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Nobody got hurt, the Orcs probably got to keep their jobs, Émeraude, Chameleon and I had some anarchy-action and fun.
Nobody got hurt, the Orcs probably got to keep their jobs, Émeraude, Chameleon and I had some anarchy-action and fun.
[[Chameleon]]: One of the benefits of life in the shadows is variety, one odd job after another. This job was a very satisfying piece of work. A litlle money, a new friend, and the kind of pranking that would make Raven proud! Simple job go to a newly opened political office and prevent security guards from interfering with the graffiti artist. Intimidating security guards is much easier with a troll. Then we had fun with spray paint and stencils. Then Émeraude pulled out....a graffiti cannon....embedded hundreds of rfid tags with interesting AR overlays all over the storefront. Best of all was pranking the prankster Thunder. He's a troll worthy of Raven. He'll never fall for the Whoopee Cushion again though. I'll have to visit that Magic Trix outlet over by Denny Park again.

Latest revision as of 13:21, 14 July 2023

Free Seattle! Part 1
Part of The Metroplex Governor Race of '84
LocationSeattle (Touristville)
Status Threat Level: Milk Run
Factions Involved
Free Seattle!
Democratic Party
Eagle Security Guards
Casualties and losses


Émeraude of Free Seattle!, the neo-anarchist collective, is fighting to disrupt the Metroplex Election of '84. They are starting by targeting the Democratic Party and its candidate in the election, Carolina Petrovski.


The Metroplex Election of '84 is gearing up to be a blood bath. Free Seattle! is jumping in, feet first, to add to the mayhem.

The Meet

Thunder and Chameleon receive a Matrix invitation to meet directly with a prospective Mr. Johnson, who got their names from Alessa P. of The Daze. The Johnson needs some muscle to protect them while defacing the Redmond District office of Petrovski's Democratic Campaign.

The Plan

Thunder and Chameleon are going to either intimidate, buy off, or beat up the two Eagle Security guards to allow Émeraude the freedom to do her art.

The Run

Thunder and Chameleon don disguises, sleaze their way into the office, and intimidate the security guards into submission. Thunder uses his Spirit of Man to destroy all the cameras and Chameleon uses his Disguise skill to make it look like they put up a fight. (Don't want these two poor orks to lose their jobs!)

Émeraude shows both characters how to roll out the stencils and apply the spray paint to the walls. The characters apply designs showing skeletons coming tumbling out a closet. Then she hoisted up a Krime T-Shirt Cannon with a specially loaded cannister and, with the characters backed up to a safe distance, fired a blast into the front of the Petrovski campaign office. Each bit of "shrapnel" is a stealth RFID tag that has embedded itself into the ballistic glass and brick of the campaign office. Each, intermittently, broadcasts an AR graffiti of a bunch of skeletons scrambling out of a bloody closet, each with an artistically superimposed mask of Carolina Petrovski's face.


Job well done! The neo-anarchist artist is pleased, the runners are pleased, and Émeraude takes them back to The Daze for beers on her!



2,000 Nuyen (1 RVP) 6 CDP (3 RVP) Optional Contact: Émeraude (Connection 4/Loyalty 1)

=Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Thunder: I received a call from a Mx. Johnson who wanted to meet to cause some disturbances in the run for Governor. Cameleon and I had been hand-picked for the job and of course I wouldn't decline such an honor.

It turned out that we would just have to scare some orc-security into looking the other way while Mx. Johnson (Émeraude) with a little help for Chameleon and me spray-painted the front of the campaign office, both AR and real-life appearance) of the Redmond District office of Petrovski's Democratic Campaign.

Nobody got hurt, the Orcs probably got to keep their jobs, Émeraude, Chameleon and I had some anarchy-action and fun.

Chameleon: One of the benefits of life in the shadows is variety, one odd job after another. This job was a very satisfying piece of work. A litlle money, a new friend, and the kind of pranking that would make Raven proud! Simple job go to a newly opened political office and prevent security guards from interfering with the graffiti artist. Intimidating security guards is much easier with a troll. Then we had fun with spray paint and stencils. Then Émeraude pulled out....a graffiti cannon....embedded hundreds of rfid tags with interesting AR overlays all over the storefront. Best of all was pranking the prankster Thunder. He's a troll worthy of Raven. He'll never fall for the Whoopee Cushion again though. I'll have to visit that Magic Trix outlet over by Denny Park again.