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==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==


"I must say I did not expect Talon to contact us again... hopefully he will stay on our side, knowing what is good for him. But no matter that, the parts he will help me get are a great help..."
"I must say I did not expect Talon to contact us again... hopefully he will stay on our side, knowing what is good for him. But no matter that, the parts he will help me get are a great help..."

Latest revision as of 02:25, 28 January 2025

Talon Calling
LocationRedmond Barrens, Seattle Metroplex
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Red Hot Nukes


Ares Scumbag Talon needs some information rooted out in Seattle and calls on operatives he accidentally double crossed before to scope out some gang territory. Hilarity ensues.


About a month ago, Crimper, an Ork Hacker/off-Rigger/Drug Cook got hired for an Ares deep dive into some opposing corporate secrets in space, while the orc did deliver, he disappeared immediately after and never accepted payment from his Shadow Broker.

He only ever gave them basic burner commcodes and runner information and was a solo operator, so when he went off grid it set off some flags, and an Ares J with some operatives in the talent range and area was called in to handle it while handling some other office business at Fort Lincoln.

The Meet

Talon invited the team to meet at Green Village southern Downtown, a no nonsense family style Chinese restaurant with a relatively quiet lunch service. Apologized to Narukami for the last trouble, and offered them the work. Triage negotiated well, but not well enough, earning a small pre-payment that was already planned for his trouble.

The Plan

The crew set up in West Coast Monolith territory disgused as sinless bums a few minutes away by vehicle to start the investigation.

Garuda found a trashed rogue host formerly belonging to EVO running medical technology and devices in a few separate buildings on this block, as if a diversified lab setup had been hidden. Narrowly dodging a wealth of active ICE she did get some data on the surrounding events but nothing solid on the target.

Triage sent a relatively strong spirit to the site to do basic recon, it found a F7 earth spirit squatting mid block and a few watchers, as well as identifying a mage and two adepts guarding the building and confirming several people lived and hung out inside.

Narukami was sent in to do the physical infiltration and that's where it went wrong, almost immediately.

The Run

Two door guards caught Narukami sneaking in and everything went hot, fast.

Garuda immediate burned the Rigger's RCC and Narukami began fighting with the guards, and moving past them to confront the two adepts that rushed out of the trap-house drug room. The mage followed shortly after, and the earth elemental sprung to life and swiped at Narukami, missing once and engulfing her, doing significant damage the second time.

Triage jumped onto the bike to ride over fast, setting his spirit to defend Narukami as nonlethally as possible. It sent the summoned spirit on its way with an influence to the mage to dismissis it, the mage spent another action trying to summon again before Narukami idenfified and closed to him, swinding a few times and ultimately stabbing him hard in the stomach.

At this point the gangers, not particularly drug crazed or insane, decided to be a little more reasonable, and engage in a little "ok you stabbed me!" diplomacy, ultimately letting the team in to their targets former quarters and drug lab to investigate.

The team found a retrograde nanohive that had been physically torn out, hidden in a compartment in the drug mixing machines, complete with a pressure plate. Thinking of the better of touching what was probably a CFD infection waiting to happen Triage reccomended they leave the hive in place and report back to Ares.

Talon, after some negotiations to convince him this is the reality of the job, does release payment. Sending a tatical hit team to clean out the buildings, the hive, and the rogue host down below. Leading ot some hurt feelings with the Nukes, but ultimately a job well done.


A Red Hot Nukes controlled building is barnstormed in the middle of the night by an Ares hit team, denting the gangs combat effectiveness and leading to some hurt feelings with the team in the long run.


Deadly: 17 RVP

16,666 Nuyen (8 RVP + a bonus) 6 Karma (6 RVP) 6 CDP (2 RVP) 1 Street Cred (1 RVP)

Reputation: Ares Macrotechnology +1 Red Hot Nukes -10

Mundane Ascensions for Everybody! (Except triage, he'll have to settle for an Initiation Ordeal.)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


"I must say I did not expect Talon to contact us again... hopefully he will stay on our side, knowing what is good for him. But no matter that, the parts he will help me get are a great help..."