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Revision as of 22:04, 8 October 2024

|YourWikiUsername = |title = Muelsyse |image= Muelsyse.png |header1= All Rounder Mage |header2= FUCK YEAH! |header3= HALL-O-WEEN! |header4= |label5 = Discord |data5 = @Fangblade_ |label6 = Reddit |data6 = Fangblade_ |label7= Metatype |data7 = (Human) |label8 = Street Cred |data8= 0 |label9 = Notoriety |data9 = -1 |label10 = Public Awareness |data10= 0 |label11 = Titles and Awards |data11 = |label12 = CDP |data12 = 2 |label13 = D.O.B. |data13 = 09/11/2061 |label14 = Age |data14 = 24

|label15 = Folder |data15 =Fangblade's Drive |label16 = Priority |data16 = Metatype - B
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - C
Skills - C
Resources - E |label17 = #Max IGs/Ascension |data17 =


|label18 = # Optional Infected powers allowed |data18 = 0

|label19 = Essence(Current/Max): |data19 = 6/12

|label20 = # Optional Drake powers available |data20 = Major Powers:0 or Minor Powers:0


Character Information


A Tir Noble alchemist mage who said "Fuck it" and shulked the ties of politics and family.


  1. Party, simple as


Jill Stilray (Don't call her Julianne!), born into the esteemed Stilray family, chased after the allure of luxury and recognition. The Stilray expectations loomed large, but just shy of her 18th birthday, Jill fell short of the family's standards. Unfazed by societal norms and armed with an irrepressible spirit, Jill left the gilded cage of privilege behind, setting her sights on the dazzling sprawl of Seattle. Her family, seeing her defiance of the ways of House Stilray, branded her as a 'Blaidd' and exiled her from the families ranks, never to return.

Once landing in Seattle, Jill encountered the Halloweeners, a gang notorious for chaos and unpredictability. A twist of fate saw her robbed by these flamboyant renegades, triggering an unexpected epiphany. Frustration gave way to a break in personality, and with a spontaneous burst of energy, Jill declared, "MAN, SCREW THIS! LET'S JUST PARTY LMAO!" Embracing the vibrant spirit of the Halloweeners, she adopted a new shadow name; Muelsyse.

Jill's initiation into the Halloweeners was a baptism by fire, quite literally. As part of her rite of passage, she willingly set ablaze a corporate building, a symbol of defiance against the oppressive structures that once confined her. The flames licked at her skin, leaving behind burn marks that now tell the tale of her bold transition into the chaotic world of the Halloweeners.

Despite the visible scars, Jill wears them as badges of honor, proudly displaying the physical remnants of her initiation. The burn marks, like fierce tattoos, stand testament to her courage, resilience, and the unyielding spirit that fuels her newfound life. She may be shy about them in certain situations, but when the shadows call for boldness, she bares her marks with pride—a visual reminder of the inferno that forged her into Jill, the fiery enigma of the Halloweeners.

Now, as Muelsyse, Jill unleashed her rebellious energy with flair. Eccentric costumes, and an unyielding commitment to the party make her a standout in Seattle's underworld. Jill Stilray, the Greater-Stilray-turned-Halloweener, thrives in the chaos of the Halloweeners, where every night is a wild adventure and every day is an unapologetic celebration.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Lucky
  • Magician
  • Mentor and mask - Fire Bringer
  • School of Hard Knocks


  • Distinctive Style
  • Force Chaos
  • One Born Every Minute
  • Poor Self Control (compulsive II personal)(Laughs innapropriately)
  • SINner National (Julianne Stilray)(Tir Na nOg)

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Day Drinking, My Favorite HobbyDawnfireKAPTAIN KILLDOZER's RevengeLow16 March 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
The Weekender 6 1 Fixer Horizon Johnson Ex-Dawkins, 6 foot 20, killing for fun, Pyrotechnician, Black Mage, CFO is my side gig, Mind Magic, Hotline Horizon Even
Otsdarva 4 3 Custom(A,G,K,N) Barrier Mage Chaos Magic, Manipulation Magic, Fixated Master Alchemist, Advanced Alchemy, Magic Lodges Even
Loputyn 1 1 Custom(A,G,K,N) Parabotanist Fixated and faulty, Un/Seelie Courts, Astral Navigator, Master Alchaparabotamist Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
Halloweeners Alchemist 2 2 Gang Bruised Seattle




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments