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Revision as of 23:36, 23 December 2017

Giovanni Montalban
Giovanni Montalban200px.jpg
Contact OwnerMaddox
Public Contact?Yes
LocationTacoma, Seattle
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen, Magical items
Personal LifeSingle


Benito Cervantes grew up in Tacoma. He watched as the war between the Mob, Vory, and Yakuza would tear families apart. Benny came to the attention of Tony "The Chef" Gianelli. Tony would help Benny with summer jobs and gain entrance into the University of Washington. Now that he is out, it is time to repay the Gianelli's and save Tacoma from the Yakuza.


Anxious, Violent, Mission-Oriented.

Active Skills Dice Pools

Negotiation (Bargaining) 20(22)[10]

Leadership (Inspire) 13(15)[10]

Etiquette (Mob, Corporate, Street) 13(15)[10]

Perception (Hearing) 8(10)[7]

Pistols (Semi-Automatic) 7(9)[A]

Computers (Matrix Search) 5(7)[M]

Knowledge Skills Dice Pools

Fencing (Buyers) 11(13)[8]

Area Knowledge Seattle (Tacoma) 10(12)[8]

Corporate (Rumors, Politics) 10(12)[8]

Mafia (Rumors, Politics) 10(12)[8]

Shadowrunner Community 10[8]

Business (Real Estate Law, Real Estate) 9(11)[8]

Local Government (Urban Development) 7(9)[8]

Language Skills Dice Pools

Italian 10[8]

Or'Zet 10[8]

Stat Block

B A R S W L I C Ess Edge Magic
2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 2 6
Condition Monitor 9/10
Limits Physical/Mental/Social/Astral (3/6/8/8)
Initiative 7 + 1d6
Active Skill Ranks Negotiation 10, Etiquette 3, Leadership 3, Perception 2, Pistols 2, Computer 2.
Knowledge Skills Business 2, Corporate 2, Mafia 2, Area Knowledge Seattle 2, Fences 2, Seattle Government 2, Shadowrunner Community 2.
Gear Crimson Sky Suit, Ulysses Coat, Armor Vest, A/R Gloves, Trodes, Transys Avalon, PULSE Wave, Nixdorf Sekretar.
Weapons Fichetti Executive Action, Laser Sight, Silencer/Suppresor, Spare Clips x2, APDS x20.
Languages English N, Or'Zet 2 , Italian 3.
Augmentation Cerebellum Booster R1, Mnemonic Enhancer R2, Muscle Toner R2, Tailored Pheromones R2.


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