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==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
A rather analogue mission for me, but adaptability is key I suppose. Hope these lowlives keep to themselves for a while now that sensitive data of theirs is getting leaked by a mysterious whistleblower.
Also, nice going Zombie Girl. Talk about taking a "bite" out of crime.

Revision as of 05:31, 3 September 2024

Triad By Fire
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Yellow Lotus Triad
Casualties and losses
1 Lieutenant, 8 Mooks


Runners are called to bail out a charity shelter leader who's in over his head when the Yellow Lotus comes knocking.


After a Triad trafficking operation is disrupted during the events of Hopquest, a clinic in Redmond needs help dealing with the group sent to collect their wayward mage, Hana Hot Hands. Distasteful as the woman may be, she's not going to cost the other trafficking victims their freedom.

The Meet

Runners receive a 2 AM call, ordering them to rush to Ethan's Equitable Ethanol, a bar in Redmond. There, an overweight dwarf in a cheap suit pleads their aid in dealing with the Yellow Lotus gangsters outside of his clinic - drive them off, any way they can think of.

The Plan

After a couple plans are bandied back and forth, including impersonating Red Samurai or "asking them nicely to leave," Bloodletter proposes that she act like a member of the 162's demanding they get off of their turf. A call to Patches later and she's able to confirm that this is an acceptable course of action for the ghoul gang - so the team heads down the street.

The Run

Bloodletter drags her axe along the street behind her as she approaches, loudly accosting the Lotus lieutenant. "Fuck off our turf or you're food!"

It's a blunt provocation, and bullets start flying almost immediately. The ghoul would likely have hit the dirt if not for Ragamuffin sending an air spirit to bodyguard her - it eats several shots meant for the ghoul, keeping her from being overwhelmed. From the shadows, Gray strikes - trading blows with the nodachi-wielding lieutenant. One, two, three clashes of blades - the man fending off strikes as bullets fly around the entire melee. Bloodletter and Gray are both tagged by automatic AK fire multiple times, chrome and flesh being battered. The air spirit is dispersed with a cleaving strike from the leader. Ragamuffin catches a stray pistol round before ducking further behind the car and calling on his bound water spirit.

Then the tide turns, Gray cutting down the leader - who with his dying breath gurgles an order to the few remaining mooks to flee.


Bloodletter takes legs from three of the goons for herself, then takes a bite out of the lieutenant in the street - in front of the people within the clinic. It's made abundantly clear who's behind the battle with that act, keeping the heat off the clinic - and laying it on Bloodletter instead.

The (former) Triad mage known as Hana Hot Hands remains out of the hands of the Yellow Lotus Triad. 12 victims of their trafficking operation are kept safe.

The 162's are seen kicking the Yellow Lotus out of an area that is (sort of) their turf. Bloodletter endears herself to them by giving them some free food and taking care of a problem for them.

Several members of the Yellow Lotus triad are dead. Three of the unconscious orks are brought in and treated along with the other victims. Two are infected with HMHVV Strain III because a ghoul was doing violence in close proximity to them.


False IDs up to 19F, Armor and Armor Mods up to 19R - 24,000 at Gear Rates. Change can be converted to nuyen at a 2 to 1 rate. (6 RVP)

2000 Nuyen - Negotiation Bonus

7 Karma (7 RVP)

6 CDP (2 RVP + Base)

For Bloodletter:

+3 Reputation with the 162's

-20 Reputation with the Yellow Lotus Triad (publicly took a bite out of one of their lieutenants)

Optional: Increase Patches Loyalty from 1 to 3 (2 RVP)

Optional: Zigzag (Service Contact), Connection 1 / Loyalty 2 (2 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


A rather analogue mission for me, but adaptability is key I suppose. Hope these lowlives keep to themselves for a while now that sensitive data of theirs is getting leaked by a mysterious whistleblower. Also, nice going Zombie Girl. Talk about taking a "bite" out of crime.