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[[Lanky]] What the drek.  I... want to hate everything about this job, but that sled thing was kind of awesome.  That was FAST.  I had no idea....
[[Lanky]] What the drek.  I... want to hate everything about this job, but that sled thing was kind of awesome.  That was FAST.  I had no idea....
Krime pays alright too, for lunatics who's guns I do not trust.
Krime pays alright too, for lunatics who's guns I do not trust.
[[Synchromystic]] - "Krime wins, I win, even if I won't touch their guns with a hundred foot pole."

Latest revision as of 19:11, 10 January 2025

Silent Heist
LocationSeattle, Redmond Barrens
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Saint Nick
Corporate Guard
Casualties and losses


Santa Claus is back, and his sleigh is impounded. He's hired some helpful souls to collect.


Saint Nick has returned from his brain surgery, back and with more Christmas cheer! He's got a lot of work to do, and little time to do it. Miraculously, Santa's Little Helpers are easily assembled and the workshop moved to a new, secure location. There's only one, small problem--His sleigh has been impounded at an Ares impound, and he's not sure if Ares is still out to get him. So he's in need of some kind souls to bring joy to the world, and return his sleigh to him! Ideally without any fuss.

The Meet

The team gets collective calls from their Fixers; Radiohead patches in z, Abracadabra threw the job at the first person she glanced at in her contacts--Synch, Argent calls an elf he knows has some experience with raiding Ares facilities, and Father Midnight sends a dead bird to their favorite villain. z and Synchromystic take public transit, whilst Rogozhin and Lanky take personal transportation. Together, they arrive at the meet where they speak with Saint Nick himself, who offers them Novacoke-dusted christmas cookies. Synchro, a great fan of drugs, partakes heavily, while Lanky takes a cookie or two. Santa promised more cookies where that came from, a setup with some Krime-branded equipment, or a sizable sum of creds. That said, Santa pointed them toward an impound lot in Hollywood, Redmond. The crew rightfully questioned why Santa was willing to spend so much cash to have a runner team extract the vehicle, when he could come for it himself, to which he admits to concerns with extraction teams still after him. Thusly informed, the team goes boldly forth.

The Plan

After z scoped out the location via Matrix Search and Lanky put physical eyes on the building from across the street, the team put their heads together. Collectively they decided that, with all the security over the impound--It'd be better to just convince the guards they're supposed to be there. z is going to spoof the records to make the acquisition look legit, Synchromystic is going to pose as a mid-life-crisis suffering buyer, Lanky is going to pose as his bored bodyguard. Rogo, meanwhile, is happy to sit back and pull the sleigh to freedom with his giant crocodiles.

The Run

Does z get caught in the Matrix? Do the guards catch on to the ruse at the last minute? Perhaps there's a clever tail waiting to see where the sleigh goes? Amazingly, no!

z slips in and out undetected, in perhaps the first known instance of a Technomancer not getting caught in a Matrix. GOD doesn't notice, and the IC completely whiffs their attempt to spot anything. Both the accounting file and the client-side balance display is edited with ease.

Synchromystic is not only able to schmooze with the Guard fully, but despite Lanky's somewhat-elfist joke landing poorly among the guards, they seem all too happy to be rid of the sleigh! They pull the tracker right off, leave the keys in the ignition, and open the gates happily. No problems at all.

Lanky flies the sleigh down to the GMC Bulldog without any issue, an amazing feat considering it's a complete death trap, and they mount up the crocodiles. Synchromystic casts levitate on the entire thing, and they fly back to the Workshop.

Rogo sits there, eerily.


After Rogo gives a Goblin vietnam flashbacks with his flying crocodiles, the team goes to give Santa the good news. Santa offers more drug cookies, tells them they're on the nice list, and all is well. Queue the happy ending!


12 RVP

10K Nuyen or 20K Equipment of Avail 18 generic Krime-branded, Krime-specific equipment, or drugs/BTLs (5 RVP) 5 Karma (5 RVP) Saint Nick: Connection 2 / Loyalty 1 or 4 CDP (2RVP) 2 CDP(Run guarantee)

Alt reward for Lanky: Daredevil

+1 Reputation for Krime

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Lanky What the drek. I... want to hate everything about this job, but that sled thing was kind of awesome. That was FAST. I had no idea.... Krime pays alright too, for lunatics who's guns I do not trust.

Synchromystic - "Krime wins, I win, even if I won't touch their guns with a hundred foot pole."