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==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
[[Chameleon]] - "I'm surprised the other runners would even talk to me after turning a difficult assassination into an ever worse extraction. Hopefully the additional money makes up for being a major pain in the arse. Amazonia is a hot humid drekhole but working with a top notch team makes up for a lot of things. I wish I'd come up with a different personae for the docks though. After a full shift as a day laborer I had aches and pains in places I didn't know existed."

Latest revision as of 15:50, 24 January 2025

Blood Money
Status Threat Level: Extreme
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp


A group of runners head into the vast city of Metropole to silence and take care of a problematic agent to Aztechnology. After all, a pay day is a pay day, it just varies on what you need to be paid to get the job done.


What was supposed to be a simple job for Guillermo Rodriguez was complicated due to runner actions in Amazonia. A simple assassination on a member of the DISA (Department of Intelligence and Security of Amazonia) whose actions threatened the goal of his employer. But given said events in Amazonia the agent got rightfully panicked and went into hiding somewhere in the vast metropolis of Metropole. Now on a race against time, more unorthodox methods had to be called upon.

The Meet

Meeting at an upper class Mexican Restaurant in Downtown Seattle, the group of runners met their Johnson. An... eccentric Aztech suit named Emiliano Oliveira. Who wished for an agent working for the DISA named Adriana Santos whose goals went against his own. While some runners were bought by the promises of nuyen, others such as Stryker were bought with the prospect of their father having a very high likelihood of... not having much longer if Stryker did not lend his aid. After everyone agreed to this Chameleon brought up their code of ethics, how if the target was explicitly to be killed he could not participate. All Emiliano cared about was assurance she would not continue things down a particular path. But after a comment from Sephiroth, the idea of kidnapping the agent was brought up. A monumental feat even for a team of veteran runners. Emiliano stated the run could not be traced back to him but if somehow they managed to kidnap the agent without raising any alarms it was them, he would give an additional 10,000 nuyen. Agreeing to this willingly and begrudgingly the runners set off towards Metropole to see what lie in wait.

Along the way they docked at a port in Aztlan near the canal. Stryker calling up their father to learn what transpired, thankful to learn Emiliano was a man of his word and for now his father was safe. Who knew how much longer that would last. Also whilst docked the runners did some matrix research and as it turned Emiliano, the agent they were sent after was a major advocate for peace between Aztlan and Amazonia despite the troubled history. Many things began to click as the runners decided to press forward for one reason or another.

Eventually they arrived in the bustling city of Metropole, who's streets were so densely packed Seattle seemed to be a breath of fresh air. Buildings piled as high as the city was long. With countless vendors and people walking its streets. Eventually the runners found a house a ways up a large hill piled with them. This was rather annoying for Oathbane as the way to get up was through stairs. But eventually she and the other runners managed to find their new abode for their brief stay in the bustling metropolis. Looking through the matrix for any clues the runners could find nothing as every other avenue that could lead to Adriana Santos was thoroughly scrubbed clean. Though they learned of a fixer whose name when translated to English meant "the queen of shadows." A very powerful fixer who was responsible for a sizeable portion all runs done within the vast metropolis, regardless of which section it was in. This fixer would be their best guess. Poking around on the local Shadowrunner subgroups the runners managed to break a deal with a local runner who could get them in touch with the queen. All they need do was rescue a fellow runner of theirs who was in some deep shit. Their alias being one "Black Armadeira" in hiding from someone or some group unclear. Seeing little other options the runners decided to break this other runner out of their situation and hopefully secure a meeting with the Queen of Shadows.

The Plan

The runners headed to the southern end of Rio de Janeiro. Where nearly all of the SINless and abandoned of Metropole lived. Which made the prospect of finding the runner all the more challenging. A disease infested slum that somehow made Redmond look palpable by comparison. Most likely due to the sheer density of it as opposed to living conditions but... a slum is a slum is a slum. Though through searches and careful observation the runners were able to find the abandoned building that most likely housed the runner. Though they soon would not be alone. Using their powers Sephiroth made their way towards the room as Neijing and Stryker made their way inside the building. Chameleon and Oathbane keeping watch on the ground. (Granted Oathbane was a distance away but the expression remains unchanged.) However things took a turn when 3 individuals approached the building in question. 2 of them going inside while 1 waited outside. Sephiroth not taking much if any chances decided to descend upon one of the unexpecting operatives, killing them with 2 strikes of his blade. This individual turned out to be a potent mage with a force 6 power focus which Sephiroth took without question. Flying back up to head inside through the roof and traverse the corridors. Successfully managing to stay hidden from the two patrolling guards he was able to notice the decommissioned elevator doors significantly less dusty than the rest of the building. Ready to ambush them, the runners struck fast and quick. Choosing not to spare either before descending the elevator shaft.

Whilst travelling through they noticed a very heavily secured bunker with several traps they managed to disarm till they found a door at the end of the hallway. Inside said door was a runner with highly advanced matrix tech holding 6 strings to his finger, each of them attached to an automatic shotgun pointed at the door. Every gun manual with no matrix access and loaded with APDS Slug Rounds. The masked and helmeted man simply asked in Portuguese "who the fuck are you? What the fuck are you doing here?" Thankfully the runners confirmed the identity of the man as "Black Armadeira" and stated they were here to get him out. He quickly agreed to this but not before notifying the runners 2 more figures entered the building far more heavily armored than the other 3 they dispatched just a moment ago. Thinking quickly Sephiroth was able to gather grenades from the runners and Armadeira, successfully planting a trap at the base of the elevator. Neither of the armored figures noticed nor survived the blast. Fearing there still may be followers the runners tried their best to blend in with the crowd located not too far away, hoping to find something to make a quicker escape. Luck was on their side as the runners found an abandoned vehicle not gridlinked for Neijing to drive before they all drove away with Armadeira and the promise of information.

The runners after parting ways were able to very quickly get in touch with the Queen of Shadows thanks to Armadeira's connections and often doing business for the queen herself. The runners and the Queen met at a café back towards their original abode. She greeted them and addressed them as Haven runners, hearing of the organizations affiliations with infected and other such individuals they allow in their ranks. Oathbane taking the lead in the negotiations simply stated some rumors are true while others are not. The negotiations continued till an impasse was reached, while she was thankful for their work, all they managed to do was get an audience with her. Not her help or the information they sought. Which thankfully was won extremely quickly when Sephiroth handed over the rating 6 focus towards her. Which was... more than enough for her to help after ensuring a mage she knew could ensure the signatures on it be scrubbed to avoid tracing. In the meanwhile though the runners were given a 5,000 nuyen tip and some juicy information. While there were no direct signs of their sought after diplomat there was an anonymous user allowed into the upper floor of the Saeder-Krupp archology in Sao Paolo, where most AA or AAA corps make their headquarters or even an entire archology. Said anonymous figure also apparently had a shipment set to be delivered the next day anonymously through several layers of proxies. Said shipment would likely be their best window to getting towards their target. Problem being the docks they were sent to was a docks reserved exclusively for the big 10 corporations and was HEAVILY guarded as a result. But with a rental heavily modified Nightrunner given as an extra treat for the focus, the runners headed off towards the docks hoping to secure their target.

The Run

Scouting out the docks Chameleon took the lead, disguising themselves as a native bird after doing some bird watching to find an appropriate disguise to shift into. Doing some fly overs they were able to discern some of the physical guards and spirits watching over the place. A large and powerful ward placed over the docks making it nigh-impossible to get inside without alerting the onsite security. Though he was not alone as after Oathbane managed to compile an exceptionally powerful Sprite, she too helped scout out their matrix defenses which also were not lacking in the slightest. Caution was indeed needed as several cameras, ICE, and a potent rating 8 host deterred any form of carelessness. But thankfully through Chameleon and Oathbane's combined efforts a plan was put in place. Wearing his best disguise and poker face, Chameleon entered the front door as a maintenance man sent for repairs. A tried and true classic but thanks to his natural charisma and talent the guard had little reason to suspect his lies and let the charismatic adept through. On site Chameleon snuck around and found the Saeder-Krupp area and the container that was stated to be holding the shipment. After finding the perfect moment to slip inside the cargo doors, he found the wooden crate and metallic briefcase inside, which after opened revealed a piece of Orichalcum roughly the size of a standard number two pencil. Choosing to stay focused and on the mission, a tracker was placed on the briefcase before heading back out stealthfully on the lent Nightrunner. The guards and security none the wiser.

After this little escapade through Oathbane's sprite and her hacking prowess, the runners were able to find the briefcase unfortunately sent towards the upper section of the archology. Intensely well fortified and reserved for those of importance to Saeder-Krupp. Knowing that as they were they had little chance at a direct assault the runners began to plan once again. Oathbane hacking into the camera feed of the room the briefcase was sent into was able to see the faces and voices of the Saeder-Krupp suits who got the briefcase, the Orichalcum, and something underneath it they seemed to be far more interested in. But this gave the runners an idea, hacking into the footage and editing it. They made a convincing trid of the suits planning to betray Amelia and taking the information anyways. Once the footage had been compiled and altered, Oathbane was able to find Amelia's personal hidden comm to send her the message and footage. Proceeding to offer her a way out of the situation. Safely getting her offshore and towards the Draco Foundation which would guarantee her safety from Aztechnology and Saeder-Krupp. Pondering this offer Amelia wanted to meet them in person to ensure this was not a trick. Oathbane agreed to this and the runners now just had to convince her to join them.

Sneaking into the archology was a standard affair with Sephiroth managing to keep his blade thanks to his licenses. However the second section of the archology, reserved for wealthier individuals would be more tricky as even brief blood tests were done to confirm SIN identity. A long process which Neijing could not succeed at, so she began to improvise. Finding a ventilation shaft across from her she could enter thanks to her bodies... unusual properties. A brief hack on one of the guards ensuring her way through the vents as none of the security within them was enough to stop her. Eventually the runners made their way through the second checkpoint and arrive at a restaurant close toward the entrance to the higher area where she originally resided. After sitting down and convincing the hostess to let Sephiroth keep his blade, the runners were sat where eventually Amelia and her bodyguard sat across from the pair. While under most situations Sephiroth would prefer his drake nature not to be discovered, in this instance it indeed helped their case of being from the Draco Foundation. Though Oathbane and Sephiroth did have reasons for concern as the other runners were able to identify 2 other likely DISA agents inside and another sniper hidden on a nearby rooftop. Though with Oathbane's diplomatic abilities and the reasonable "evidence" provided eventually Amelia agreed to head with them to escape what she assumed would be a grim fate.


In the aftermath of negotiations the runners were able to escape thanks to their expediency and an EDGE smackdown. A last parting gift from the Queen being a Blohm and Voss Classic 3 Yacht. To disguise their escape as it became a rental from a powerful local politician that owed the queen many favors. While aboard the boat the runners sprang a trap whilst the queen and her guards were asleep. She thankfully was taken out immediately but the fight raged on in both ways. Stryker able to finish off a guard while Neijing, Chameleon, and Sephiroth finished off the other 3. Proceeding to tie them all with magecuffs, rope, and whatever else they could find. Paralyzing the lot with magic as soon as they started to move. And to the shores of Seattle they returned.

Once returned Emiliano was very thankful for the runners inviting them for drinks. Amelia asking them simply why they were doing this with fear, sadness, and defeat in her eyes as Aztechnology HTR took her and her guards away. Emiliano however reminded the runners that their loved ones would not mind them spending some time with him. Stryker's father would be fine afterall and Neijing's partners could tag along if they wish. The runners disgusted and understanding the underlying message the runners left in disgust. Oathbane and her brother staying behind to have a sibling discussion about what they were doing and the future of it. Guillermo ending the conversation with the tale of Icarus and Daedalus. How everyone knew the story of Icarus and how he flew too close to the sun. But no one tells the tale of Daedalus, how he managed to land and one day in the future he died of a bite from a snake. A mundane and lonely way to die quietly. He then asked Oathbane who she wished to be. Icarus, or Daedalus. While her answer remained uncleared she heard a gentle "Daedalus" from under his lips as he walked away, Oathbane then doing the same. Everyone departing knowing that whether now or later, the fate of Atzlan and Amazonia was soon to change.


Extreme: 80 RVP (30 x 2.66 multiplier)

  • 30k nuyen (15 RVP)

+15k (negotiations + Job WELL done)

  • 20k in Gear rates for drugs, weapons, weapon accessories up to 24F avail (remainder taken in liquid nuyen) (10 RVP)
  • 32 Karma (32 RVP)
  • 44 CDP (22 RVP)

+1 Street Cred (1 RVP)

  • Submersion/Initiation/Ordeal for anyone involved.


  • Aptitude: Blades for Sephiroth (14 RVP)
  • Blandness for Chameleon (8 RVP)
  • Closer for Oathbane (8 RVP)
  • Innocuous for Chameleon (5 RVP)
  • Natural Leader for Oathbane (10 RVP)
  • Sharpshooter for Neijing (4 RVP)
  • Strive for Perfection for Sephiroth (12 RVP)
  • Oathbane can raise Guillermo's loyalty at half off.


  • The tensions grow between Aztlan and Amazonia as they gain possession of a DISA agent and learn what she knows. Talks of peace diminish.
  • Saeder-Krupp gains an incredibly powerful focus and VERY valuable information for free. Classic Lofwyr W.

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Chameleon - "I'm surprised the other runners would even talk to me after turning a difficult assassination into an ever worse extraction. Hopefully the additional money makes up for being a major pain in the arse. Amazonia is a hot humid drekhole but working with a top notch team makes up for a lot of things. I wish I'd come up with a different personae for the docks though. After a full shift as a day laborer I had aches and pains in places I didn't know existed."