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|LowResult=Fourteen year old Sylas Vern was declared missing after disappearing from school for two weeks. Father only comments "Little bastard probably ran off" - News
|LowResult=Fourteen year old Sylas Vern was declared missing after disappearing from school for two weeks. Father only comments "Little bastard probably ran off" - News
|MidResult=Victims involved in metahuman trafficking scandal claim quote, "This crazy fucking guy just... I don't know, he was one of us and he... he did something and... they just set us free and he-". The rest of the quote goes on to describe the gruesome manner in which the suspect, Sylas Vern, brutalized the traffickers. - News
|MidResult=Victims involved in metahuman trafficking scandal claim quote, "This crazy fucking guy just... I don't know, he was one of us and he... he did something and... they just set us free and he-". The rest of the quote goes on to describe the gruesome manner in which the suspect, Sylas Vern, brutalized the traffickers. - News
|HighResult="He's that fucking kid! I knew it, the one whose shitty father gave em up, Sylas. We used to use em to dope up and keep our clients dumb and happy. I don't know what the fuck went wrong, but he's out of control. Don't look at him, don't listen to him, don't trust your own fucking thoughts. Just. Run." - Obscure trafficker correspondence  
|HighResult="He's that fucking kid! I knew it, the one whose shitty father gave em up, Sylas is that bastards name. We used to use em to dope up and keep our clients dumb and happy. I don't know what the fuck went wrong, but he's out of control. Don't look at him, don't listen to him, don't trust your own fucking thoughts. Just. Run." - Obscure trafficker correspondence  
==Shadow Community Table==
==Shadow Community Table==

Revision as of 18:35, 28 January 2025

Sylas Vern
Mind-Warp Warlock
"Control? Ha! Control is the biggest magic trick our little monkey brains managed to come up with. None of us are in control, really. Whether its fear, hunger, desire, hate, blah, blah, blah; we all have strings, yes, even me. But the difference between you and me is a funny little thing; I can pull those strings. Don't believe me? Sure, Okay, but tell me, what was your name again? Hm, having trouble are we? How strange... Ah well, what do I know, I'm only a tweaker after all."
Wiki UserJuice
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - A
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


Sylas is a menace through and through with dominion of the minds of any unfortunate enough to cross his path. Though his power may not be flashy, that is just where its strength lies. His insidious powers can warp and distort the minds of his victims, turning them into his unwitting puppets. He can deliver pain and pleasure in equal measure to beings of flesh and blood, flooding their minds with a dizzying haze of suffering and euphoria. Sylas enjoys this power and he most enjoys inflicting suffering on his helpless victims. Many would call him cruel, and many would be correct, but this sadistic nature arises from a life of pain and helplessness of his own. His past as a victim of trafficking has formed a broken and manic man with too much power at his fingertips, guided down his ravenous path by his mentor diabolic mentor spirit. However, there is a light inside of Sylas, wrapped in thick webs of trauma and hate. As a Runner, Sylas is not an insignificant name, namely because of his diabolical methods and his constant drug-induced mania. While the average Runner is A-moral on a good day, Sylas has a knack for pushing things a little too far for most Runners. Though whenever Sylas does manage to reel in his dark urges, he proves to be an invaluable asset to any run that deals with people, between his silver tongue and his mastery of the mind.


  • Exterminate metahuman traffickers in the most gruesome fashion
  • Fund his rampant drug addiction and hedonistic lifestyle
  • Lead a cult of prostitutes, addicts, and victims of abuse as their sole savior
  • Pillage magical knowledge to bolster his destructive infernal powers
  • Bring agony to the "masters" and pleasure to the "slaves"


Sylas was unusual, that much was obvious even when he was a kid. Lanky, thin, awkward, and timid as a mouse, all things his alcoholic father hated, nothing Sylas could ever do would change that, all because he killed his mother, or at least that's the story that was drilled into his head ever since he could comprehend that she died at childbirth "leavin' me with a worthless pansy" he's always say. Sylas' safe haven from the constant verbal and physical abuse was school and the all too brief respite it gave him from the horrors of home. There, he managed to ingratiate himself with a small group of misfits like him, and he was able to find a modicum of happiness for the first time in a long time. Alas, good things never less, and this couldn't be more true for poor Sylas, for everything fell apart when the day his magic manifested. In a moment of panic during a particularly bad beating, Sylas knocked his father on his ass in a burst of magical emergence. Since that moment, his father came to realize three things; He could no longer control the son he never wanted, his son was a freak, and most importantly, his son was worth something... In the coming anxiety-filled days, Sylas would work himself into knots, terrified of both his father and now himself. The beatings had stopped, though; maybe this could be a good thing? This illusion came crashing down when he was attacked on his way back home from school. The poor boy was helpless and, after a brief altercation, found himself in the back of a van. In the years that followed, Sylas would come to learn that his father had done the unthinkable and sold him to metahuman traffickers, ones that paid a high price for awakened metahumans in particular. He wouldn't learn this because he was told, but rather, because he heard the whispers that swirled in the minds of his captors. Sylas' adolescent and adult years would be marked by the exploitation of every variety, namely, the exploitation of his magic for pleasure. What his captors could not predict, however, was that years of festering hatred and trauma would warp Sylas' magic, twisting its capabilities to inflict as much pain as pleasure. Sylas could hear all of their perverse and twisted thoughts, but he would come to hear something too. Something that would whisper to him in the dead of night...

