficient so he can safely hunker down when everything goes to drek

Narrative Significant Qualities

Prototype Transhuman: The product of Russian genetic experimentation, it'd be a bad joke if it were not all too real for Marion.

Paranoia: Everybodies out to get Marion, and he's damn justified.

Addiction (Mild) (Jazz): Heavy drug use takes its toll on the human body, but Marion handles it quiet well. Takes the edge off.

Faraday Himself: Marion's tendency to interfere with wireless tech only suits his staying off the grid away from prying eyes.

Run History



  • Hyena - Connection 6, Loyalty 1 - Fixer




Working acquaintance with some other new shadowrunners in town.


Elements of the Russian government that put a bounty on his head.

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Intentionally refrains from such behaviour, though has a penchant for north european folklore on the rare flamboyancy.

Matrix Search Table


Shadow Community Table



Ted Nearway, Security Consultant



Matrix Persona

Default transys avalon

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments