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Not doing too great (Impassive, Bi-Polar, Implant-Induced Immune Deficiency, Social Appearance Anxiety 2) - She's had a rough going of it. That night with the triads was the real standout but she's been through a few different hells and come out weird. Now, her hands shake and she quiets her body with 6 different types of meds and 3 different types of grain alcohol. Pays to be picky.
Not doing too great (Impassive, Bi-Polar, Implant-Induced Immune Deficiency, Social Appearance Anxiety 2) - She's had a rough going of it. That night with the triads was the real standout but she's been through a few different hells and come out weird. Now, her hands shake and she quiets her body with 6 different types of meds and 3 different types of grain alcohol. Pays to be picky.

Far From Home (SINner: Hawai'i, Records on File: Renraku) - Poached from a Hawai'i shantytown after stewing in years of propaganda, Makali'i never earned that corp SIN for her troubles, not did she ever really fit in back home after the corp life.
Far From Home (SINner: Hawai'i, Records on File: Renraku) - Poached from a Hawai'i shantytown after stewing in years of propaganda, Makali'i never earned that corp SIN for her troubles, nor did she ever really fit in back home after the corp life.  

Shaky Hands (Poor Self Control: Smoker) - What can she say? Calms the jitters.
Shaky Hands (Poor Self Control: Smoker) - What can she say? Calms the jitters.

Revision as of 20:14, 28 December 2023

Makali'i stars.jpg
Well-Dressed Brawler
Not-bad at chatting with people
One half of a detective
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.Character's Date of Birth
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - B
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension0

Character Information


Former contracted detective and knee-breaker, still on the case.


Find her partner and make connections in Seattle

Figure out this magic thing or beat it into submission

Solve some crimes!

Learn some real martial arts

Get back at her old boss


Despite it's supposed sovereign monarchy, the Kingdom of Hawai'i is walked over by Renraku. The Kingdom boasts a relatively low number of SINless but the corporation lurks above their heads, offering them a corporate respite from localized poverty. By taking on Hawaiian SINner's as independent contractors, the corporation can hold the promise of full corporate citizenship above their heads while paying them less and providing fewer benefits.

Irene Kaiwaha was one such sinner. She bit deep into the propaganda of Fuchi Intelligence Systems, their supposed need for 'heroes' to sign up and stomp down on the tide of crime engulfing the world. She had seen the Black Chrysanthemum run wild in her neighborhood growing up and sprung at a change to fight back. She joined up at age 16, sprightly and excited to fight back against crime and make the world a better place. Maybe, somewhere along the way, she would win corporate citizenship for her family!

Promising marks early on were easily stifled by meta-racism and her exit from training resulted in her traveling around, helping out real detectives in real cities, not given the dignity of a proper assignment on her own. During this time of travelling, she saw firsthand just how awful everything was. The detectives were lazy or uninterested or corrupt and the criminal orgs showed her the ugly underbelly of humanity, one of filth and discomfort. When she was 20, she got a promotion to Investigative Assistant for a detective named Quinton Bowers, a stiff-necked alcoholic from the CAS. Those were probably the worst years of her life. Bowers liked to solve problems in the way the caused him the lowest possible amount of thinking and she quickly become his go-to muscle, with her boss preferring to converse with criminals when they had more broken bones than he did. During this time, she also had to endure constant harassment from Bowers himself. She would spend her nights getting into back-alley slugfests and her days recovering, all the time telling herself that the citizen-ship will be worth it in the end. The promotion will be worth it.

On the day she awakened, Irene was feeling particularly angry. A bad week, if you will, Bowers had been drinking more than usual. A few more kicks to the ribs than usual. When both of them were sent to de-escalate a situation with the local triad, things turned ugly. That deluge of threats and little rude comments finally burrowed under skin far enough to sting and she .. she snapped. She remembers afterwards, standing, blood covered in the alley. She remembers staring up at the night sky and seeing it stare back. Beautiful and uncaring and cruel. Pō, the primordial, starless night.

Her actions during that night landed herself in the hospital. She heard afterwards that 6 triad members were found dead from impact strikes. Civvies had gotten hurt in the crossfire. Shots had been fired. And yet, no officers were injured and the PR team was able to spin it to secure an extended contract. 'Look at our brave officers putting their life on the line for you.' Except Irene wasn't even an officer, just an independent contractor. While she was recovering from her injuries, she didn't even get paid leave. And would she want it? What had she done to help people, to really make things better? All she had done was hurt people, all she had felt was the crunch of bone beneath her knuckles. In a fit of mania, she visited a cyberdoc and tried to burn out her magical spark with cheap ware. She turned to drink, found herself slipping. She was let go, still without that corporate SIN. No severance package for her.

She went back home to Honolulu.. It had changed, she no longer fit in. She didn't speak the language, didn't look like a Hawaiian with her suits and her accent. It was there she reconnected with a childhood friend of hers, one Rosemary Willow. Rosemary had turned to the matrix, finding peace within that strange otherworld. When she had found a cyberdeck, everything changed and the world opened up before her. The two of them bonded over their feelings over alienation and their love of the stars. The two of them decided to form a private detective agency, one dedicated to really helping people. For the next several years, they did exactly that. They lived hand-to-mouth, taking pro-bono work at the street level but enjoying it, enjoyed helping their neighbors. Rosemary was the brains of the operation, digging through the matrix for the legwork side of the operation and finding jobs. Irene was the boots on the ground, talking to people in the meat and examining crime scenes. When called to, she would fight.

After 3 years of peace and quiet, everything slipped away from her. She received a message from Rosemary. "Dealing with some business in Seattle, don't wait up!". The decker never returned. Days turned to weeks turned to two months and Irene called in all her contacts to scour flight plans and try and see if Rosemary was okay and the most bizarre thing had happened. Rosemary had ceased to exist, vanished from the matrix without a single record of her existence. Irene turned to Renraku, begging them for help. They ignored her and Irene felt that vile darkness swirl within her again. Seeing no other course of action, she hopped a plane and went to Seattle herself. If no one would give her the answers, she would find them herself. And why not run in the mean time? Without her better half, it isn't like she's gonna make a clean living any other way.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Hit and Don't Get Hit (Agile Defender, Perfect Time, Shoot First, Strive for Perfection) - Makali'i is a street fighter, hardened against everything from common thugs to triad martial artists. She doesn't have a proper style or anything yet but she knows how to move right.

The Great Dark (Mentor Spirit: Shark, Mentor's Mask): Magic wasn't something Makali'i asked for. She tried to burn it out of her. Thought she succeeded for a while and then the dark came crawling back. Now, constellations swirl around her when she focuses on that other world. It's all nice and clean until she gets hurt, then her eyes go black and she gets real cold.

Lousy Detective (Watch the Suit, School of Hard Knocks): Two things she learned on the beat. First was how to break down a crime scene and understand how criminals operate. Second was how to keep blood and teeth from getting on her blazer. Priorities.


Not doing too great (Impassive, Bi-Polar, Implant-Induced Immune Deficiency, Social Appearance Anxiety 2) - She's had a rough going of it. That night with the triads was the real standout but she's been through a few different hells and come out weird. Now, her hands shake and she quiets her body with 6 different types of meds and 3 different types of grain alcohol. Pays to be picky.

Far From Home (SINner: Hawai'i, Records on File: Renraku) - Poached from a Hawai'i shantytown after stewing in years of propaganda, Makali'i never earned that corp SIN for her troubles, nor did she ever really fit in back home after the corp life.

Shaky Hands (Poor Self Control: Smoker) - What can she say? Calms the jitters.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Boys' TripDisco14 February 2085
Shakedown BreakdownjitCompound Interest16 January 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Bear Gates 5 2 Fixer(G,N,K, A) Neo-Anarchist Militia Leader Vehicles, Walker, Firearms, Augmentations, Cyberware, Heavy Weapons Even
Dr. Wells 2 3 Fixer(K,N,G,A) Professor Numbers, not names, Corporate and Country, Seattle Specialist, NA Corps, Japanese Ingenuity Even
Kallie Valor 2 4 Custom(K,N,A,G) Journalist Aggressive Reporting, Respected Reporter, Deeply in Love Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


Irene Kaiwaha: Kingdom of Hawai'i, Real

Grace Tretmond: UCAS, Rating 4 (Adept, bodyguard and PI licenses)


Makali'i looks ex-something. Ex-cop, ex-detective, ex-corpo, ex-mafia, ex-wife. She's pretty, soft-featured for an ork, but dark circles line her eyes.


Almost always well-dressed, Makali'i isn't always so well put-together. Nice suits and makeup that looks like she fell asleep in them, leaving smears and crumples behind. She typically wears greys, browns and black suits, like a bodyguard or a detective.

Matrix Persona

Willow made her a custom persona of a bloodied boxer woman, in remarkably high-rez.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1 Mess me up, boss! I am completely fine with long term consequences for my characters, as long as it doesn't feel unannounced or forced. Long term changes to a character make more opportunities for interesting roleplay, and so don't be afraid to give them out if they are deserved
Aspect 2 Ex-Detective, Ex-Corp Mekali'i is a former long-term contractor for Renraku. She worked as a detective under their wing for years until she finally snapped. Despite no longer desiring any contact with the corporation, they still hold her biometrics and might look to her as a potential employee.
Aspect 3 Mentor Misguided Her mentor is Põ, the starless sky. It is a cold, uncaring void that would consume her and everything else. That void crawled into her life at her lowest point and has not let her go. She would like to understand her mentor and magic as a whole, before she loses herself entirely.
Aspect 4 I want to kill my boss Quentin Bowers, her old boss, was just absolutely awful to her. If she has a chance to get back at the man, she'll take it.
Aspect 5 On the case Her current case is discovering her missing partner, one Rosemary Willow. Her only lead is the message the decker sent her, saying she was headed to Seattle. She'd do anything to find that decker.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments