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=Torq's GM Style Sheet: '''Welcome to the Neon Gutter!'''=
=Torq's GM Style Sheet: '''Welcome to the Neon Gutter!'''=

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed nisi ante. Phasellus cursus quam ligula, et auctor dui auctor sed. Aliquam molestie purus libero, quis ullamcorper magna efficitur vel. Curabitur mollis pulvinar est, ac rutrum neque mattis sollicitudin. Sed sed imperdiet elit, nec auctor tellus. Vestibulum magna mauris, euismod vel dui nec, laoreet scelerisque dui. Vestibulum convallis vel orci non mattis. Maecenas sodales rutrum urna. In ac nisi interdum, iaculis erat sed, rutrum eros. Suspendisse non lectus id risus mattis volutpat. Nunc dolor nisl, luctus nec diam eget, euismod faucibus mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat.
We're all here to have a good time and play some Shadowrun! I will almost always prioritize the enjoyment of the session over small rule or lore details. While we can turn these into learning experiences it's often better to continue on in a session rather than get caught up in something insignificant.  

<center>'''Guideline 1'''</center>
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Aenean ut ipsum aliquet, tincidunt nunc eu, accumsan sem. Integer egestas mauris sit amet tellus feugiat vehicula. Sed erat tortor, sodales sit amet finibus eget, euismod convallis felis. Integer viverra interdum volutpat. Quisque eget faucibus risus, in laoreet leo. Integer ac neque neque. Curabitur et odio lectus. Nunc eget ligula eu risus congue mollis sit amet vel libero. Vivamus pellentesque sapien eget metus facilisis, in gravida libero aliquam. Vivamus feugiat metus a porta porta. Nullam sit amet quam in nisi bibendum dapibus. Nullam velit lectus, sollicitudin nec imperdiet a, convallis sed odio.
<center>'''Player Agency and ''You!'''''</center>

<center>'''Guideline 2'''</center>
The ShadowHaven values the comfort and respect of all of its players and that goes just the same for games at my table. Every game will use the [https://www.shadowhaven.info/Charter#1:_The_Right_Not_to_be_Forced_to_Continue_and_Abandon_or_Cease_Uncomfortable_Scenes_.28Global_X-Card.29 ShadowHaven X-Card System]. In addition, my table will have what I call a "Yellow" X-Card. A yellow x-card indicates that a player is uncomfortable with the scene and it should not continue at the current intensity it is being played at. With these tools I hope that all of us can have a wonderful game play experience!

Nullam bibendum, lorem vitae laoreet tempor, dolor elit faucibus massa, eget sagittis purus lorem ut massa. Ut accumsan vitae libero sit amet scelerisque. Cras molestie lectus et mauris ornare congue. Quisque sapien nunc, lobortis sed ligula sit amet, porta tincidunt nibh. Sed aliquam risus et vestibulum dapibus. Aliquam feugiat odio urna. Vestibulum viverra sagittis felis, vel fermentum ante posuere vitae. Maecenas ut mattis quam, a vehicula leo.
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<center>'''Guideline 3'''</center>
<center>'''Respect Your Fellow Chummers!'''</center>

Cras et lacus tristique dolor luctus tincidunt. Phasellus ut efficitur nisi. Nullam non urna nec urna malesuada pharetra. Nam cursus dui nec tortor lobortis sagittis. Nullam luctus, nunc sed dapibus egestas, magna leo tincidunt augue, non dapibus risus urna non arcu. Donec vitae velit ut leo congue pulvinar. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus ac bibendum turpis. Nulla dolor odio, interdum non egestas ac, blandit non augue. Curabitur interdum turpis porta commodo dapibus. Mauris vestibulum accumsan convallis. Donec in molestie augue. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Shadowrun is ultimately a team sport and so should everyone on the run feel like a team (yes, even me the GM). Everybody makes mistakes and nobody knows all the rules of the game so let's all be in it together and come out as friendos.

<center>'''Guideline 4'''</center>
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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam vel dui finibus, aliquam enim quis, accumsan velit. Vivamus vulputate molestie lorem non viverra. Aliquam vel quam consectetur, malesuada justo et, porttitor enim. Pellentesque tempus, tortor ut porttitor accumsan, nisi velit maximus neque, eu luctus lacus ex at lacus. Sed ut tortor maximus, porttitor lorem venenatis, vulputate arcu. Sed semper bibendum pretium. Maecenas lobortis, sem ac eleifend tincidunt, tellus nulla consectetur ex, ac luctus ligula metus eu sem. Vivamus augue odio, molestie malesuada mauris id, molestie egestas arcu. Nam posuere aliquam luctus. Fusce lacus sem, lobortis eget elementum quis, volutpat in massa.
<center>'''Rule of Cool'''</center>
While I generally try and keep my runs bound in reality, sometimes something a player will suggest is just too cool to be disregarded. If you have an idea that sounds silly, bring it up to me. I may reject it but you'd be surprised how often I will be willing to suspend my disbelief for a moment so you can do something wicked awesome!
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<center>'''Most of the Time, Things Will Be Just Fine'''</center>
While I do create runs with twists, don't come expecting trap runs! I will pick characters I feel can complete the run just fine. Behave like the shadowrunning professionals you are (no stompin' out of meets!), have a solid plan ahead of time, and more often than not you'll walk out with nuyen and karma. Consequences exist in Shadowrun, make no mistake, but I will try to present you with routes that mitigate the aforementioned.

Revision as of 04:09, 25 April 2020