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''[[Ka$hious]] Money Villionaire: Not much talking needed doing on my part, truthfully, but uh. Yeah, no, I really didn't mean to that guy'' '''''that''''' ''hard. I just wanted him to be quiet, not quiet forever.''
''[[Ka$hious]] Money Villionaire: Not much talking needed doing on my part, truthfully, but uh. Yeah, no, I really didn't mean to that guy'' '''''that''''' ''hard. I just wanted him to be quiet, not quiet forever.''
[[Thunder]]: Great working in Canada again and flying private plane. I could get used to this.
The forest was scary and I'm glad we weren't attacked by a pack of hounds.
Running with Ka$hius and Sizzles again and sending some nasty gangers to jail was great!
We even got paid for it!

Revision as of 20:22, 15 July 2023

Potholes of Gold
Part of The C in UCAS is for Corruption
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Blazing Swords
Edelweiss Pirates
Hellsouls MC
Casualties and losses
None 1


A casual Hooding run with 2 objectives. The first was to retrieve blackmail data and the second was to plant incriminating evidence. The second objective was to meet a defense attorney and convince him that they could carry off the run. In return the lawyer introduces the team to a La Gendarmerie detective who helps the team in return for the credit of a major arrest. After a session planning. The team scouted the arboretum cottage and then launched a ab early morning raid. External cameras were disabled and the team snuck into the building. After planting drugs a brief combat left one ganger dead and the leader disabled. The team departed the cottage and returned for payment. Although the team disabled external cameras and a maglock, internal cameras were left running...but an ally with access to case files can do wonders.


The Hellsouls MC are the dominant criminal group in Quebec having displaced the Rossi Mafia family. The motards dominate street crime but the mob dominates white collar crime. Extremely lucrative road repair contracts have typically gone to mafia shills in return for kickbacks. Recently a Full Patch member obtained truly horrible blackmail material on one of the civil servants awarding contracts. The mafia made discreet inquiries and decided to take the paydata and use it themselves. A leading member of a local Do Gooder group has mafia ties and decided to to the blackmail data themselves and destroy it. At the same time a criminal defense attorney needs the full patch biker discredited...by planting 25 kilograms of betameth.

The Meet

Raquel Domage advertises for runners to pull of a time sensitive raid in Montreal. She offers 6,000 nuyen for a raid to get paydata and hints that there is another interested party that they need to persuade to help. After intense negotiations for more money...that she doesn't have Raquel calls the defense attorney to see if he would raise his offer if he hires the team. Since he too is facing time pressure he immediately agrees. Raquel pretends to continue the call for another3 minutes and then announces to the team that after hard bargaining she has successfully got them more money. The team agrees and they board a plane for a trip to Montreal.

After boarding the plane for the ~8 hour flight the team decides that legwork is for lamers and head directly to the food and drink. After an hour or so of carousing the team took naps.

Upon arrival in Montreal the team drives a loaner Ford America [with metahuman adaptation] to Student Housing at McGill University where they have 2 double rooms arranged by Raquel. There was a dispute over sleeping arrangements. Ka$hious feels it should be: Gurl in one room, bois in the other. Sizzles was inclined towards: human in one room, trolls in the other. Thunder cut the gordian knot by finding the best bed and flopping down for another nap.

After a brief rest the team heads to a nearby Starkaf. The breakfast rush fading, the team takes a short walk surrounded by undergraduates, some faculty and staff. Raquel points to the attorney at a table and leaves. Knowing that the contact has reservations about professionalism the team have carefully considered their clothing options and decide that armor jackets with street patches fit in well in a student ghetto, The attorney considers calling Raquel to see it would be possible to get a replacement team but he knows there is not time. He reluctantly agrees to introduce the team and pay upon completion. He makes a quick call and tells the team that the detective will be there shortly, and then leaves.

Sizzles goes outside to the sidewalk to keep watch and soon sees the La Gendarmerie detective walk down the street towards the cafe. Sizzles strikes up a conversation while the detective lights another Gauloises. Ka$hious comes out for a cigarette of her own and more chatting ensues. They then return and come to an agreement: the detective will time a anti-terrorist raid nearby when the runners notify him that they are starting their raid. In return he gets all the credit [and press] for a big arrest.

The Plan

With the preliminaries taken care of the team start a planning session. After consider a number of options including dry suits and Skiddoos. The decide to go simple - a quick scout during the daytime and a dawn assault. Sizzles and Thunder go scouting and Ka$hious goes shopping. There is a convenient spot only 150 meters or so from the cottage. Now they know exactly where to go and how long it takes. They return and bring Ka$hious up to date.

The Run

The run goes relatively smoothly. The team is in the desired location at the desired time. Thunder summons a powerful Spirit of Man with multiple services while Sizzles disables the two external cameras covering the approach to the garage. After opening the garage door without waking anyone inside the team plants the betameth while Sizzles disabled the maglock on the door from the garage. An early riser making coffee hears the team just as they hear him. The motard sticks his head around the corner just in time to meet the fist of the charging giant. Lacking any means of making a nonlethal attack, the result is a giant sized giant shaped fist indentation in the face. Almost immediately another ganger emerges from a door across the dining room. A hammerhead arrow from Thunder followed by a burst of machine pistol gel rounds from Sizzles and the motard is out like a light. The team rushes to the bedroom door, which Ka$hious immediately smashes to splinters. Another hammerhead arrow from Thunder and the full patch gange collapses back into his bed. A quick search of the bedroom and electronic devices turns up the blackmail paydata on a chip. Upon hearing the approaching sirens of the detective they return through the woods to their car. They then return to campus for their payoff and return to Seattle


The La Gendarmerie detective arrives and immediately finds an unexpected corpse. Then an examination of the security system has recordings of everything that happens after entering the garage - both the planting of the drugs and the murder of the ganger. After a brief moment of panic followed by a brief moment of rage he realized that this could be turned to his advantage. The three were clearly terrorists getting involved in the drug trade! This opens a new front for the anti-terrorist task force and a possible promotion!


13 RVP. 20,000 nuyen and 3 karma. Opportunity to acquire Raquel Domage connection 4 with in game discount

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Ka$hious Money Villionaire: Not much talking needed doing on my part, truthfully, but uh. Yeah, no, I really didn't mean to that guy that hard. I just wanted him to be quiet, not quiet forever.

Thunder: Great working in Canada again and flying private plane. I could get used to this. The forest was scary and I'm glad we weren't attacked by a pack of hounds. Running with Ka$hius and Sizzles again and sending some nasty gangers to jail was great! We even got paid for it!