His years of suffering would all come to an end when he and several other victims were being transported to an underground club. When the guards opened the doors to move the "product" there was a sudden shift in the air. Without a word, the handlers unlocked their cages, unlocked their binds, and turned over their weapons to the victims before laying down flat. In the middle of the confusion, Sylas stepped calmly through the crowd, arriving at the two prone criminals. He stood silent for a moment before he launched into a violent rampage on the helpless crooks, thoroughly ensuring both their heads resembled smashed watermelons before finally ceasing his blows. Panting and exhausted, Sylas slid his bloody hands down his face and body, savoring the feeling, the single moment of catharsis and control that he was promised, that would become his addiction. Stunned and terrified, the other victims fled the scene eager to escape, but Sylas walked calmly once more into the city, laughing to himself with a manic grin as he was finally, finally free.

Since that day, Sylas has come into his own. Emboldened by the power of his now fully fledged sorcery, his life of suffering has left a void that he fills with hedonistic pleasures, "Making up for lost time" he calls it, all under the tutelage of the dark seducer spirit that mentors the young sorcerer, leading him down the depraved path of Black Magic, using the empty black hole in the boy's soul to manipulate him down the path of hedonistic power. With the tuition of this dark spirit, Sylas would refine his abilities and come to wield considerable control over the minds of others. Using his powers, he enthralls, controls, charms, and puppets anyone with a feeble enough will to fall to his subjugations for his own pleasure and enjoyment. Sometimes his control over others isn't even direct, but rather he nurtures people to become addicted to the pleasure and sensations his magic can provide. This talent naturally caught the attention of the Shadow Community, which the voracious young maleficar took to with eager glee, ever in need of funding for his monstrous appetites of both the mind and body.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Mentor Spirit (Seducer)


  • Bad Rep (Sadist)
  • Addict (Street Drugs, Moderate)
  • Poor Self-Control (Sadist)

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Clyde 2 3 Service Taxi Driver Sports Fan, Druggie, Taxi Driver Even
Ezekyle Burton 2 3 Custom(G,K,A,N) Ghoul Dropout, Practicing Surgeon, Bioware Doc, Ghetto Grade, Therapist Even
Cornelius Morton 5 2 Generalist Cartel Head No Chains, Only Contracts, NoLa Life, Drug Cartel, I've Got Friends on the Otherside, Big Family, Drugs aren't my only games, Hungry Ghouls, Infected Community, Undertaking as a Passion, Glancing into the otherside Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Fourteen year old Sylas Vern was declared missing after disappearing from school for two weeks. Father only comments "Little bastard probably ran off" - News
3 Victims involved in metahuman trafficking scandal claim quote, "This crazy fucking guy just... I don't know, he was one of us and he... he did something and... they just set us free and he-". The rest of the quote goes on to describe the gruesome manner in which the suspect, Sylas Vern, brutalized the traffickers. - News
6 "He's that fucking kid! I knew it, the one whose shitty father gave em up, Sylas is that bastards name. We used to use em to dope up and keep our clients dumb and happy. I don't know what the fuck went wrong, but he's out of control. Don't look at him, don't listen to him, don't trust your own fucking thoughts. Just. Run." - Obscure trafficker correspondence

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Awakened
2 Magician, no cyber implants
3 Force/Essence 6, Addict, Mental Disorders
4 Force/Essence 6
5 Not a technomancer, Addicted to street drugs, Bipolar, Megalomania, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Fake SIN R3 (Mathew Parks)


Sylas is a short, gaunt man with pallid skin and sharp features. His body is marked by a myriad of scars that span the entirety of his body. His long black hair follows its own whims atop his head. His brown eyes are surrounded by dark bags and a manic grin can often be found splitting his face. Anyone can tell he has experienced a lifetime of pain just by looking at him, and anyone with an ounce of street knowledge can see the further toll drug usage has left on his body.


Sylas hardly bothers with clothing, most often wearing the bare minimum to go out, preferring leather straps and see-through shirts to actual clothing. Despite his sickly appearance and gruesome scars, he remains confident in his own body enough to go bare-chested. During runs or particularly risky outings, he slips on an armored shirt or jacket to keep from earning any more scars that he already has. He has been sure to modify these rare coverings with his own signature demon-worshipping grunge.

Matrix Persona

His matrix persona often takes the form of some kind of demonic serpent.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1 Sylas considers Cornelius Morton something of a mentor and takes the time to astrally communicate with him from time to time.
Aspect 2 Sylas attends regular therapy sessions with Ezekyle Burton to discuss his dark past. He is one of the few people he is vulnerable with.
Aspect 3 Sylas has a vested interest in interfering with any metahuman trafficking circles and will take any jobs that involve disrupting their operations with few questions asked.
Aspect 4 Sylas is constantly on the lookout for magical knowledge or artifacts that may be considered forbidden.
Aspect 5 Sylas is at the beck and call of his capricious mentor spirit, a demonic entity who manipulates Sylas to fulfill its own agenda as well as Sylas'.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments